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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 29.05. 2007, 13:14 Prispevkov: 170 Kraj: Kranj |
zdej pa dela normalno
samo še denar naj pride 
_________________ http://svarun.blogspot.com - izdelava in optimizacija spletnih strani |
09 Okt 2007 09:52 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Bomo videli kaj bo nastalo iz tega....zgleda, dea je prejšnje vse izgubljeno:
Hello All members
As everyone knows all too well, the pays have not gone out to everyone, and there is a reason for that, when I got the virus in my computer I was unable to send out the payroll because my data was lost, and by the time I recovered the data and started sending out the pays, our cashflow stopped as members stopped buying upgrades until they got paid, I have sent out pays since until our pay processors are nearly depleted, but there is still no money coming in, and we are getting into a financial crisis.
We have had several top level meetings with our senior staff members and we have decided that we need to revamp our program in order for it to have longivity, we are working out the details, and will make the announcement as soon as everything is in place, in the meantime effective immediately we are not accepting any more upgrade purchases, when we get everything in place, TNICC will be a program that will have no rival, everyone will be paid automatically and the payroll will be a thing of the past, so please just hang in there until all the details are worked out and you will enjoy a better program that will last until the end of time
Joe Admin
_________________ Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani
Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami
Poceni in zanimivo
Zastonj stvari |
12 Okt 2007 07:55 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.10. 2007, 08:24 Prispevkov: 36
Lahko kdo razloži, kako deluje ta matrix sistem?
14 Okt 2007 15:04 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
14 Okt 2007 17:16 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Novice.......se bo še dalo zaslužit, samo dvomim, da toliko:
Dear TNICC Members,
First I want to welcome all our new members and next I want to give you the
information that came from today’s very productive meeting. We are confident
that the results of our efforts to revamp TNICC are going well. We have taken
into consideration the program in it’s entirely along with the many suggestions
and comments coming directly from the membership. We are definitely not finished
and will continue to meet and work harder than ever to put this program into a
stronger phase. I am extremely happy with the direction we are taking and I feel
TNICC is going to even grow larger as we successfully move forward.
I am going to break this up into 3 sections; (1). The PTC Area. (2). The Matrix
and (3). The main body of the program.
(1). The PTC Area. – We are going to be opening up the PTC in the next couple of
days. A few things have to happen first to do with record keeping and that is
why the delay. As soon as that is finished then we can start clicking again. We
will not have as many sites to click on as before unless you, the membership,
buy some advertising. So if you want to increase from what TNICC puts in then
please do so. Now would be a good time to purchase that advertising. We will be
paying what you have earned from clicks every 2 weeks no matter the amount of
money. You will not receive the Cash Balance you currently have in your account
at that time. Your current Cash Balance will be paid at a later date as this
will just pertain to the money you have earned by clicking on the PTC’s from
October 17th to the payday. The PTC’s will be funded via investments and the
purchase of products that we advertise. We receive from 50-80% commission on the
products that we advertise so we would encourage everyone who sees a product
they can use to please buy it from TNICC. This helps fund the program.
We realize from the comments made by you folks that the PTC Program is vitally
important. We know that many of you used the money earned to purchase your first
upgrade. This is what our program was all about and we want to continue being
able to make that happen. So here is what we have to do as a membership.
(1). Purchase 1-2 Ad Campaigns monthly to advertise your sites.
(2). Buy a product every now and then to bring in more revenue.
We are a community and a community that is worth anything will invest within
So I encourage you to become an active part and those who are, I want to thank
you for your dedication.
(2). The Matrix – The Matrix is in pre-launch and Ken has sent out a message to
have all the members to sign up and pay their $7.00. So if you haven’t purchased
your position yet, now is the time to do so. http://www.partners-matrix.com .
Ken asked me to stress to the membership that when you promote the Matrix Site,
please use only this address for your referral. http://www.partners-matrix.com
. Do not use the referral address in the Matrix back office. That site will be
incorrect. I am really excited about our Matrix. The way it is set up it’s going
to bring us all money and I am sure everyone is happy about that.
(3). the Main Body of the Program. – We’ve had to take a hard look at the
current program and put some new things into place in order to secure its
longevity. I am sure that many of you will feel some disappointment at the
changes but when you give it serious thought you will see its importance. Here
are the changes we feel are necessary:
(a). Expiration Date of Upgrades. The upgrades currently expire at 1 year. We
have decided to change this to 180 days.
(b). Weekly rebates will be 5% and posted every other week.
(c). Paydays – will be every other week.
The list of withdrawals that we have on file will be paid. We are going to post
a list of the withdrawals in 3 phases. Since we are 3 weeks behind each will be
paid in a phase. http://www.income4parents.com/PayoutsPhase1.html is the site
where they will be listed and then recorded paid when completed. After the first
week is finished we will post the second then the third. We have no date when
they will all be paid but we are pushing for Dec 1st. We are partnering with the
Matrix and other outside sources and working very hard to make this happen,
however no guarantees, just hard work from the staff and from the members who
are helping out. We appreciate all that have come to pitch in and the patience
shown by you folks.
The program expiration date will be 180 days from the upgrade. Some upgrades
will be coming into maturity this week as the program started on April 18th. So
your first upgrade will expire 180 days from the purchase date. Everyone will be
in profit when their upgrades expire. This way no one looses money.
We are going to put the Main Body of the Program on hold until Dec 1st. We need
some time to complete our Business Plan, put the changes into effect and make
payments. When we start back up on Dec 1st we should be in good shape. So we
will freeze the rebates and your Member Level will remain the same. You will be
able to surf the PTC’s and will be paid as stated above while the freeze is in
affect. After Dec 1st all the money earned plus your rebates will be added to
your Cash Balance as usual.
We will continue sending out updates and after our next meeting I am sure we
will have more information to give you. Please feel free to email us at any time
or better yet, join us in our conference room on Mondays and Thursdays from 8-10
est. - http://shurl.net/4id.
Until the next update, remember TNICC is your community and we are here to stay.
_________________ Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani
Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami
Poceni in zanimivo
Zastonj stvari |
16 Okt 2007 08:44 |
Iskalec zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 12.07. 2007, 21:28 Prispevkov: 70
Matrix |
Po 10ih dneh sm koncno dobila potrditveni mail za matrico... pa mi ni glih jasn.. kaj naj zdej... ... nism se vlozila v nobeno matrico... pa me zanima... a tuki samo cakas... da se vpisejo pod tabo... al kaj naj delam sploh... haha... mi lahko kdo mal razlozi tale sistem... thx
21 Okt 2007 11:11 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
22 Okt 2007 08:41 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
31 Okt 2007 11:14 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
11 Nov 2007 18:08 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
18 Nov 2007 12:25 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 18.08. 2007, 12:20 Prispevkov: 191 Kraj: MB |
Nečesa pa zdaj pri tem novem načinu ne razumem.....
When Do I Get Paid?
Payouts of your Cash Balance will be made approximately 48 hours after the expiration of each Advertising Package.
...ali to pomeni da boš moral kupiti Affiliate paket(četudi ga recimo na rabiš) v vrednosti min. 25$,da boš lahko izplačan 17$ ????
Ali ve kdo mogoče kaj več o tem?
26 Nov 2007 21:21 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
26 Nov 2007 21:46 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 18.08. 2007, 12:20 Prispevkov: 191 Kraj: MB |
Ha,zdaj pa je tako! Vprašal sem Admina,kako je z izplačili in "advertise paketi".
Dobil sem tak odgovor:
Hello Alens
The advertising Pkgs are sold because we are now an advertising site, and Yes you MUST have a Pkg in order to get paid, however that also allows you to get paid for all your paid to clicks as well as the 17.00 rebate on your Pkg, and you get tons of advertising for your own site
....kar pomeni da če hočemo biti plačani za vse klike,surfe....še za nazaj,moramo kupiti 25$ vreden (ali 35$) oglaševalski paket,kjer se nam odšteje 10$ za Autosurf,s katerim zaslužimo do 17$. Kar nazadnje pomeni,da
-tisti,ki nas oglaševanje tako zelo ne zanima,smo v ........!!!!
-še vedno lahko dobiš payout 25$ v primeru da imaš PTC zaslužka za 8$
29 Nov 2007 17:28 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.10. 2007, 08:24 Prispevkov: 36
Se pravi, da brez vplačila se ne da več služiti? Ker oglase sem videl, da so se pojavli, ampak brezveze pa ne mislim klikati. Sicer pa, a je že kdo nadgradil ali pa misli?
02 Dec 2007 17:13 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
02 Dec 2007 19:37 |
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 08.07. 2008, 10:34 Prispevkov: 2
A to res tako deluje. Noja upam da je kdo kaj zaslužil. Vem pa da forex edla nenormalne donose 10-20% mesečno!!!
lahko pa pregledate na
pa sami preverite
_________________ Money Makes Money!
10-20% in a monh in a jear fromm 100 to 200% more of your money!
Rockefeler rules |
08 Jul 2008 10:47 |