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FrenchBux - čisto drugačana zadeva

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FrenchBux - čisto drugačana zadeva
Avtor Sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12
Prispevkov: 3507

Prispevek FrenchBux - čisto drugačana zadeva Odgovori s citatom
Tale je francoski, zato označite, da govotite Francosko, pa še druge jezike, ter vsa področja, ki so za izbrati!

Skripta je orginalna , 0.10$ je bonusa za včanitev, klikov je pa polno! V glavnem francoske strani.......izplačilo pri 10$!

Ref. sistema ne razumem prav dobro, naj bi bilo do 120% od ref.!

Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani

Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami

Poceni in zanimivo

Zastonj stvari
29 Avg 2007 18:21 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12
Prispevkov: 3507

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Zadeva zna imeti prihodnost - z razliko od mnogih bux-ov! Večinoma oglašujejo francoske stvari (nekaj povezanih tudi s Prizze)! Pa še moja statistika za tele dva dni(brez ref):

Bonus d inscription $ 0.1
E-mail : $ 0.07
Cliques : $ 0.46
Inscriptions : $ 0
Total : $ 0.63

Upam, da bodo za izplačila res kmalu dodali še MooneyBookers, saj sodeč po tem začetku, lahko kar hitro prideš do teh 10$ za izplačilo! Wink

Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani

Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami

Poceni in zanimivo

Zastonj stvari
31 Avg 2007 14:34 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 18.07. 2006, 17:27
Prispevkov: 1004

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Sorry Pinta ampak mislim,da si spregledu tole je prevod v angleščino;

Questions of profits

How much then I to gain while taking part in FrenchBux?
We propose to you various remunerative services such as the remunerated clicks and remunerated e-mail!

When could I receive my profits?
Your profits can be converted from 10 $ for the simple Members, 8 $ for the Members Bronzes, 5 $ for the Members Money and 1 $ for the members GOLD. To in no case us will not pay you on your account paypal or egold, we pay the profits only in the form of clicks or of emails on the site!

How then I to receive my profits?
Like known as Ci above, you cannot ask for your profits other than by request for publicity, to ask for your profits in the form of publicity, to pass via the mitre contact on the site, for ask to convert your profits (or made as Ci you ask for a payment and we will contact you), the prices are the same ones as the prices advertisers, obviously, not the same quantities, therefore it are necessary contacted us, an automated system will be set up in the next weeks.

When will I be paid?
Like known as Ci above, you can be paid only by publicity on the site, therefore your publicity will be put on the site in the week or you make your request.

How will I be paid?
Only in the form of publicity.

How much emails I will receive per day? Which will be remuneration?
All depends on our advertisers. The more we will have advertisers, the more we will be able to propose remunerated emails to you. The profits will vary compared to the profits generate by FrenchBux.

Then I to use my profits to announce on FrenchBux?
Biensûr. For that, contact us as soon as you have atteinds the minimum to convert your profits!

31 Avg 2007 16:21 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12
Prispevkov: 3507

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Uf, pa res sploh nisem bral tega........bomo pač malo za oglaševanje porabili! Sad

Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani

Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami

Poceni in zanimivo

Zastonj stvari
31 Avg 2007 17:10 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
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