Avtor |
Sporočilo |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Kej pol se je kdo pol odločil za vložek teh 20€ ?
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
25 Jun 2016 17:05 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
sam bom definitivno... samo da BTC-je nabavim
rad bi jih kupil s PP ... zadnja možnost bo, ko bom moral skočiti na Petrol ...
25 Jun 2016 17:38 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Js še ne vem, če bi ma f*ck it bom reskiral
Drugače js btc kupujem preko xapota to je wallet za btc banka je u austirji nakažem prek banka net v 24h je potrjeno.
Nazadnje urejal/a Warlord28 28 Jun 2016 22:00; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
25 Jun 2016 18:33 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Evo in zasvetila je zelena pika (aktive user) zraven imena
Torej uspelo mi je kupiti BTC z sredstvi iz PP ... sicer je bilo malo vekslanja a rezultat je odličen..
Pri tem mi je zelo pomagala stran E-Dinar(aff. link) kjer so zadeve tekle kar hitro in tekoče.
tudi sam uporabljam Xapo wallet in sem že gledal varianto nakupa a ker sem želel kupiti s sredstvi iz PP
mi je ta opcija zelo odgovarjala
28 Jun 2016 20:04 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Js sm tudi vplačal par dni nazaj
28 Jun 2016 22:01 |
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2016, 15:51 Prispevkov: 1
recyclix |
Lahko rečem samo to, da stvar dela. Aprila sem vložil cca 5000€ in do sedaj potegnu že 2300€ preko paypala, nekje 500€ na 35 dni. Dolgo časa sem preračunaval, brskal o podjetju, premišljeval,... in se odločil za vložek. Približno pet mesecev sem v tem in lahko rečem, da sem polovico vlženega že dobil nazaj. Fora je v tem, da dobiš, po nekje desetih do dvanajstih ciklusih nazaj, kar si vložil noter. Je pa res, da več kot vložiš več prej se ti povrne. Jaz osebno, sev vložil cca 5000€, ker ni blo več, sem pa delau izračun, da če bi vložil cca 60000€, jih dobiš nazaj po 6-ih ciklusih in imaš potem naprej čisti dobiček- vsakih 35 dni 10300€. Samo imeti ˇjajcaˇ toliko vložiti. Meni osebno je samo žal, da na to nisem naletel pred tremi štirimi leti, ker nebi več rabu na šiht hodt- vrjetno. Po moje je tole super zadeva, jst dobivam vabila na oglede-sicer se nisem odloču za nobenega- dve nočitve hotel **** nočitev z zajtrkom,..... 120 po osebi, oglded firme, pisarn,... tako da mislim da ni kr neki, sam kolk cajta bo laufalo. To je pa u današnjih cajtih odvisno tak za vse stvari. Če kerga zanima se lahko prijavi, dobi 20 evrov je bonusa potem pa po želj vložii. Še enkrat poudarjam, na majhne vožke se to ne pozna, na 1000€ je pa že 140€, 2200-280, 4000-410,.... desetkrat na leto, vsako leto (en manjši kredit). če kerega zanima naj me kontaktira.
19 Avg 2016 16:45 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
točno tako kot praviš @botar1984 ... in naj še traja
20 Avg 2016 21:37 |
posel s smetmi-recyclix
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 29.10. 2016, 13:33 Prispevkov: 4 Kraj: ljubljana |
posel s smetmi- recyclix |
fajn se nas je prijelo to recikliranje.
jaz imam v dveh dnevih, kar imam spletno stran http://posel-s-smetmi-recyclix.weebly.com/ že 2500 ogledov.
seveda pridno recikliram , da bo mala slovenska plača prišla iz smeti
če kdo ne verjame si je kriv sam
na smart recyclix simulator naredite izračun primer 500 euričev +20 €gratis kar dajo oni
DURATION: 25.10.2016 - 25.10.2017
(10 full cycles and 15 days)
income per cycle achieved on 25.10.2017: 249,54€
State on 25.10.2017
Total value of goods 1.782,40€
Total amont of units 157,00€
Value of investment 1.939,40€
Grow 1.419,41€
Grow (%) 272,96%
Income Per cycle 249,54€
Monthly income 213,89€
_________________ TAM,KJER STE DANES so vas pripeljala vaša pretekla razmišljanja - JUTRI PA BOSTE tam, kamor vas bodo pripeljale vaše SEDANJE MISLI ! |
29 Okt 2016 13:49 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2012, 15:46 Prispevkov: 148
Še sedaj ne vem zakaj so mi ukinili račun.
_________________ <a href="https://www.cashads.co/ref/1209"><img src="https://www.cashads.co/img/banners/20151118022808.gif" width="468" height="60"></a>
<a href='https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=MarBob' target='_blank'><img src='https://trafficmonsoon.com/data/aptools/468x60.gif' alt='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' title='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' border='0'></a>
https://BitGold.com/r/saPRke |
30 Okt 2016 11:24 |
posel s smetmi-recyclix
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 29.10. 2016, 13:33 Prispevkov: 4 Kraj: ljubljana |
če niste v roku 60 dni od registracije naredil nobenega pologa vam avtomatsko ukinejo račun.
če hočete od smeti imeti profit jih morate tudi kupiti 
_________________ TAM,KJER STE DANES so vas pripeljala vaša pretekla razmišljanja - JUTRI PA BOSTE tam, kamor vas bodo pripeljale vaše SEDANJE MISLI ! |
30 Okt 2016 11:37 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2012, 15:46 Prispevkov: 148
Vložil sem 20$, potem so mi ukinili račun.
_________________ <a href="https://www.cashads.co/ref/1209"><img src="https://www.cashads.co/img/banners/20151118022808.gif" width="468" height="60"></a>
<a href='https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=MarBob' target='_blank'><img src='https://trafficmonsoon.com/data/aptools/468x60.gif' alt='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' title='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' border='0'></a>
https://BitGold.com/r/saPRke |
30 Okt 2016 11:43 |
posel s smetmi-recyclix
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 29.10. 2016, 13:33 Prispevkov: 4 Kraj: ljubljana |
to piše na strani, ko se prijaviš - prevod
Po opravljeni registraciji imate 60 dni časa, da se temeljito spoznate s programom in v tem obdobju sprejmete odločitev ali je zadeva za vas primerna ali pač ne. V primeru, da se v 60-ih dneh ne boste odločili za lastno investicijo, bo vaš račun skupaj z vašimi podatki in bonusom izbrisan in svet se bo nemoteno vrtel naprej.
Ker ste verjetno že ugotovili, da nimate kaj izgubiti in lahko v bistvu le pridobite, vam svetujemo, da takoj opravite brezplačno registracijo. To naredite tako, da uporabite priporočilno povezavo od nekoga, ki je že v sistemu, opravite vpis (SIGN UP), potrdite registracijo preko emaila, nato pa le še dokončate registracijo z vpisom zahtevanih podatkov v vašem RECYCLIX profilu. Ko je to opravljeno, boste na vaš račun avtomatsko pridobili promocijski bonus v višini 20 € in takoj boste lahko pričeli z recikliranjem.
_________________ TAM,KJER STE DANES so vas pripeljala vaša pretekla razmišljanja - JUTRI PA BOSTE tam, kamor vas bodo pripeljale vaše SEDANJE MISLI ! |
30 Okt 2016 12:04 |
posel s smetmi-recyclix
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 29.10. 2016, 13:33 Prispevkov: 4 Kraj: ljubljana |
sory nisem videla posta
kako ste vložili denar- banka...?
_________________ TAM,KJER STE DANES so vas pripeljala vaša pretekla razmišljanja - JUTRI PA BOSTE tam, kamor vas bodo pripeljale vaše SEDANJE MISLI ! |
30 Okt 2016 12:10 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2012, 15:46 Prispevkov: 148
Zaslužil z recikliranjem in ker sem jim zaupal recikliral naprej, čeprav bi zaslužek lahko dvignil. Moje zaupanje so nagradili z ukinitvijo računa.
_________________ <a href="https://www.cashads.co/ref/1209"><img src="https://www.cashads.co/img/banners/20151118022808.gif" width="468" height="60"></a>
<a href='https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=MarBob' target='_blank'><img src='https://trafficmonsoon.com/data/aptools/468x60.gif' alt='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' title='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' border='0'></a>
https://BitGold.com/r/saPRke |
30 Okt 2016 15:54 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Kakšno je kaj vaše mnenje glede reševanja škode zaradi požara, ki se je zgodil?
Danes med drugim zapisano med novicami na strani sem zasledil tudi ta stavek:
Recyclix is currently working on a solution of offering its users an option
to convert the temporarily suspended waste packages into shares of the above-mentioned fund. |
ali bi lahko to pomenilo, da bi lahko kaj dali nazaj od pobranega?
07 Mar 2017 18:58 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Že pred dnevi sem bral, da je to HYIP virtualne pisarne itd in, da so že problemi z izplačili no danes preberem, da je bil "požar". Dvomim, da je res bil požar pač HYIP se podira.
Aja nekje so uradno zapisali, da se približujejo zastavljenemu cilju 2 mio. in bodo končali sprejemanjem novih, da je cajt samo še nekaj mesev.
Torej, če potegnemo črto.... veš odgovor.
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
08 Mar 2017 07:50 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Ja izgleda, da je njihov požar .... požrl vse...
že en teden čakam, da bi prejel izplačilo... in še vedno čakam.... in verjetno ne bom dočakal
sedaj niti ne gre več 'reciklirat'....
edino kar mi je žal, ... je da sem tako pridno vlagal, da bi povečal 'osnovo' in nato si izplačeval določen plus... zgleda sem preveč verjel zgodbi, ki je bila namišljena
kakor jih je večina ...
kar je je... naredil sem si plus, ki na konec koncev ni ne plus niti minus.. bolj zapravljena priložnost
02 Apr 2017 18:00 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.11. 2010, 20:03 Prispevkov: 175
Recyclix |
Ne vem ,če je bilo to že objavljeno??
Sign In
As you may have noticed, currently recyclix.com website is not available. This has to do with the illegal takeover of Recyclix by Igor Pshenychnyi, which we told you about in the previous newsletter we published on the official mirror of the company’s website, ecorevolution.com.
We would like to let you know that this situation will be dealt with in the near time in a lawful manner as we have already brought a legal action against the group of these illegal intruders.
The internal investigation by our team that we mentioned earlier has already been completed and we managed to gather and establish the important facts about the illegal takeover, individuals behind it, and what exactly caused it.
The internal investigation and several positive news about the progress of the crisis management program-as well as the originals of official documents such as the legal action against the evildoers, forged papers used to carry out the illegal takeover, and more—will be published in our newsletter on ecorevolution.com later on this week.
In the meantime, we strongly recommend you not to take seriously any information about Recyclix unless it’s published on the official mirror website, ecorevolution.com, or in this Facebook group.
Remember that you can use ecorevolution.com website in order to login to your Recyclix account if you would like to access any information located in your member’s area, making sure that your earnings are safe.
Dear investors of Recyclix,
My name is Yaroslav Mikhalsky and I will serve as the chairman of the new management team of Recyclix and together with my colleagues we will be handling the crisis management program and ensuring that this procedure is performed in an inclusive and efficient way.
As you might have seen it in the latest update post on Facebook, we already announced the approximate dates when provision of compensations to the Recyclix participants will commence. For those users who haven’t had an opportunity to get familiar with the post, I would like to repeat that it’s estimated that the process of provision of compensations would start in June, whilst from now on all news on the progress of the crisis management plan and current events will be published by our team members on Recyclix’s website and its official Facebook page in English.
My colleagues and I believe that transparency and clarity are crucial when it comes to achieving any goal in a big company—especially if it has to do with management of funds—and this is why now I would like to tell you more about the crisis management plan that Recyclix will launch in the nearest future.
All compensations will be paid through a special crisis management center that will be opened in the short term. Funds for provision of compensations were already partially allocated and as soon as the crisis management center have been opened and our team has finished the thorough fiscal and property audit of the company, the process of the compensation provision will be started.
For purposes of enhanced transparency an oversight committee consisting of members of Recyclix themselves will be formed. We will be informing you the progress of the crisis management program in the next newsletters as well as on the official Facebook page of Recyclix.
There’s another important thing that I would like to let you know about in this newsletter as our team has found a couple of strange things about Recyclix following the commencement of the company’s fiscal and property audit.
You may have heard about the issue with Ruslan Puksto who tried to illegally take over the company by forging the official documents back in January 2017. Unfortunately, it turns out that a similar situation took place once again on March 23 due to unknown reasons, most probably by the way of forging the official documents too, and currently Recyclix is being illegally controlled by a certain Igor Pshenychnyi. You can review the official legal information about the company over here.
For enhanced safety the funds allocated for provision of compensations were stored in Latvian Citadele bank as well as on the accounts of BEPAY company. However, last week a large payment has been made to a Finnish branch of Nordea bank without consent of BEPAY management board.
Nordea bank has been already contacted about it, but we still haven’t received either definite answers or solutions to this problem. This is why we would like to kindly ask all of you who made payments to Recyclix via BEPAY company to get in touch with Nordea bank using this complaint letter template COMPLAINT LETTER TEMPLATE at tradefinance.helsinki@nordea.com and demand for a financial fraud investigation to be carried out.
Aleksin Kauppahuone OY
IBAN: FI8317453000088965
TEL: Calls from abroad +358 200 70 000 (international call charge)
And though upon arrival at Recyclix our team was not expecting such difficulties to arise, all necessary documents for the commencement of an official investigation have been already handed over to the law enforcement authorities. A very similar case—an illegal takeover of the company that happened back in January—was solved in a rapid way thanks to the hard work of investigating officers.
We would like to let you know that these investigations should not affect the estimated dates of the commencement of the compensation provision plan announced earlier, especially if as many of you as possible will contact Nordea bank and ask them to launch an investigation into the unlawful financial transaction from BEPAY company to their bank.
Apart from this, the initial phase of the company’s fiscal and property audit has shown that the previous management board of Recyclix tried to cover embezzlement incidents by some of its members. Our team has already launched a special internal investigation into such facts of misappropriation of funds by the old management team.
At this point I would like to bring this newsletter to a conclusion and let you know that it will be a pleasure to work with all you in the following months to ensure a seamless process of provision of the corresponding compensations.
Please make sure to contribute to the efficiency of the compensation provision procedure by contacting Nordea bank using the complaint form above in case you made payments to Recyclix via BEPAY.
Remember that updates about the progress of the crisis management plan as well as the governmental and internal investigations will be published by our team members via the official Recyclix website and its Facebook page in English.
Yours sincerely,
Recyclix Crisis Management Team
Yaroslav Mikhalsky
05 Maj 2017 07:47 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu