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Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.09. 2010, 18:15 Prispevkov: 27
Coinomia |
<a href="http://login.coinomia.com/#/signup?id=slotem26&bannerid=450cac54-80ca-4fff-a6ba-c5b5e0d00c43" target="_blank"><img src="http://coinomiaadmin.azurewebsites.net/Upload/Banner/450cac54-80ca-4fff-a6ba-c5b5e0d00c43.png" alt="slovenec mali" height="" width="728"></a>
Popolnoma nova stran, ki bo uradno zaživela 1 novembra
Popolnoma brezplačna registracija!!!!!
Ko se boste registrirali boste tudi dobili email pošto kjer vam bo razložen sam koncept!
<a href="http://login.coinomia.com/#/signup?id=slotem26&bannerid=691d83c1-daa0-4635-9a66-911dc2cffaee" target="_blank"><img src="http://coinomiaadmin.azurewebsites.net/Upload/Banner/691d83c1-daa0-4635-9a66-911dc2cffaee.png" alt="slovenec mali" height="" width="600"></a>
28 Sep 2016 00:38 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.09. 2010, 18:15 Prispevkov: 27
<a href="http://login.coinomia.com/#/signup?id=slotem26&bannerid=4902c519-d9df-47c1-8061-b74ec0984b12" target="_blank"><img src="http://coinomiaadmin.azurewebsites.net/Upload/Banner/4902c519-d9df-47c1-8061-b74ec0984b12.png" alt="slovenec mali" height="" width="350"></a>
Uradno so začeli z vpisom ljudi 27.9.2016.
Gre se za rudarjenje kriptovalute.
Več informacij bo pa znanih kmalu, sedaj je samo na vas DA SE BREZPLAČNO REGISTRIRATE.
<a href="http://login.coinomia.com/#/signup?id=slotem26&bannerid=123d992c-726d-440b-88b2-f2b38e4d80a7" target="_blank"><img src="http://coinomiaadmin.azurewebsites.net/Upload/Banner/123d992c-726d-440b-88b2-f2b38e4d80a7.png" alt="slovenec mali" height="" width="600"></a>
28 Sep 2016 00:55 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.09. 2010, 18:15 Prispevkov: 27
28 Sep 2016 08:43 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.09. 2010, 18:15 Prispevkov: 27
WHAT is Coinomia is an opportunity that provides the user a platform to mine bitcoins, ethereum and other alternate coins without
owning and maintaining a complex hardware setup. We also sell the most efficient and reliable rigs for mining to produce profits
for the users. Users can also gain power by inviting friends to coinomia.
We are mining since early 2014, even before Ethereum
was Live ! we have centers across the world and we have invested in latest ASIC chips and mining equipments.
Coinomia is an application for mining in cryptocurrencies with any of the available gadgets, a user have. Designed to cater both
new miners and power users, Coinomia requires no configuration at any device. The power allotment can be managed from
anywhere and can be distributed among various cryptocurrencies.
28 Sep 2016 08:45 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.09. 2010, 18:15 Prispevkov: 27
28 Sep 2016 09:08 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.09. 2010, 18:15 Prispevkov: 27
Koliko sedaj spremljam to zadevo pravijo, da je to začetek enega največjih prelaunches kdaj v svetu spletnega MLM.
V 30 urah je registriranih več kot 10.000 članov iz 200 držav po vsem svetu!
Imate še 30 dni časa, da se popolnoma brezplačno registrirate in spremljate to stran.
30 Sep 2016 11:23 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.09. 2010, 18:15 Prispevkov: 27
20k+ Signups in 4 days , Over 20 Signups Every Minute Now And Counting
If This Doesn't Excite Everyone here , I don't know what will !
We have in last 72 hours went from being no one in mlm or crypto industry to now suddenly being the talk of the town !
Best of the best leaders around the world are joining us everyday and I personally believe this is just the beginning of a massive revolution which is about to happen .
We at corporate have our vision set on what we will be doing in next 30 , 60 , 90 , 180 and 360 days and that is to cross a billion $$$ in sales and while we do that , a lot of you who are putting the hard work right now - I promise will have million $$$ runs and will practically retire financially in your life for ever.
Success In this industry boils down to being in the right time in the right place with the right group of people and that's what is exactly happening with each one of you in Coinomia !
Middle of this coming week , our live chat teams will also go live which will help you duplicate and recruit even faster
Apart from that , tons of other exciting stuff will be rolled out over the course of next few weeks
Stay tuned
Stay Focussed
And keep doing what you should be doing right now i.e sharing the message of coinomia with the world
From today we are officially in launch mode and we at coprorate have already started our media buys and our top leaders have started massive advertising also..
Spread your links everywhere - on messages , phone calls , online ad sites , craiglist , backpage , usaads , fiverr , facebook , twitter , instagram , snapchat everywhere
Bottomline - Take massive action and build as big as a team you can before launch so that you have momentum and can max out the first purchase binary of $200/day from launch day itself - make much more with your sirect sale commisisons and work towards maxing out the ultimate binary commisisons of $65k/day which I believe is unheard of and highest in the industry
02 Okt 2016 19:28 |
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