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Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
ReCyclix - recikliraj in zasluži |
Firma, ki se ukvarja z recikliranjem!
Tukaj dodajam kratko predstavitev več podrobnosti in tutorial pa najdete na njihovi strani ...
Our team consists of highly-qualified experts who boast wide industry experience as well as unique skills and knowledge. It’s thanks to their work, which is backed by the highest corporate and professional ethics standards, that we achieve excellent results within the shortest possible deadlines.
Our aim is to protect interests of all our project’s participants and run our business in a smart way. Every registered user by default becomes both a prosperous business affiliate and a real environmentalist. Recyclix uses only environmentally friendly technologies that don’t harm the ecosystem and help restore it. We combined ecology and business because we believe that our future is all about these two things!
We earn and invite you to earn with us. Mutually rewarding collaboration is the ticket to success of every project and our service is not an exception.
We make it possible for you to earn by providing you open access to sale and purchase of recyclable materials on the international market using our website.
Our company arranges and controls the recycling process, whilst you simply participate in purchasing the raw materials for their following processing and sale!
It all works as simple as ABC: you purchase the waste, we recycle it for you, and then sell it. Recyclix takes waste that no one wanted and turns it into high-technology materials that can be used in many various industries.
For example, we take used LDPE and turn it into granules that are afterwards used for production of common black trash bags as well as certain pipes and other plastic items.
We want to make the standard European recycling model even more profitable and technically impeccable using our online service with path-breaking capabilities. Whilst we are always up-to-date on the major changes in the recycling industry economy in Europe thanks to close ties with representatives of the industry government bodies.
Our another aim, which is by no means unimportant, is to provide long-term and consistent income to every participant of our project irrespective of what kind of partnership scheme they opted for. Success of our business partners is all about production growth, expanding geographically, and high profitability. We want our partners to earn more because it’s profitable for us too.
Recycling of plastics is the most profitable field in recycling industry:
Consumption of plastics has grown by 20 times during last 50 years;
86% of European plastics is exported to China;
Only 20% of all plastic in the world is recycled, the rest is still burned;
Recycling industry profits in 2014 are measured at 372 bln EUR.
The statistics is self-explanatory. The industry possesses a vast potential for growth, whilst there is almost no market competition and the government doesn’t support the industry well enough for launching the necessary amount of facilities. Currently the recycling industry is one of the most promising and profitable low-risk investment fields!
Europe ranks second in the global production of plastic materials at 20%, whilst China ranks first at 24,8%. More to that, demand for plastic is continuously growing and the plastic industry growth has a far-reaching effect on various crucial European economic sectors. Plastics industry is a factor that plays a key role in development of innovations in many fields of science not only in Europe, but around the world too |
Štirje nivoji provizij: 10%, 3%, 2%, 1%
- kreditna kartica
- WireTransfer
- BitCoin
- PayPal
- WireTransfer
- Bitcoin
Minimalni znesek izplačila in vplačila: $20
Ob registraciji prejmete $20 na račun...
... da boste lahko to izkoristili prilagam tudi pasico .... in sledi še samo klik na njo ....
Zaradi spremembe pri vpisu novega člana ne velja več običajen link (ref link) ampak je potrebno vnesti določeno kodo ...
Torej po kliku na baner ter po strinjanju z terms se prikaže obrazec za registracijo,
kjer je potrebno vnesti to kodo: E9C9-A945-6129 v polje Master Account ID
Se vidimo v firmi
V kolikor kdo izlušči še kakšne dodatne podatke, ki bi prišli prav... me bo veselilo, če bo to delil tudi tukaj.
popravilo linka banerja in sprememba reg. linka ter dodatek opisa pri registraciji
Nazadnje urejal/a powerms 29 Nov 2016 20:31; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
09 Jul 2015 10:53 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Trenutno na veliko recikliram ...
Ne zamudite priložnosti, ki jo ponujajo ob registraciji...
As a limited promotional tool, we are giving a sign up gift of 20€ to each new member. This bonus should be used to purchase your first raw material and will give you 100kg of waste to start your recycling process. |
in nato...
If you do not invest your own funds and just use your 20€ bonus, it will take a few complete cycles to generate enough profit to make a successful withdrawal as the minimum is 20 euros.
However, if for example you have 100€ of waste (500kg). After three weeks you will have Regrind material worth €200 (because the sale price for regrind is 0.40/kg).
.... |
nadaljevanje zapisa na njihovi strani...
12 Jul 2015 11:53 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 11.10. 2012, 21:46 Prispevkov: 97
živjo no js sm se prdružla da vidm kako deluje najprej ta free plan ampk use skupej zgleda kr zanimivo
A to najprej samo kupiš waste in pol čakaš al je treba še kej druzga kupt? Zaenkrat nism še čist pogruntala haha 
_________________ http://www.sfi4.com/12155539.36/FREE |
15 Jul 2015 13:41 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Na strani imajo tudi neke vrste opis(tutorial) kako bi naj stan potekala...
ja prvo kupiš waste ... in potem recikliraš ... za prvo recikliranje dobiš 6% za drugo pa 8%...
kolikor jaz razmem to potem pač ponavljaš... lahko pa seveda prodaš za katero pa dobiš 25% zneska vrednosti(ne me držati za besedo)
The number of full recycling cycles is not limited. In order to transfer your accumulated profit to your account balance, please click on RECYCLE button after the completion of the cycle. Then the process begins again with the same volume of waste material you initially had. |
... nakako tako sem
razbral iz tega tutoriala.
v EQUIPMENT UNITS je možno kupiti delnice ... najnižja cena delnice je $1 ...
denarja, ki je v Withdraw balance ni mogoče prenesti v Accaunt balance.
20 Jul 2015 20:00 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Veseli me, da stran oziroma organizacija raste in da so razkrili tudi več podatkov (čeprav jih je bilo že kar nekaj) in dodali tudi slikovno gradivo
fizičnega stanja organizacije oz firme.
Tako, da ni kar nekaj v tri dni na papirju ampak je dejansko to o čem tudi pišejo.
Sedaj mislim, da bo še večje zanimanje in tisti, ki so se spraševali ali vložit ali ne se bodo sedaj lažje odločili ... po mojem bo stalno več tistih resnih vlagateljev...
Tisti, ki ste se že vpisali vam priporočam več aktivnosti, če že ne morete vložiti nekih sredstev pa vam lahko pripomore kakšen referal, ki pa bo imel možnost vložiti in
bo pripomogel k vašemu posrednemu zaslužku.
A tisti, ki se še niste vpisali oz si podrebneje ogledali ponudbe ... še vedno je čas (čeprav mislim da ni več v ponudbi $20 brezplačnih na računu za dobrodošlico)..
klik do stani >> ReCyclix
in še nekaj bolj "oprijemljivega".... iz njihove strani...

03 Okt 2015 12:13 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 29.12. 2009, 12:40 Prispevkov: 216 Kraj: Celje |
24 Okt 2015 15:50 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
ne splača se prodat... bistvo je v recikliranju...
Tako tudi piše na njihovi strani kjer imajo to opisano ... in malo višje sem tudi omenil
PrispevekObjavljeno: 20 Jul 2015 20:00 Naslov sporočila:
Na strani imajo tudi neke vrste opis(tutorial) kako bi naj stan potekala...
ja prvo kupiš waste ... in potem recikliraš Smile ... za prvo recikliranje dobiš 6% za drugo pa 8%...
kolikor jaz razmem to potem pač ponavljaš... lahko pa seveda prodaš za katero pa dobiš 25% zneska vrednosti(ne me držati za besedo)
na njihovi strani je ta opis in tudi izračun za primerjavo, kako priti do profita tudi z temi 20€ ... seveda pa je potreben čas
tukaj naj še prilepim ta osnovni tutorial:
We have added an online calculator to demonstrate how earnings with Recyclix works.
Please note that if you do not invest your own funds and just use your 20€ bonus, it will take a few complete cycles to generate enough profit to make a successful withdrawal as the minimum is 20 euros.
However, if you have waste worth €100 (500kg), in three weeks you will have regrind material worth €200 because the sale price for regrind is €0.40/kg.
If you click on Recycle, you get 6% of the total waste purchase amount (your initial 100€) as per guidelines and that is €6 of profit.
In another two weeks you will have granules worth €300 (500 kg x €0.60/kg).
When you click on RESTART, you get 8% of the difference between the granules selling price and regrind selling price. In this case, it's 8% of €100 (300 less 200). This is €8 of profit.
Therefore, when you have €100 balance, €6 and €8 will be the profits you keep when you keep recycling over and over without selling goods straight away. The total earnings are 14€ per 5-week cycle.
The number of full recycling cycles is not limited. In order to transfer your accumulated profit to your account balance, please click on RECYCLE button after the completion of the cycle. In this case, the process will begin again using the same volume of waste material you had first.
On the other hand, if you sell your goods, you will receive the 25% share of the selling price. You will not get the total value of your goods because the revenue is shared between you, orthe investor, and us as well as other partners that contribute to covering the company's overhead and production expenses.
So the 300€ of granules would turn to 75€ of cashout when you sell them. You will also get the 6€ you earned for the first 3-week period of the cycle. However, you will NOT get the 8€ for the final 2-week period because that is an incentive only for people who choose to continue recycling. In total, you will get 81€ if you sell outright, and that's actually less than you initially had which was 100€. There is no mistake here.
Upam, da bo pripomoglo še komu, da bo pravilno obrnil teh 20€ in si naredil profit. Z nakupom večje količine 'materijala' so tudi rezultati temu primerni...
Ne pozabit, da število recikliranj ni omejeno...
25 Okt 2015 22:05 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Da malo obudim temo
Na njihovi strani so vzpodbudne novice za za 2016...
Kako pa kaj vi reciklirate ...
Pri meni se je že nekaj čez 300kg nabralo...
15 Jan 2016 23:42 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2009, 16:36 Prispevkov: 27
16 Jan 2016 21:46 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2009, 16:36 Prispevkov: 27
31 Jan 2016 16:14 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
lepa slovenska predstavitev @avx
Stalno več jih spoznava, da je stvar bolj resna kakor so si predstavljali v samem začetku...
07 Feb 2016 11:39 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
07 Feb 2016 23:42 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
lepa slovenska predstavitev @avx
Stalno več jih spoznava, da je stvar bolj resna kakor so si predstavljali v samem začetku...
Lp |
Na žalsot ni..tako , da kot vse ostalo jemljite tudi to kot igro v kateri boste dobili ali izgubili  |
@bajker25 ... to mislim, da mora biti samoumevno za vse, ki na nekakšen način želijo (za)služiti na/preko interneta.
Vemo tudi to, da so že bile strani, ki so dobro delovale in bile 'resne' ... se je dalo tudi pridelati kakšne $$$ in so tudi kar na lepem postale neresne ter nedelujoče...
tako pač je ... kakor pišeš, to je kakor vsak druga igra... vedno je odvisno od poštenosti sodnikov
in največ štejejo izplačila
10 Feb 2016 13:36 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Prejeto prvo izplačilo na PP
Upam, da bo drugo že v BitCoin-ih
07 Mar 2016 13:21 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2009, 16:36 Prispevkov: 27
Tudi jaz prejel včeraj nakazilo na PayPal =) Prvih 16 EUR zasluženih

26 Mar 2016 08:12 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2012, 15:46 Prispevkov: 148
Jaz tega ne razumem. Trenutno imam v withdrawal balance 18 $ in pravkar sem še enkrat prišel do konca cikla, kjer mi ponujajo 15 $, če prodam "granule". Ali to pomeni, da lahko v primeru prodaje skupaj zaslužim in dvignem 33 $? Vložil nisem niti centa!!
_________________ <a href="https://www.cashads.co/ref/1209"><img src="https://www.cashads.co/img/banners/20151118022808.gif" width="468" height="60"></a>
<a href='https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=MarBob' target='_blank'><img src='https://trafficmonsoon.com/data/aptools/468x60.gif' alt='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' title='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' border='0'></a>
https://BitGold.com/r/saPRke |
27 Mar 2016 00:13 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.07. 2008, 20:28 Prispevkov: 349
Če se ne motim moraš vložiti vsaj 20$ da lahko dvigneš denar. Vseeno si še vedno v plusu tudi če jih naložiš.
28 Mar 2016 09:16 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2012, 15:46 Prispevkov: 148
Če se ne motim moraš vložiti vsaj 20$ da lahko dvigneš denar. Vseeno si še vedno v plusu tudi če jih naložiš. |
Kje piše, da moraš vložiti?
_________________ <a href="https://www.cashads.co/ref/1209"><img src="https://www.cashads.co/img/banners/20151118022808.gif" width="468" height="60"></a>
<a href='https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=MarBob' target='_blank'><img src='https://trafficmonsoon.com/data/aptools/468x60.gif' alt='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' title='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' border='0'></a>
https://BitGold.com/r/saPRke |
28 Mar 2016 09:38 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Sam nisem nič vložil in izplačilo je bilo na PP izvedeno v 24 urah... drugače je, če si želiš izplačati z Bitcoini ... tu je potrebno narediti prvo vplačilo z Bitcoini. Isto mislim
da je pri izplačilu na bančni račun (WIRE WITHDRAWAL)
vplačati z PP pa tak ne gre.
29 Mar 2016 19:58 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2012, 15:46 Prispevkov: 148
Kar se tiče "resnične" reciklaže, mislim da ni nič od tega res, zato mislim, da je pametno dvigniti zaslužek čimprej! Žal sem to ugotovil šele zdaj.
_________________ <a href="https://www.cashads.co/ref/1209"><img src="https://www.cashads.co/img/banners/20151118022808.gif" width="468" height="60"></a>
<a href='https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=MarBob' target='_blank'><img src='https://trafficmonsoon.com/data/aptools/468x60.gif' alt='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' title='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' border='0'></a>
https://BitGold.com/r/saPRke |
30 Mar 2016 08:40 |