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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2011, 16:56 Prispevkov: 191
We understand your concern and we are sorry for the inconveniences you are experiencing at the moment. However, we have to tell you that Uinvest team is working on withdrawal issue and it's not just words. Believe that Uinvest does want to solve this problem. Otherwise, so many efforts wouldn't have been made. All the suggestions brought by our users are considered by our management department which is looking for the best solution of withdrawal issue. Nevertheless, we have to admit that there is no payment system that can replace Liberty Reserve at the moment. First of all, Uinvest wants to create the best conditions of work for its clients - we don't want to bring our customers to a risk. That is why present FP withdrawal system has been developed. Uinvest wants to build its own stable withdrawal system , but not rely on other companies like Liberty Reserve. All conclusions are made - Uinvest doesn't want to repeat old mistakes.
The latests innovations that have been implemented are the following:
- the rule about SFP with $3000 PSD. It was created to give more people the opportunity to offer withdrawals via FP Fund. It has already brought some results - there are more withdrawal offers now. Frankly speaking, it's still not enough for all who are willing to withdraw, but it needs time, it is getting there. You asked about exact time - we don't want to give any more dates to our customers in order to avoid complaints we have now. But hopefully, it won't take more than a couple months from now to get normal withdrawals back.
- creating a competitive atmosphere among financial partners with the help of Efficiency Coefficient rule. It is made to encourage finacial partners work with better conditions for uinvestors (lower commissions, fewer canceled transactions, etc.)
- limitations of transactions per day. This makes all uinvestors equal, it prevents the same uinvestor withdraw many times, while others can't get even one offer. From now and on, each uinvestor is allowed only one closed transaction per 24 hours and only one opened transaction at a time - it makes scripts or other tools useless.
Kindly note, that these are not the last implementations. Whole Uinvest team keeps working on improvement of FP system and seeking for the best solutions. We highly appreciate your understanding and staying with Uinvest. The fact that Uinvest suffered from LR crash won't ruin our reputation. We keep updating and informing people about all we do in order to overcome these temporary difficulties. We all believe that Uinvest will learn the lessons and it will shine even brighter than earlier.
Thank you fot your loyalty and trust in Uinvest.
You are welcome to contact us again in case we may be of any other assistance.
_________________ <a href="https://robotaffiliates.com/aff?aid=277&sid=1&lang=sl" target="_blank"><img src="http://zasluzi.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/728x90.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Novo v Sloveniji - FARMASI | Zasluži s prodajo izdelkov Essens + Peugeot 206! | Binarne opcije - donosi do 92% |
05 Sep 2013 17:54 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.09. 2008, 23:00 Prispevkov: 157
vse bo še OK;) bojo vse poštimal
08 Sep 2013 10:59 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.09. 2008, 23:00 Prispevkov: 157
ponovno uspelo wdjati 100$
17 Sep 2013 10:40 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.04. 2010, 14:55 Prispevkov: 91 Kraj: Bangkok |
18 Sep 2013 10:14 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
18 Sep 2013 15:24 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.04. 2010, 14:55 Prispevkov: 91 Kraj: Bangkok |
23. septembra bo stekel nov sistem izplacil, kakor smo bili ze vsi obvesceni..vendar bo dejansko vse teklo brez problemov oktobra..
Sistem ze deluje vendar je vecina financnih partnerjev na testiranju...
Uinvestov sistem FPjev predenj je LR zaprl svoja vrata je bil slab, saj so prevec zaupali FPjem, vecina jih je bila "nategunov"
se je poznalo med krizo od takrat do danes 25-99% provizije lol..
drugace Uinvest potrebuje nove projekte oktobra, ker bodo s tem dobili svez denar in ne z UI racunov...
ta svez denar bo na razpolago za nakazila..
jaz imam dva projekta v pripravi, vendar cakam se neke detalje, in upam da bodo novembra ze na platformi...bomo videli..
se zmeraj pa ne morem verjeti, da ljudje mislijo, da so namisljeni projekti, smeh,...res...posamezen agent se ukvarja po 3-4 mesece na en projekt, da ga lahko potem vidimo na platformi...
drugace se pa dela prevelika panika...
bom pa februarja, ko pridem nazaj s Tajske tudi postal FP, samo sa Slovenijo, da bomo lazje delali z denarjem
bomo videli....
_________________ Forex Slovenija
Thailand Property Investments 10% na leto
European Investments |
18 Sep 2013 15:55 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
18 Sep 2013 16:35 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2011, 16:56 Prispevkov: 191
drugace Uinvest potrebuje nove projekte oktobra, ker bodo s tem dobili svez denar in ne z UI racunov...
ta svez denar bo na razpolago za nakazila..
Vse lepo in prav, samo zakaj Uinvest potrebuje svež denar, če so projekti resnični? Kje je potem naš denar?
_________________ <a href="https://robotaffiliates.com/aff?aid=277&sid=1&lang=sl" target="_blank"><img src="http://zasluzi.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/728x90.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Novo v Sloveniji - FARMASI | Zasluži s prodajo izdelkov Essens + Peugeot 206! | Binarne opcije - donosi do 92% |
18 Sep 2013 16:36 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
18 Sep 2013 16:53 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.04. 2010, 14:55 Prispevkov: 91 Kraj: Bangkok |
Denar od projektov, se pravi denar, ki ga nakazujejo BO, lastniki projektov se redno nakazuje, s tem dobite dividende vsak mesec...
Denar je, vendar se ga ne da direktno nakazati iz UI racuna, vse je odvisno od FP, kot iz samega zacetka...
Dolga zgodba....moj BO placuje redno vsak mesec.... 
_________________ Forex Slovenija
Thailand Property Investments 10% na leto
European Investments |
18 Sep 2013 18:40 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2011, 16:56 Prispevkov: 191
Ja to razumem ja, samo ta denar, ki ga mi dobimo na UI račun je virtualen...
Kako je lahko vse odvisno od FP-jev, če delajo z svojim denarjem, ne z denarjem BO-jev? Kako potem denar pride od affiliate companies do FP-jev oz. do nas?
_________________ <a href="https://robotaffiliates.com/aff?aid=277&sid=1&lang=sl" target="_blank"><img src="http://zasluzi.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/728x90.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Novo v Sloveniji - FARMASI | Zasluži s prodajo izdelkov Essens + Peugeot 206! | Binarne opcije - donosi do 92% |
18 Sep 2013 18:48 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.09. 2008, 23:00 Prispevkov: 157
kot je rekel Uinvestor, oktobra bo šlo... verjamem v UI in verjamem da bodo poštimal:) najbolj pa paniko delajo tisti, ki so vložili 10€ not:)
20 Sep 2013 13:42 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2011, 16:56 Prispevkov: 191
20 Sep 2013 13:50 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Jaz vidim samo problem v tem... da se marsikomu nabira ze kar nekaj mesecev po 500$+ mesečno... In oktobra če bojo vsi pobrali vn bo rablo bit spet ogromno parcev not...
Če ima 1000 ljudi za dvignit 1000$ je to 1.000.000$ (miljon) kar pa ni lih mali denar...
Se puščam presenetit samo izkušnje mi govorijo da tukaj se ne piše dobro... in ne nisem vložil 10$ not...
20 Sep 2013 14:13 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
Eden od odgovorov od Dava na forumu !
There is one simple explanation of why it happened: fake cash on accounts of many FPs earned by generating referral commission. Significant amount that was used by crooks to move in and out to generate even more fake funds. Once LR was shut down they were left with no tool do move this money any longer and started to pour this amount to FPs washing their assets out and putting the commission to the heaven. When we calculated everything we realized that we must stop all payouts until we figure out who cheated and how much.
I understand that you don't cheat but we talk about thousands of people. We cannot leave one payment method and eliminate others as cheaters will easily find ways to use the hole. We cannot pay to Ron just because he looks honest and was at the conference in LA, some cheaters were also attendees. There must be only one solution - investigate and punish.
This is why our support tells you were are working hard and no one can give you an estimated date. It is not possible, like it or not.
We have reworked FP, it took time but now we have working mechanism free of cheating. Now we will be resuming payouts. Slowly but steadily, to not break all businesses as they still make us money. Sorry to sound like a broken record but I don't want to give you any estimation even though I am pretty sure all the problems are over. |
Z izpolnjevanjem anket do denarja - v Slovenskem jeziku
Do 1.25 % dnevno, kjer drugi trgujejo za vas na kripto in forex trgu
24 Sep 2013 16:19 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Spet po dolgem času na Uinvestu smi je nabralo kar nekaj denarja že. Kot vidim po zhornjih posti Uinvest trenutno ne izplačuje ?
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
24 Sep 2013 16:44 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.01. 2011, 16:56 Prispevkov: 191
Financial system that has been implemented at UInvest is based on three participants: BO, Affiliated Company and uinvestor. Affiliated Company is a financial intermediary which deals with funds, its responsibility is to correctly process transactions sending money to BOs from uinvestors and vice versa. They make money taking commissions so the more they process the more they earn. To work with funds at UInvest they need to be trusted, therefore their balance at UInvest is backed by their assets (which can be cash or debentures, whatever makes us confident).
At first that was just one company, then we allowed a few others to join the market. Maybe some of you remember us accepting paypal, cheques, alertpay etc - all of this was result of agreement between Uinvest and those financiers. And yes, LR was the same kind of a deal, too. Then we realized that if we allow uinvestors to join this market we will add more competition (=better terms, wider payment method selection etc) and prepare people for Uinvest franchise which will allow direct linking uinvestors with BOs (making this link working efficiently has been our mission since 2007, by the way). Anyway, this is how FP market was born, last year.
Right from the beginning we realized that last thing FPs want to do is to take into account our mission Of course I don't refer to all of them , but to significantly active number. They wanted to cheat, scam, hack, commit all kinds of crimes and do anything it takes to get their pockets full of money. So we had to postpone our mission and not give them ability to process BO's funds.
Now introduction is over, let me address your questions:
#1 Affiliated Companies receive funds and payout funds when it is clear that these funds were not generated by scam artists, neither were a part of those schemes. As I said, other pay outs are paused because of the mess created by FPs, because many of them are out of business now and because the global attitude to electronic currency has changed since May, 2013. All of this shakes not only you but the whole world of internet finances.
#2 The money will be paid out to its owners, honest uinvestors. After our detailed investigation. Obligations just allow us to set new rules and allow FPs to make money during this period. And, luckily, transform the system to what it must be - safe and all-sufficient marketplace that directly links BOs and uinvestors (UICloud franchise).
_________________ <a href="https://robotaffiliates.com/aff?aid=277&sid=1&lang=sl" target="_blank"><img src="http://zasluzi.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/728x90.jpg" border="0"></a><br>
Novo v Sloveniji - FARMASI | Zasluži s prodajo izdelkov Essens + Peugeot 206! | Binarne opcije - donosi do 92% |
26 Sep 2013 22:48 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.09. 2008, 23:00 Prispevkov: 157
Hvala za info.
Malo še počakajmo.. drug teden naj bi se začele prodajat delnice.. glede na to da so precej dobre se bodo hitro prodale. Potem bodo FPji in Afpji imeli skupno cca 1 miljon dolarjev.. upam da bo to zadostovalo za nekaj časa..
27 Sep 2013 19:35 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
1 miljon sredstev za tak program... nevem no bomo vidli samo pomojem miljonček gre hitro vn. Ali pač. Bomo vidli. Se puščam presenetit.
27 Sep 2013 21:26 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.09. 2008, 23:00 Prispevkov: 157
miljon gre res najbrž hitro ven, samo sej bodo bolj pogosto dajali ven nove posle.. jaz mislim da bo šlo.. na začetku je najhujše ker ima folk velik za ven dat... če bi ta prvi šus pokrili bi šlo vsak mesec vedno lažje skos...
28 Sep 2013 09:43 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu