Avtor |
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
13 Feb 2013 17:45 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
14 Feb 2013 19:53 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
phishing mail... |
Eden bi rad prišel do računov na lahki način...
Tako da tisti ki imate odprte račune pazite da vas takšen mail ne zavede... in se prijavite v LR račun...
v kolikor se to zgodi ... čim prej zamenjajte geslo, če ni prepozno
Prejeto od:
OIL OF ASIA LTD <oilofasialtd@gmail.com> prek domene tknla.net
Oil of Asia LTD Important Users Notice
in vsebina mila:
Hello Members,
About 40 individuals have reported their accounts were broken into and
their requested withdrawals were sent to a different account. This is
unacceptable and we are instituting a very simple procedure to ensure no
ones withdrawal is sent to the wrong account. Very simply put, we are
sending this email out to the original account email addresses to make
sure only the real owner of the account receives the withdrawal request.
Please use the link below to prove your ownership of your Oil of Asia
account. You will just need to send a penny from your actual account, so
we know it is you. It is automatic and that penny will be credited to your
Oil of Asia account panel. This will ensure your withdrawal requests are
always processed to your account only.
Click here for your Oil of Asia account verification. It will direct you
directly to our automated verification:
Thank you.
Regards, Adam Dhaliwal
Oil of Asia Ltd CEO
http://mail21.turnkeynewsletter.com/link.php?M=5325713&N=1588&L=983&F=T |
Pri meni je ta mail še toliko bolj sumljiv ker nisem vpisan... in je že takoj jasno, da nekaj ni vredu!!
Pazljivost ni nikoli odveč.
04 Mar 2013 09:38 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
04 Mar 2013 16:51 |
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 25.04. 2012, 16:48 Prispevkov: 1
oil of asia |
Zanima me sicer ena zadeva pri OFA. Sam sem investiral nekaj malega in izbral 100% reinvestiranje. Plačila potekajo nemoteno vsak dan, to se lepo vidi, vendar na account balance nimam nič. Dobivam na earned total in me zanima kako si lahko prenakažem na account balance, ker samo iz acc balance si lahko izplačaš na plačilni procesor. Hvala
10 Mar 2013 22:41 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
11 Mar 2013 00:19 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
21 Mar 2013 20:07 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu