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Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.05. 2012, 07:37 Prispevkov: 67
FastMoneyMakerGroup |
Prišel je nov obetajoč program FastMoneyMakerGroup
site is just launched
1. Member purchases a Share/Ad package for $1.45
2. $1.30 is split between the next 100 positions in the system and referral sponsors.
3. Admin keeps 0.15 cents for the upkeep of the site.
4. The shares matures when it reaches $2.00 giving the chance for the new active shares to reach $2.00 faster.
5. Do it over and over again.
Results= Members making money faster and website running Sustainable and Interminably!
Introducing Your New Revenue Sharing Opportunity...
You don't know it yet... But no matter where you've been or what you've done online so far, today is a brand new start for your future that you may well remember for years to come!
Why? Because you're standing on the threshold of making a substantial income from our revenue sharing model. This opportunity works so well that it generates a solid income for most that participate, and it's taking the Internet by storm! Our program is creating bulging hip pockets, and smiles on both Admin and members' happy faces.
How it works
Once you signup for free to our program today, you can purchase 1 share for $1.45 USD each, and receive quality advertising in the form of banner and text ad impressions (5000 banner and 5000 text impressions) for each share you purchase. Then, you will receive a part of 90% from each share that our program sells.. NO REFERRAL NEEDED. You can also purchase shares using your available balance. Every share you purchase means 1 position that you will receive 90% on it, for each position. So the more shares that you purchase, the more money you earn. Each position expires once it reaches $2.00 USD. You can cashout when your balance reaches 2$ which is processed within 48 hours after request. You can literally sit with your account page open, and watch as your earnings increase in real-time on a daily basis. There is no limit how many shares/Ad you can purchase a day or a year. Your positions will also earn commissions from the new shares that you purchase!! But not only that, we've got some great bonuses for free that you will thoroughly enjoy.
Promote your affiliate link, and when your referrals purchase a share, you will earn a cash commission down 5 levels
Level 1: 5%
Level 2: 4%
Level 3: 3%
Level 4: 2%
Level 5: 1%
Več informacij glede izplačil imate na njihovi facebook strani in MMG forumu.
06 Avg 2012 15:01 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
ma to je ku cykler ? al kako to deluje ?
_________________ Kripto svet! ![Happy](images/smiles/trans1.gif) |
11 Avg 2012 17:23 |
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Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.05. 2012, 07:37 Prispevkov: 67
To je cycler kjer kupuješ " reklamne pakete" cena paketa je $1.45 ...na koncu dobiš ven od tega paketa $2. Jaz sem začel z desetimi paketi in vsak dan dobivam nazaj $. Spodaj sem ti prilepil stanje na današnji dan:
# PaymentMode Position Earning Purchased Date
1 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:23
2 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:23
3 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:22
4 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:22
5 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:22
6 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:22
7 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:22
8 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:22
9 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:22
10 SolidTrustPay: $1.45 $0.76 2012-08-07 08:29:22
Active Shares Purchased:
Profit from Active Shares:
Torej v 5 dneh sem že dobil nazaj $7.60 .....zdaj lahko okvirno izračunaš kdaj bom izplačan $20. Naslednjič vzamem paket za $100 oziroma še več
Če kaj spremljaš MMG forum boš videl , da so vsi zelo zadovoljni z programom.
12 Avg 2012 16:05 |
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Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.05. 2012, 07:37 Prispevkov: 67
Minimalno izplačilo so spremenili iz $10 na $5.
14 Avg 2012 12:57 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 16.01. 2008, 23:47 Prispevkov: 807 Kraj: Pesnica@MB |
kak pa tu centiči hitro skupaj letijo joj, samo da si procesorje nafilam, nabavim takoj še 10 deležev
_________________ "Life's too short to throw it all away" |
16 Avg 2012 10:41 |
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Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.05. 2012, 07:37 Prispevkov: 67
Jap, res prav lepo letijo teli centi ......z dobičkom se , da kar lepo sproti kupovati nove in nove.
16 Avg 2012 14:58 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 25.05. 2012, 10:55 Prispevkov: 418
Sem jih kupil 9 + še 8 iz zaslužka, zdej pa na eno izplačilo prvo počakat Dobim cca 7-10% dnevno. Pa še veliko telih programov je štartalo, v vsakem bom kupil 1-5 shareov, zna bit dovolj če se v prvih dneh pridružiš in ptoem samo kupuješ z zaslužkom.
A je kdo za to da se telim novim programom pridružujemo drug pod drugim, izmenjaje? Verjetno najbolje da bi kar eno temo naredil, in ker imajo tile vsi 3-5 levelov bi tako lahko vsi nekaj ekstra iz tega dobili.
Je kdo za?
_________________ PaidVerts cashback - prejmite 100% RCB na prvi nakup, ter 50% za vse nadaljne nakupe in klike |
16 Avg 2012 22:09 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.04. 2012, 17:59 Prispevkov: 127
lahko se naredi tako kot si rekele androveti! jaz sem za. FastmoneymakerGroup se je mal upočasnil ,kajne?
19 Avg 2012 10:59 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 25.05. 2012, 10:55 Prispevkov: 418
Ja se je ja. Ampak naj bi zrihtali Payzo /Egopay ter vpeljali instantna plačila + še neke druge posodobitve. Bom ostal noter, vendar dokler ne vidim sprememb samo dol vlečem denar. Sem že malo v plusu ampak ne bom ponovno kupoval shareov, če se stanje ne izboljša.
_________________ PaidVerts cashback - prejmite 100% RCB na prvi nakup, ter 50% za vse nadaljne nakupe in klike |
19 Avg 2012 19:50 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.04. 2012, 17:59 Prispevkov: 127
Jaz tudi ne kupim več shara v kolikor se ne izboljša. V tem sem 14 dni in mi bo verjetno šele danes 1 share dosegel 2$ (trenutno je na 1,99$) =). Ostalo je vse nekje pod 1$.
20 Avg 2012 09:46 |
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Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.05. 2012, 07:37 Prispevkov: 67
Kot kaže je konec s tem programom.
03 Sep 2012 13:53 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.04. 2012, 17:59 Prispevkov: 127
Zgleda ,da res..in tudi na support se ne javljajo več. Prosil sem,da poberem tist kar imam na računi in ni bilo odgovora. Vsota je manjša od 5$ tako,da ne morem dvignit. Niti do enega izplačila nisem prišel. Tako,da v take programe kateri nimajo strategije 65-35 oz eno od strategij za nujno re-investiranje sredstev se sploh ne prijavljam več.
03 Sep 2012 16:37 |
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Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.05. 2012, 07:37 Prispevkov: 67
Po dolgem času sem spet preveril program in vidim, da spet vse lepo dela in , da se mi je nabralo nekaj denarja......torej očitno ni konec s tem programom ![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
20 Sep 2012 12:57 |
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