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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 16.03. 2012, 12:23 Prispevkov: 218
KISnP - Keep It Simple and Profitable |
Nov, mlad HYIP, ki veliko obeta.
Ponuja tri plane s fiksnimi dnevnimi, tedenskimi ali mesečnimi donosi neomejenega trajanja, dokler je glavnica vložena ter z zelo realnim,
vzdržnim ROI. Vložiti je možno vsote že od $10 dalje, vložek je možno dvigniti po 150 dneh (za onemogočanje hit&run vlagateljev, tudi to
govori v prid dolgoročnosti programa):
Za tiste, ki igrajo na večje karte, pa ponuja dva plana z dnevnim izplačevanjem v trajanju 50/80 delovnih dni, vlagati je možno vsote od $500 dalje.
BEP: 22 delovnih dni. Vložek se ne vrača, saj je vključen v dnevna izplačila.
Na forumih že info o izplačilih. Imajo tudi zelo aktivnega in odzivnega admina, če komu to veliko pomeni. Vsak dan je dosegljiv na MNO,
če ga želi kdo kaj osebno vprašati.
Pa da vidimo
31 Jul 2012 19:54 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
tale je dober
jaz sem tule joinal kot team z frendom. tako da sva denar vrgla skupaj in sva dosegla višji procent.
09 Avg 2012 16:51 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Tudi mene je pičlo pa sem danes skočil not.
V daily 1 plan s 500$. Sledijo napeti dnevi
09 Avg 2012 18:51 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 16.03. 2012, 12:23 Prispevkov: 218
V info morebitnim zainteresiranim: če ima kdo namen iti noter v dnevne plane, naj pohiti, ker se obetajo spremembe v prid dolgoročnejši vzdržnosti. Kmalu bo pogoj za vstop v dnevne plane to, da imaš vložek v forever planu in še kaka novost se obeta.
Newsletter za člane, ki bo opisal novosti je obljubljen za te dni...
Kot zanimivost še analiza, ki jo je pripravil moj upline (ki je, mimogrede v KISnP vložil $13.000):
I actually do have a few background points you may not know about KISnP which may help you make up your mind about them (:
1. Because they only pay business days, they may look like they have run for 63 days so far, but realistically they have only run for 45 total paying days if you are looking to compare that to other programs which pay calendar days.
2. When KISnP started, their plans had a very high maximum rate if you wanted to invest in the forever monthly plan (2.5k) and did not even offer the daily plan option. They have now lowered the forever monthly plan to only $250 and introduced the Daily Plans which offer principal back with interest over either 50 or 80 working days.
3. When KISnP started their site wasn't very user friendly and looked cheap. Only just over a week ago Zepp updated his website and now it looks so much better than it did.
4. For the first 6 or so weeks online KISnP did not advertise very much at all, his program was actually listed on MNO as STANDARD not Premium and again didn't attract very many investors, certainly not high spending ones. He only VERY recently purchased his first banner spot on MNO and he didn't do it half hearted either, he purchased the spot for a full FOUR MONTHS.
You can see from the above information that KISnP had a very slow start, and Zepp himself has learnt a lot from when he started to now. Deposits are now coming in hard and fast, and will only increase in time, as time goes on more and more people will be purchasing the forever plans which will definatly help to keep KISnP sustainable.
Also if you do the math, KISnP only offers the same ROI that R7 did with their Daily Plan 1 and 2 @ 2.5% interest a day which R7 sustained for 8 full months without the benefit of having such popular forever plans to help keep the ship going.
Finally to top it off, Zepp personally told me that once he thinks it is the right time for it, he will purchase STICKY listing on MNO, and not just for one or two months upfront, but SIX full months upfront. KISnP will indeed be the number 1 program on MNO in the next 6 months from now, and I'd personally recommend joining and starting your journey with them long before he purchases that STICKY listing because you will have a much higher chance of reaching BEP and very high profits from now until the closure of KISnP which I think will be at least 300+ days from now (:
I highly encourage you to check out KISnP's recent payout page, they actually list exactly every $ that has been paid to member since they have started, and you will see that for a very long time at the begining, there were very few payouts made and they were very low amounts. If you then look at the payments made today and yesterday and the day before, you can see very steady growth, and the amounts being paid out are also growing over time, meaning slowly but surely people have invested more and more...
I trust all this information has been helpful, and at the very least helped you to decide if KISnP is in fact the best place to invest your EGO funds.
Za več info - tukaj ali na ZS. Če gre kdo pod mene, nudim 50% RCB.
09 Avg 2012 22:54 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 16.03. 2012, 12:23 Prispevkov: 218
Tegale je že konec, da ne bo kdo vpadu noter s kakim vložkom (čeprav je stran načeloma down).
08 Sep 2012 21:38 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu