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Avtor Sporočilo
Novi Član

Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2011, 22:23
Prispevkov: 2

Prispevek sistem facebook s katerim se da zaslužit Odgovori s citatom
spoštovani juzerji, prečitajte si spodnji koncept in če se vam zdi zanimiv se prijavite. Skratka nimate kaj za izgubit .


Hello Users

Have you heard of WAZZUB?

~ WAZZUB, is a Brilliant Concept; It has NEVER Been Done Before ~

Make no mistake. WAZZUB is a multi-billion dollar project.
It has been in the making since 2007 with over $2,000,000 already invested.

It’s the new Internet Phenomenon; it's here to stay and you are one of the first in the world to know about it. So, it's very important to understand what you have in your hands. This Baby WILL go VIRAL.

~ Timing is Everything ~

You can set yourself up for life financially - for F*R*E*E -
and earn Massive Passive Residual Income every month like nothing else out there.
~ This can happen at LIGHTNING SPEED because it's always FR*E*E for all ~

The more F*R*E*E members you invite, the more money you will make.

You could earn about $1.00 per person in your "UNLIMITED" width x 5 generations-deep WAZZUB family. (depending on the company growth)

If that doesn't seem like much, watch what happens...

You simply invite 5 friends to join for f*r*e*e-forever and they do the same 5 generations:

1st. Generation 5 x $1.00 = $5.00
2nd. Generation 25 x $1.00 = $25.00
3rd. Generation 125 x $1.00 = $125.00
4th. Generation 625 x $1.00 = $625.00
5th. Generation 3125 x $1.00 = $3,125.00
Your Passive Income could be = $3,905.00 every month for doing NOTHING different than what you are currently doing every day.

Most people will invite more than 5 f*r*e*e members.
What if everyone invited just 10 people?
That amount would EXPLODE to: $111,110.00 per month in passive residual income for LIFE!

Here's the KICKER: It doesn't stop there. The more people you invite the more money you'll make. The number of people you can invite is UNLIMITED.
Try 20 or 30 and see what happens... IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!

It's a fact that most people will join because it's UNIQUE,
it's POWERFUL and it's F*R*E*E. Everybody loves F*R*E*E.

~The sky truly is the limit here at WAZZUB ~

My recommendation:

Step 1 – go here and sign up:

Step 2 – read all the important facts at:

Step 3 – read “How Is WAZZUB Different?

Step 4 – invite your friends and partners to become a part in this success story

Hurry up, act now!
99.99% of the world doesn't know about this yet.

Accept my positive vibrations of Succe$$ and Happiness Smile

Together we activate the power of "We"!

Thank you,


The WAZZUB Family
03 Jan 2012 18:57 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06
Prispevkov: 843
Kraj: Primorska

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
1. post je samo kopiran nic pojasnjeno v SLOVENŠČINI!!!

2. Tema že obstaja tako da je ta odvečni SPAM!

03 Jan 2012 20:37 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Obišči avtorjevo spletno stran
Novi Član

Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2011, 22:23
Prispevkov: 2

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
če res misliš da je to samo spam se mi smiliš. Jaz vem in sem prepričan da bo ta stvar delovala.Samo dovolj nas more biti, da smo lahko konkurenčni. tako da se na pridružite in si veliko denarja prislužite.
04 Jan 2012 13:03 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13
Prispevkov: 253

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
P|zda ne moreš prit na forum in neki začet pisat!!! Kej misliš da si odkril toplo vodo????? prelistaj forum tema že obstaja....waw kdo se komu zdej smili ???

Kripto svet! Happy
04 Jan 2012 13:07 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 26.04. 2011, 10:10
Prispevkov: 298

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
mico03 je napisal/a:
če res misliš da je to samo spam se mi smiliš. Jaz vem in sem prepričan da bo ta stvar delovala.Samo dovolj nas more biti, da smo lahko konkurenčni. tako da se na pridružite in si veliko denarja prislužite.

dojenček, ki je odkril eno mejhno mejhno pikco na intrnetu, in misli da je boga prijel za jajca
04 Jan 2012 13:26 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
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