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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
Uinvest |
Nekaj kar že dalj časa spremljam...pa še nisem našel dovolj info za vložek.
Gre za baje registrirano podjetje, veliko se je o njem pisalo tudi med yahoojevimi novicami
Vlagajo v delnice različnih podjetij...sami lahko izberete, lastnik katerih delnic bi želeli bit. Investicije so dolgoročne in ponujajo okoli 12% mesečno.
Trenutna najnižja ponudba za nakup delnice je 45$, gre za podjetje ki se ukvarja z proizvodnjo in prodajo pijač ; vina itd.
Plačila so možna preko, banke, kreditne kartice, čeka, Alert paya in Liberty reserve, webmoney..
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Phone number +38 044 2278174
USA & Canada toll free 1-888-5817883
Ukraine, 04116 Kiev
Melnikova 83 |
Če ima kdo kaj več info. o podjetju bi jih bil zelo vesel,..
Z izpolnjevanjem anket do denarja - v Slovenskem jeziku
Do 1.25 % dnevno, kjer drugi trgujejo za vas na kripto in forex trgu
Nazadnje urejal/a bajker25 28 Feb 2014 19:11; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
23 Sep 2010 20:39 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
Tale zgleda res ni muha enodnevnica...je bila novica objavljena tudi na dailyfinance :
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UInvest, a unique funding firm, has announced powerful new investments open to "everyday" investors, thanks to the power of globalization.
Ukraine (PRWEB) August 24, 2010 --UInvest, a leading global investment and funding firm, has released details about viable online investment options for the everyday investor. Through a unique program, UInvest offers ordinary investors the means to put their money to work on their behalf and reap the rewards of a sound investment strategy.
Globalization has given investors new venture opportunities that were not available previously. In addition, with the assistance of innovative programs offered by UInvest, average investors now have the chance to invest online in and own part of their dreams. According to Chief of Business Development, Alex Darialov, “In our globalized world, there are no more borders for businesses, we are all interconnected. We give usual people the tools to benefit from this through online investing.”
UInvest was founded in 2006 by five entrepreneurs who saw a need to bolster businesses suffering from a poor economy. Their initial efforts met with tremendous success, and they decided to take the project international, through the Internet. Thus, UInvest was born. From the firm's inception until 2010, UInvest has processed more than $50 million in total resources and have enabled several thousand online investors to make their investment dreams a reality.
According to Vitaliy Danilenko, owner of UInvest, “I’ve always dreamt of owning a vineyard, but this wasn’t possible if you’re not rich enough. Now, it is affordable to everyone – go buy a share of your dream, own it, grow it, earn on it – and all online.”
Perhaps the most interesting innovation on the part of this firm is the fact that all investments are carried out directly online through a secure website interface. This means that investors from around the world can participate in the international investment market, from the privacy of their own homes by investing their money online.
In addition, UInvest offers the opportunity to invest in small and medium businesses, not just corporate giants. This means that the average investor is able to make his or her investment money go much further than would otherwise be possible.
UInvest offers the "average" investor the chance to find viable business ideas to invest in and make the best possible return on that money.
To find out more about the innovative offerings from UInvest.
About UInvest: Vitaliy Danilenko and four other investors founded UInvest in 2006. The company was formed in a desire to combine innovation and finances, with the mission to help Ukrainian businesses by using innovative financial technologies. |
Z izpolnjevanjem anket do denarja - v Slovenskem jeziku
Do 1.25 % dnevno, kjer drugi trgujejo za vas na kripto in forex trgu
![](http://www.diversity-fund.biz/banners/df2_468x60.gif) |
25 Sep 2010 00:30 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
04 Okt 2010 20:11 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
05 Nov 2010 18:54 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
Še vedno super...
In še novica...zaslužek si lahko prebivalci Slovenije izplačujemo direktno na visa kartico ali pa kot so sporočili danes bo počasi odprata tudi opcija preko paypala!!
Če bodo paypalu dokazali da so verodostojni in če jim bodo oni dovolili uporabo na strani potem bo še zanimivo!!
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UInvest accepts PayPal
UInvest makes the next step towards to its customers and makes the investing
even more convenient. From now you can load your UInvest accounts from
your PayPal account!
At the moment we're testing this payment option so this option is available to
selected accounts only. To check if your account qualifies please send us your
UInvest username by e-mail. Our staff will check the availablity and get back to you
as soon as possible. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.
Z izpolnjevanjem anket do denarja - v Slovenskem jeziku
Do 1.25 % dnevno, kjer drugi trgujejo za vas na kripto in forex trgu
![](http://www.diversity-fund.biz/banners/df2_468x60.gif) |
29 Nov 2010 22:52 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
03 Dec 2010 20:50 |
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Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 10.12. 2010, 18:55 Prispevkov: 19
Če prav razumem kupuješ delnice in služiš z obrestmi oziroma dividendami od teh delnic. Kaj to pomeni, da delnico lahko kupiš in čez en mesec prodaš ali moraš počakati da se vrednost, ki ti jo izplačujejo mesečno akumulira do vrednosti vložka?
Ma kdo kako izkušnjo z večjimi vložki recimo 200$ itd.
Nekje sem celo prebral da gre za hyip?
12 Dec 2010 12:09 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
Ja..vplačaš in postaneš lastnik delnice. Zanimivo pri vsem tem je, da ti vse papirje o lastništvu pošljejo na tvoj domači naslov, vključno z prospektom firme katere delnice si kupil.
Delnice lahko kadarkoli prodaš ali pa si ali izplačuješ mesečni zaslužek ali pa le tega reinvestiraš za nakup novih deležev.
Ali je hyip ali je navaden ponzi ali je resnična zadeva nimam pojma...do sedaj dela več kot odlično, admin oz. tisti ki je zadolžen za komunikacijo je več kot aktiven po forumih, zanimivo je dejstvo, da je stran objavljena v določenih časopisih, razkriti so dokazi o verodostojnosti podjetja, licene itd. že samo dejstvo da sprejemajo paypal je navdušojoče, ker vemo kakšno politiko je imel paypal do navadnih hyipov. Tako da zadeva izgleda res profesionalno , ne promovirajo se toliko po raznih monitorjih, razvijajo se počasi in je kar nekaj dokazov o relativno velikih vložkih posameznikov.
Je pa na vsakem posameziku ali bo vložil ali ne...vendar če ste igralec v hyip vodah je tale program nekaj kar morate imeti v svojem portfelju...
Sem tik pred nakupom delnice Ski Resort Hotel, cena ene je 180$ mesečni dohodek je 32 $...razmišljam o nakupu 3 ali 4 ..tukaj je investicija povrnjena v 5.5 mesca..potem pa samo plus dokler pač ne prodaš..čakam še na en odgovor od admina!
Z izpolnjevanjem anket do denarja - v Slovenskem jeziku
Do 1.25 % dnevno, kjer drugi trgujejo za vas na kripto in forex trgu
![](http://www.diversity-fund.biz/banners/df2_468x60.gif) |
12 Dec 2010 15:17 |
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Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 10.12. 2010, 18:55 Prispevkov: 19
heh sej zato sprašujem ker bi jst tut vložu v ta ski resort ![Happy](images/smiles/trans1.gif)
12 Dec 2010 18:06 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
Dobil odgovor na moje vprašanje..
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Q/ Why do we not find the NAMES of the businesses listed for sale? By having the Name, we could then at least confirm that the businesses do actually EXIST.
A/ Who does 'WE' refer to? If 'WE' - investors, well, you can find them in the papers you receive. We even print a hysical address of each company so you shouln't have any problems to find the business you invest in. If 'WE' - our loyal users who just want to do their DD, well, please do this without this information. We have 20+ people working to search for the investment opportunities, find owners, discuss and settle deals with them. We cannot prepare this information just to make it public, it is our business to earn on this information. There is third group of 'WE' - our competitors. They will use our mistakes and we had such problems in the past.
Torej kot že prej rečeno..dobite vse papirje po investiciji na vaš domač naslov!
Praktično ni nekih zadržkov za večje investicije!
Z izpolnjevanjem anket do denarja - v Slovenskem jeziku
Do 1.25 % dnevno, kjer drugi trgujejo za vas na kripto in forex trgu
![](http://www.diversity-fund.biz/banners/df2_468x60.gif) |
12 Dec 2010 18:54 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
19 Apr 2011 17:08 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
20 Apr 2011 10:11 |
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Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Nisem se še prijavil...
Me pa zanima kako bi si ali kako se potem računa profit oziroam zaslužek, če vzamem primer z to delnico:
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Še vedno top...
Trenutno najcenejša delnica se dobi že za 14$ jih je cca ,9900 na razpolago.. |
in če bi kupil eno (vsaj zaenkrat)
Bi bil vesel če bi hotel malo opisati na primeru.
20 Apr 2011 12:13 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
Ko se boš logiral boš imel na razpolago vse delnice, ki jih je mogoce kupit...zaj konkretno ta najcenejša ti navrže 2$ mesečno, investicija pa traja 15 let, vsaj tak se da razbrat iz opisa..je pa še ostalih precej...načeloma se vložek povrne nekje v 5 - 6 mesecih potem pa samo profit. Delnice pa lahko predčasno tudi prodaš.
Od vseh hyipov mi tile res delujejo še nabolj pristni,..seveda pa nikol ne veš..ampak za 1x je vse ok. Par dejstev ki jih razlikuje od ostalih : sprejemajo paypal (navadnim hyipm račune zelo hitro bannajo ), objavljeni so v večjih spletnih časopisih, papirje o nakupu delnice pošljejo na dom..
Z izpolnjevanjem anket do denarja - v Slovenskem jeziku
Do 1.25 % dnevno, kjer drugi trgujejo za vas na kripto in forex trgu
Nazadnje urejal/a bajker25 22 Apr 2011 15:55; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
20 Apr 2011 16:35 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2010, 11:39 Prispevkov: 314
20 Apr 2011 16:47 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
20 Apr 2011 17:20 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2010, 11:39 Prispevkov: 314
20 Apr 2011 18:54 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2010, 11:39 Prispevkov: 314
20 Apr 2011 19:48 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
22 Apr 2011 15:54 |
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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2010, 11:39 Prispevkov: 314
22 Apr 2011 17:10 |
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