Avtor |
Sporočilo |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
ProfitDeluxe SCAM |
Zivjo našelu sem en HIYP.
Sprejmejo AP perfectmoney in LR
Zgleda obetavno je dovolj potrdil o izplacilih na drugih forumih. Pomojem dokaj nova zadeva nisem 100% ampak na drugem forumu je tip postal 28.3. o tem programu tako da mislim da 5 dni bo trajalo mogoce vec
Investiral sem 10$ porocam kako pa kaj bo
Se en info link.
Z glavo na zabavo!
PS: Noro zabavno je investiranje denarja hehe ceprav sem nov se ze veselim nadalnjih izkusenj. Upam da ne slabih
Nazadnje urejal/a nazarak 14 Maj 2011 13:02; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
09 Apr 2011 17:04 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Dobrodošel v poslu
V bistvu imaš prav, zakon se je malo igrati 
09 Apr 2011 17:18 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
5 dni je mimo dobil sem 12.5$ zahteval izplacilo za 2.5$ 10$ reinvestiral...
Izplacilo v roku 5min
Date: April 14, 2011 12:27:49 PM
Amount Paid: $2.50 USD
Buyer Name: Daniel Johnson
Buyer Email: prodeluxeco@gmail.com
Na vseh monitorjih je še zelena luč bomo vidli koliko bo to še trajalo...
Jaz se bom igral z ognjem do konca. Zakaj? Zato ker je zabavno hehe.
Upam da bom le na koncu v +.
14 Apr 2011 18:28 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Stvar sevedno lepo pridno izplačuje...
This is to confirm that you have received a payment of $2.50 USD from Daniel Johnson(prodeluxeco@gmail.com).
Payment Details
Date: April 19, 2011 12:32:00 PM
Amount Paid: $2.50 USD
Buyer Name: Daniel Johnson
Buyer Email: prodeluxeco@gmail.com
Pa se ta email sem dobil da so naredili nek članek o tej strani:
Today I am really glad to write a first ProfitDeluxe newsletter. ProfitDeluxe went trough a great 3 weeks and that makes me feel happy. More to say I am quite impressed with amazing ProfitDeluxe grow and we are getting more popular day by day. We already completed four 125% After 5 Day cycles and there is many many more cycles to come. Thank you all for your support! Program have a really big potential and you will see this in near future.
Few days ago ProfitDeluxe were reviewed by a Money-News-Online, you can check review here:
http://money-news-online.com/blog/2011/04/13/13042011-profitdeluxe-review-and-daily-news-from-the-industry/ |
Jaz sem nazaj investiral nor 10$ trenutno imam 50% ze izplacano se 10 dni pol pa samo profit
19 Apr 2011 22:04 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Tudi jaz sem danes naredil premik na tej strani...
21 Apr 2011 22:57 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Skoda ko se nisi pod mano prijavil hehe
22 Apr 2011 06:53 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Saj sem se mislil... Pa sem pozabil da je tu že na tem forumu, ker sm mislu jas napisat, pol pa pridem na forum, pa vidim da je že...
Uporabljam druge vire od koder dobivam informacije...
22 Apr 2011 16:08 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
This is to confirm that you have received a payment of $2.50 USD from Daniel Johnson(prodeluxeco@gmail.com).
Payment Details
Date: April 24, 2011 1:24:11 PM
Amount Paid: $2.50 USD
Buyer Name: Daniel Johnson
Buyer Email: prodeluxeco@gmail.com
Se 5 dni pol pa je samo se +!
I like it!
24 Apr 2011 19:28 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Dear Investors,
I hope you had a superb weekend, had a nice rest, and are now back to work in a really great mood. ProfitDeluxe is already almost a month online and doing very well. I think it is fair enough to say that, ProfitDeluxe is currently the most promising short term investment program in the whole HYIP industry. You will not find a better place to receive huge profits in a short period of time. I am really happy with our performance. Yesterday, we reached 5,000 members and more importantly, we continue with our fantastic growth, day by day. Those results were possible only because of your fantastic support. I always try to do my job with the most honest approach, and I am sure we can achieve together much more. I will continue this hard work to make ProfitDeluxe the best, and I am sure that there is much more months to come. Thanks for your fantastic support and I hope you are happy with your ProfitDeluxe profits.
I would like to inform you that on Friday night, we will have a scheduled maintenance. There is no need to worry, as this will not affect our website work seriously, and probably it will be offline for around 5-10 minutes. I am more than sure that you will not even notice this small downtime. During this website update, we will add multi-language phone support. ProfitDeluxe is one of the hottest programs now and I think it is important for members to get quick answers for their questions. So from coming Friday onwards, we will have English, French, Russian and Spanish phone operators and you will be able to receive fast replies to your questions. In near future, will also add Live Chat support in various languages and we will have the best support system in whole HYIP industry. Do not worry, because I will still be answering to all your emails. So if I you need my help, feel free to contact me via support ticket and I will be happy to assist you. During the maintenance, we will also update the members area and will also improve server security. Well, we did not have any downtime during this month, but it is better for all of us to improve our security to make sure this will never happen.
Within next few days you will be able to read my interview at Money-News-Online. Well, I think it is the right time for an interview and I would like to say thanks to Money-News-Online owner, Paul for this wonderful opportunity. I hope you will like it! Of course, I will announce it as soon as it is posted. So stay tuned.
Please note that recently I have disabled account details changing option. From now on, if you want to change your payment processor accounts or email, you will have to email me for this. I had to do this to improve the security of members’ accounts. Also, please store your passwords in a safe place and use anti-virus software to make sure that nothing serious will happen with your accounts.
Well, that is all guys for today. All payments are processed as usual. Thanks again for your huge support and I hope you enjoy our wonderful investment journey.
Best Regards, Daniel
ProfitDeluxe Support
Prijava: http://profitdeluxe.com/?ref=nazarak
26 Apr 2011 20:58 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Dear Investors,
I would like to inform you that my interview has been published at Money-News-Online blog. Big thanks to Paul for giving me this wonderful opportunity, you can find it here:
By the way as I promised phone support has been added, here are the numbers:
+16464169023 - English Phone Support
+14035366377 - French Phone Support
+4312297235 - Spanish Phone Support
+37052032401 - Russian Phone Support
We are still working on a server security improvment and hopefully we will finish soon. All payments are processed as usual, see you soon in my next newsletter.
Best regards, Daniel
ProfitDeluxe Support |
Se pravi dodali so support v 4 jezikih gre jim super upam na najboljse da bi le trajalo vsaj toliko kot extraincome se pravi se 200 dni
ju3 si nakazem izplacilo katero me bo prineslo na 0 pol pa je samo se profit i like it
29 Apr 2011 00:07 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Novo placilo...
Payment Details
Date: April 29, 2011 1:09:43 PM
Amount Paid: $2.50 USD
Buyer Name: Daniel Johnson
Buyer Email: prodeluxeco@gmail.com
29 Apr 2011 20:09 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Dear ProfitDeluxe Investors,
Another week has passed and we are stronger than ever. I am happy to say that there are now over 6,500 registered members in ProfitDeluxe after just 35 days online and it keeps growing more and more. We've completed 7 cycles but that's only our successful beginning. Without doubt I am sure that we will have many more cycles to come. It's great to see so many of you doing a great job promoting the program; I appreciate it. I have been quite occupied with the running of ProfitDeluxe but it's been very nice to be with you. As I have said previously, I still have many things to implement in the program and it will be the best program this industry has seen this year for sure - believe me.
As you may remember, recently we had scheduled maintenance and I am really happy that we had no problems during the server update. Well, now we have a more secure DDoS protected dedicated server and I hope this will help us prevent any problems resulting from future server attacks which might occur.
I am sure most of you already mentioned one more thing that we implemented during update. Of course I am speaking about the shoutbox in our members' area. I think it was a great idea and I am happy to see that it has become really popular in just a few days.
Just a couple of rules which need mentioning:
I must ask that spam links not be posted there and that you please be respectful of each other. That's all the rules we have there.
All payments are processed as usual. Until our next newsletter - take care.
Best regards, Daniel
ProfitDeluxe Support |
Živijo tale email sem dobil danes. Stran deluje še vedno kot mora ! na monitorjih je vse zeleno in mislim da bo ostalo vse zeleno še 30 dni
Pomojem je to nov extraincome kateri je držal se z glavo pokoncih več kot 200 dni!
Sam sem že si izplačal 100% začetnega vložka in zdej drvim na reki plusa an I like it .
V sredo mi poteče nova 5 dnevna investicija poročam kako pa kaj
01 Maj 2011 22:37 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Payment Details
Date: May 04, 2011 1:06:42 PM
Amount Sent: $3.00 USD
Sender Name: Daniel Johnson
Sender Email: prodeluxeco@gmail.com
Message: Withdraw to nazarak from ProfitDeluxe
Še vedno plačujejo Sem 3$ v + zdej tako da je zakon
04 Maj 2011 19:20 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2010, 16:02 Prispevkov: 109
You've got cash!
Daniel Johnson (prodeluxeco@gmail.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
Date: May 09, 2011 12:15:08 PM
Amount Sent: $2.50 USD
Sender Name: Daniel Johnson
Sender Email: prodeluxeco@gmail.com
Reference Number: 83841-12B5A-C4DDB
Message: Withdraw to matic686 from ProfitDeluxe
Evo se moje izplacilo 
09 Maj 2011 18:18 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Payment Details
Date: May 09, 2011 1:08:07 PM
Amount Sent: $2.50 USD
Sender Name: Daniel Johnson
Sender Email: prodeluxeco@gmail.com
Message: Withdraw to nazarak from ProfitDeluxe
Peyment instant !!!!
Osebno menim da bo to novi exincome
09 Maj 2011 19:09 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Informacije imam da se končuje... Uam da moj del ki poteče po 3 dneh še pride skozi...
11 Maj 2011 20:25 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
hvala za info bom tudi jaz pobral pol ven. Sem v vsakem primiru v + zdej odvisno ali 150% ali pa 275%
11 Maj 2011 20:41 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
11 Maj 2011 21:13 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 02.03. 2011, 23:06 Prispevkov: 843 Kraj: Primorska |
Jah bo treba naprej. Se še učimo! Na srečo skupni - ni tako velik. Upam da bom v nadalno vedu kako karte na mizo polagat pa da bom lažje + delal.
(več takih ad2milionov bo treba )
11 Maj 2011 21:14 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2010, 16:02 Prispevkov: 109
Jaz sem si vceraj izplacal pa danes se ni prislo.. gdo ve kaj narest?? 
12 Maj 2011 17:30 |