Avtor |
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
E-gold e-maili |
Zapomnite si e-gold nikoli ne pošilja e-mailov! Če dobite podoben e-mail:
pošiljatelj: accounts@e-gold.com Account Trouble
Account trouble
We are contacting you to remind you that on 07.10.06 our Account Review Team identified some unusual activity in your account. In accordance with e-gold��s User Agreement and to ensure that your account has not been compromised, access to your account was limited. Your account access will remain limited until this issue has been resolved please log in your account or click on the link bellow:
Click here to activate your account
Please do not reply to this automatically generated email message.
Pomebno je da nikoli ne klikate linkov v teh e-mailih! Hackerji samo prežijo na vaš klik! Verjemite mi, da boste imeli kmalu izpraznjen e-gold račun
Nazadnje urejal/a pinta33 14 Avg 2006 18:52; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
11 Jul 2006 11:12 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 18.07. 2006, 18:10 Prispevkov: 14
E-gold - prazen račun |
Moram reč da imam osebne izkušnje.Komaj sem si na e-gold nakazal par $ že sem bil drugi dan presenečen ker denarja ni bilo več na računu ....
Ko sem malo prebrskal forume sem hitro dojel da sem za to bil kriv sam , nekaj dni pred tem sem dobil en mail (kot da prihaja od e-gold-a) da potrdim svoje up.ime in geslo ..... IN SEVEDA TO JE BILO TO ...
18 Jul 2006 18:31 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 18.07. 2006, 17:27 Prispevkov: 1004 Kraj: ŠMARTNO OB PAKI |
jaz bi samo dodal za tiste novince,ki bodo se prisli vedno uporabite SRK protokol(moder oblacek) za vpis gesla.In pa seveda VEDNO uporabite svoj lasten link za dostop do racuna(razen takrat ko placujete upgrade). 
19 Jul 2006 06:55 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 09.08. 2006, 10:47 Prispevkov: 360
09 Avg 2006 10:52 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Velja previdnost, ker ta sporočila so kar pogosta.
Izgleda da so nekateri prešsli na drugačen način, kako priti do denarja! Se strinjam z vsemi navedbami, ki so bile podane zgoraj.
Zato naj vsi vzamejo to kot pomembno za njihov E-Gold račun
09 Avg 2006 13:23 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 05.08. 2006, 11:58 Prispevkov: 28
da nekateri so šli na takšen denar pridobivanja denarja ... toda ... ali je to kaznivo ?
09 Avg 2006 17:30 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Je kaznivo, samo večina teh heckerjev prihaj iz Kitajske! Tudi meni so enkrat že spraznili e.g., zdaj sem pa izredno previden! Lahko jih sicer sodno preganjaš, samo moraš poslati cel kup dokumentov na Florido! To se pa večini ne da, zato jih odnesejo nekaznovano! Pa še potem, če bi dokumente poslav, ne vem, kakšen efekt, bi sploh bil!
Tako. da nam ostane edino dobra protivirusna zaščita!
09 Avg 2006 17:39 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Še en čist nov! |
Dear e-gold user,
Due to the number of incorrect login attempts, your e-gold account
has been temporarily limited for your security. This has been done
to secure your account and to protect your private information in
case the login attemps were not done by you.
Account access will remain limited until this issue will be solved.
Please click on the link bellow and log in to your account:
Restore e-gold account access
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate
assistance in helping us maintain the integrity of the entire
e-gold system. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Please do not reply to this automatically generated email message.
Pomebno je da nikoli ne klikate linkov v teh e-mailih! Hackerji samo prežijo na vaš klik! Verjemite mi, da boste imeli kmalu izpraznjen e-gold račun
14 Avg 2006 18:50 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 09.08. 2006, 10:47 Prispevkov: 360
Še nekaj novih mailov:
your account has been temporarily FROZEN. Please access your e-gold
account related e-mail below in order to clear security issues as soon
Click on
Subject: E-gold down time/security upgrades
From: "e-gold security team" <donotreply@security.e-gold.com>
Date: Sat, August 5, 2006 5:26 pm
[b]E-gold Under Attack
e-gold was recently the target of a massive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
attack, which rendered www.e-gold.com inaccessable for aprox. 7.5hrs on Aug 3, 2006.
Firstly, I would like to appologize for any undue stress or concern the current
situation may have caused our users.
e-gold Ltd., in a joint decition with the Gold & SilverReserve Inc.
[dbaOmniPayhttp://www.omnipay.net] has been developing a strategic outlook regarding
plans to update e-gold's current account security measures. We made the best use of
the downtime we experienced, taking our servers offline to implement these new
security upgrades. We believe our clients will see such an improvement in the
overall security of the e-gold system, that it will more then make up for the
inconveience that our malicious attackers have caused.
The New Account Sentinel Private Key File™
e-gold's New Account Sentinel Private Key File™(also referred to as AccSentKey™)
will signifigantly enhance the security of your e-gold account.
AccSentKey further empowers you to restrict access to your e-gold account by placing
a Private Key File on your primary computer(s). This prevents unauthorized computers
from accessing your e-gold account, even if current security measures are
circumvented, and your password is maliciously obtained/stolen.
e-gold is now beginning it's phase in of this new security measure. By October 1,
2006 e-gold's servers will verify the existence of this Key file every time you
access your account. If you do not have this key file on your computer you will be
unable to access your e-gold account.
These enhancements are being deployed to provide you an additional level of
protection in the event your passphrase is compromised due to poor security
practices (we hope this does not describe you!). However, these enhancements should
not be regarded as a replacement for proper security. We urge you to read and
practice all of e-gold's security recommendations, which are available on
Installing your new key file
Your new key file can be generated in two ways. Within the next few days you will
recieve an email from us with information about the new Private Key File Generation
Wizard. Simply use this generator to create your new Key file. If, after October 1,
2006, you sign in without your Private Key File, our new interface will prompt you
to generate the file from the web. The e-gold login page will be changed, to allow
you to specify the location of the Private Key File on your computer's hard drive.
Dr. Douglas Jackson
Founder of e-gold
Subject: E-gold's Private Key Generator
From: "e-gold security team" <donotreply@security.e-gold.com>
Date: Sat, August 5, 2006 11:22 pm
As one of e-gold's highly valued customers, you have been selected to be
part of the first group of e-gold user's to have access to the new security
You should have already received an e-mail detailing the new security
feature - the AccSentKey. In case you missed it, here is a brief overview:
AccSentKey further empowers you to restrict access to your e-gold account
by placing a Private Key File on your primary computer(s). This prevents
unauthorized computers from accessing your e-gold account, even if current
security measures are circumvented, and your password is maliciously
e-gold is currently beginning it's phase in of this new security measure.
By October 1, 2006 e-gold's servers will verify the existence of this Key
file every time you access your account. If you do not have this key file
on your computer you will be unable to access your e-gold account.
Attached to this e-mail message, please find AccSentKey.zip. You will need
an UnZip program to open this file (e.g. WinZip, WinRAR, etc.). Inside, you
will find the E-gold Private Key Generation Wizard, which will lead you
thru the process of creating your new Private Key.
Please note, that as this is a priliminary release, being done only by
e-mail, our software development team has taken the liberty of 'packing'
(compressing) the software, to decrease the filesize. As such, some
heuristic-based anti-virus software may report that the software is
'packed', however, it should also inform that the software is otherwise
'clean' (contains no virus). The final release of this software will be
uncompressed to eliminate any potential issue.
Best Regards,
Dr. Douglas Jackson
Founder of e-gold
- e-gold security team
_________________ Čebelarstvo Tovornik: http://tovornik.cit.si |
24 Avg 2006 09:00 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 18.08. 2006, 13:58 Prispevkov: 269
če dobite take maile lahko naredite to: odprete mail, pritisnete desni gumb miške in izberete 'view source'. Tako boste videli mail v html. Ponavadi je link v mailu do pravega e-golda, a je zreven še link do strani ki naredi kopijo-pravzaprav si zapolni le številko računa in geslo.
Zanimivo je tudi, da ko nisem imel še odprtega paypala, sem dobival podobne maile za paypal - očitno maile pošiljajo kar vsem.
Vedno imejte e-gold nastavljen na najstrožje pogoje ( ip in brskalnik).
Men je en heker skos hotu udret v e-gold in mi ga s tem čist zablokiral - e-gold vam v takem primeru pošlje začasno geslo po navadni pošti iz Melbourna, kar traja približno 2 tedna.
pa še to: za vstop na strani z geslom priporočajo uporabo navidezne tipkovnice (start - all programs - accessories - accessibility - on screen keyboard) - to je proti key logerjem
in to, da prvič vnesete napačno geslo (če je stran prava vam bo geslo zavrnila, drugače ne ) - to je proti redirektom in podobnim.
_________________ international directory | spletna trgovina | stran | denar | blog help |
25 Avg 2006 00:33 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 05.08. 2006, 11:58 Prispevkov: 28
Uporaba, navidezne tipkovnice .... da se obidete keyloggerje ... lahko tudi uporabite copy paste .... če imate kje geslo vendar se pri tem vseeno shrani v odložišče ... kakorkoli, glede teh mailov pa ... sploh ni problemov če vedno greš na http://www.e-gold.com/ in od tam dalje delaš. 
25 Avg 2006 09:39 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Še en novejš, so pa skoz bolj orginalni:
Datum: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 18:36:56 +0200
Od: donotreply@e-gold.com, ">"@unspecified-domain
Zadeva: Dont Reciveing Money FOr Blocked Accounts
Your account has been temporarily FROZEN. Please access your e-gold account related e-mail below in order to clear security issues as soon as possible.
Login Now : http://e9old.com/login.html
Datum: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 18:36:56 +0200
Od: donotreply@e-gold.com, ">"@unspecified-domain
Zadeva: Dont Reciveing Money FOr Blocked Accounts
Your account has been temporarily FROZEN. Please access your e-gold account related e-mail below in order to clear security issues as soon as possible.
Login Now : http://e9old.com/login.html
29 Avg 2006 14:18 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 09.08. 2006, 10:47 Prispevkov: 360
07 Okt 2006 16:59 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
08 Okt 2006 16:42 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Še sličica najnovejšega(sicer sem dal že pod e-gold, vendar bolje,da opozorim dvakrat kot nobenkrat)!

07 Dec 2006 12:26 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Še en nov e-mail:
Dear e-gold customers ,
Anybody with knowledge of both your e-gold account number and your e-gold
Due to recent activities on some e-gold accounts, we belive that some of
them has been reported stolen or hacked. We are launching a new security
system to make e-gold accounts more secure & safe. Before we can do that
we will investigate all e-gold accounts to confirm their real authorized
account holder identify. We will require a confirmation that your account
has not been stolen or hacked. Your account has not been suspended or
frozen. To confirm your account status please do the following steps:
1. Login and confirm your identify account using special link below:
2. Make sure that your account balance has not been changed.
3. Make sure that your details has not been changed.
4. Review recent transactions in your account history for any unauthorized
5. If you find any kind of suspections activities please contact us
immediately. Including the following information in your message:
a) your account number;
b) your account name;
c) your phone number;
d) unauthorized transfer date & time;
6. Most probably you will not find any unauthorized transfer from your
account. You don't need to take any actions in this case.
e-gold account's and services will continue normally during the
invetingation time & the security update. There is no need to stop using
your e-gold account during this time.
From all of us at e-gold, Thank you again and welcome aboard!
If you receive this note and you are not the authorized account holder,
please be aware that this is violation of e-gold policy to represent
oneself as another e-gold user. Such action may also be a violation of
local, national and/or international law. e-gold is commited to assist
law enforcement with any inquires related to attemps to misappriopriate
personal information or identify theft with the intend to commit fraud ot
theft. Information will be provided at the request of law enforcement
agencies to ensure that perpetrators are prosecuted to the fullest extent
of the law.
This automatic email sent to:
Do not reply to this email.
Če kliknete na lnk v mailu se boste povzali preko http://ttilll.com/acct/login.php
03 Feb 2007 10:19 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 26.10. 2006, 17:25 Prispevkov: 411
03 Feb 2007 17:02 |