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Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 08.06. 2008, 18:07 Prispevkov: 1528 Kraj: Pegasus Galaxy |
27 Sep 2009 19:52 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 11.06. 2009, 15:26 Prispevkov: 238
še malo pa se tudi uradno zalaufa stran. pa da vidimo kaj bo iz tega. jst sem bl skeptičen.
21 Nov 2009 16:04 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 26.10. 2008, 21:15 Prispevkov: 815 Kraj: Ptuj |
še malo pa se tudi uradno zalaufa stran. pa da vidimo kaj bo iz tega. jst sem bl skeptičen. |
ampak pustimo se presenetiti 
21 Nov 2009 21:19 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 11.06. 2009, 15:26 Prispevkov: 238
hmmm. že lep čaš ni možno se logirati na to stran. je že več kot 1 mesec tako. zgleda da so jo pobrisali z našimi delnicami ....pa drugič.
03 Jan 2010 02:08 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.10. 2008, 22:12 Prispevkov: 403
Uf tule pa že en čas ni bilo nobenega novega posta
No, da vam povem, zadeva še kar laufa in celo zgleda da bojo počasi šli na profitni model in tudi že imajo nekaj paid advertisements na strani kar je prav lepo za videt. Imajo tudi interni social network Be Social kjer lahko nabirate točke, postate videe in ne vem kaj še vse..
Naslednja stopnja pa je sedaj in zato so odprli nove membership stopnje, nekatere plačane, nekatere zastonj, ki vam lahko prineseje en lep zaslužek v prihodnosti. Glede na to, da mam preko 210,000 delnic mislim, da bom še vplačal nekaj malega jim, ker itak bojo vse povrnili baje
Kaj pa vi mislite o tem? Aja pa registracija mislim, da je trenutno izklopljena..
Nepremičnine |
08 Nov 2010 14:22 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 26.10. 2008, 21:15 Prispevkov: 815 Kraj: Ptuj |
Če kdaj to uspe, vsaka jim čast in tiste advertismente že majo kr en čas kakor tudi social network. Na strani pa me ni bilo že ene pol leta. Bom šel malo pogledat če so kaj spremenil
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08 Nov 2010 18:06 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.10. 2008, 22:12 Prispevkov: 403
12 Nov 2010 20:34 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.10. 2008, 22:12 Prispevkov: 403
Danes bo baje kočana zamenjava novega srca za me2e
To nej bi pomenlo, da bojo pospravili fake accounte in potem začeli z resnično registracijo teh delnic tko, da watch out for this one 
Nepremičnine |
12 Jan 2011 22:41 |
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 11.01. 2009, 14:48 Prispevkov: 9
pozdrav! Ravno danes sem dobil sporočilo od njih in sicer:
There are 2000 members of me2everyone.com with more than 100,000 Metoos and you are one of them.
It's quite possible that you have missed the news on me2everyone.com recently: news that your Metoos can now be converted into registered shares. In fact, more than GBP £2.6m worth of shares have already passed to our members, many of them joining me2eveyone.com within the past 30 days. To become one the top 2000 members in me2everyone.com is something special; marking you as one of the more dynamic members who, once upon a time (and perhaps even now) lived and breathed Me2everyone.
On September 1st 2011 the Metoo to Share conversion rate begins to rise, giving you precious little time to maximise your shareholding in this dynamic company: an idea which has weathered many storms during the last three years. Shares are transfered to you at zero-cost and zero liability. But, when the conversion rate begins to change your Metoos won't achieve the best possible shareholding for you. So the questions are: Are you happy to let all your past hard-work evaporate? Are you happy to allow someone who has been a member for 30 days gain benefits from your past hard work? Are you ready to claim what is rightfully yours?
To convert your Metoos into registered shares please visit www.me2everyone.com and log-in to your account. You can find everything you need under "My Benefits". Please also read our guide to this wonderful new feature at http://issuu.com/me2everyone/docs/metoo_and_share_guide. The top 2000 members are entitled to share GBP £1.5m worth of shares and we ask again, are you ready to claim what is rightfully yours? Please don't leave this until after September 1st because the conversion rate will change and your Metoos won't give you the numbers of shares you can expect today!
If you already know about this news then please accept our apologies for repeating things once again.
Polagam še sliko o možni registraciji delnic:
Je še kdo izmed vas, ki ima več kot 100 000 delnic, dobil tole sporočilo in ali če bo registriral in dal vse zaupne podatke? Hvala!
26 Avg 2011 15:09 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 08.06. 2008, 18:07 Prispevkov: 1528 Kraj: Pegasus Galaxy |
02 Sep 2011 09:52 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu