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Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.06. 2008, 02:52 Prispevkov: 77
nek nov mrežni marketing še v prelaunchu, tako da se splača startat agresivno, pa da vidmimo kaj bo s tega. Je pa včlanitev brezplačna. Dobivaš pa v mrežo vse ljudi, ki se prijavijo za tabo(v 5 mintah mi je nakapljalo že 10 ludekov) in pa tisti ki se direktno vpišejo pod tebe najboljše da si pogledate video v naslednjem linku in se potem odločite če se boste registrirali.
zadeva je še v prelaunchu, štarta pa čez 11 dni. Sicer pa poročam kaj bo novega, ko se malo bolj poglobim v zadevo.
27 Okt 2010 22:28 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.06. 2008, 02:52 Prispevkov: 77
našel sem še njihov video na youtubu LINK in kolikor celotno zadevo razumem je sedaj dokler je zadeva še v prelaunchu lepa priložnost, da si naredimo konkretno mrežo potem pa vidimo kaj se bo iz vsega skupaj izcimilo. Glede na to, da nam registracija vzame 3minute časa (če si zraven pogledamo še video na predstavitveni strani9 in še če vložimo nekaj časa da zadevo malce promoviramo naokoli ne izgubimo praktično nič, če se izkaže da "iz te moke ne bo kruha", če pa stvar dobro "zalaufa" pa kakšen $ ali € na računu poplača trud.
Nazadnje urejal/a 007agent 01 Nov 2010 02:45; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
28 Okt 2010 21:19 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.06. 2008, 02:52 Prispevkov: 77
pravkar dobil še njihov mail zgleda obetajoče...kaj pa bo prinelo vse skupaj v prihodnosti pa bomo videli
Top Level Family,
Over 3,000 people will join YOUR business TODAY alone! WOW! Thats almost 70,000 people total - and there is still more than a week until launch. Login to your back office to see how many are you in your business.
Have you marked Nov 8th in your calender as THE DAY! Please get prepared and have your teams ready for launch day!
What will Nov 8th look like?
- The company behind Top Level Position will be fully revealed along with the compensation plan and leadership.
- You will be able to "upgrade" to that of an active distributor from your Top Level Position back office. An active distributor purchases product (it will be very affordable with many options) and is INSTANTLY qualified for commissions!
- Upon becoming active, you will have additional tools available to you instantly - personal website, login information and virtual office.
- Track your commissions and get ready to see an explosion! Commission checks are cut once a month, then weekly starting in December.
How Will I Get Paid?
- You will be paid in 4 basic ways 1) Fast Start Commssions as your personal sponsors become active 2) Monthly Residual Income for each distributor that is active in your line of sponsorship (those you sponsor on down) 3) Bonus Pool money which pays you on EVERYONE that joined after you, whether a part of your group or not. 4) Percentage Matching Checks on those you personally sponsor.
More details will come as we get closer! For those attending the event in GA on Nov 6th - you'll get the news before anyone! See below for the link to register.
We can't wait to make history together. Change your financial future forever by sharing your personal Top Level Position website with your loved ones today!
Are you able to get to Atlanta Nov 6th? Register and meet the leaders in person: http://www.showclix.com/event/14199/
Best Regards,
Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/toplevelpos
Send a text message to 313131 with the word toplevelpos to stay updated
Follow us on Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/toplevelposition
tako da če se želite včlanit bi vas ponovno prosil da uporabite moj LINK
29 Okt 2010 23:13 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.06. 2008, 02:52 Prispevkov: 77
3dni do launcha, dobil pa tudi njihov mail
Top Level Family,
We're coming down to the FINAL DAYS and things are getting very exciting! Our OFFICIAL LAUNCH is THIS MONDAY, NOV 8th! There are more people coming into YOUR business than ever before! Nearly 5,000 people are joining every single day. We're approaching nearly 100,000 total - wow!
We truly are going to make history on Monday - GET READY!
What will happen on Monday?
- The company behind TLP will be revelaed. You'll learn about the leadership, the compensation plan and the products.
- New Videos along with an upgrade button will appear in your back office. Click the upgrade button to finalize the process and become active. This will enable you to start earning commissions!
Make sure you are logging in to your back office everyday, spreading the word online and following the news from us on these emails and on the social media links below.
We can't wait to start working with you! We look forward to many years of great health and wealth to come, we're confident this company will change your life forever. GET READY FOR MONDAY!!
Best Regards,
05 Nov 2010 02:58 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 12.04. 2010, 14:55 Prispevkov: 91 Kraj: Bangkok |
kakor si videl, posel ni več v prelaunchu, in je zadaj ena čisto druga firma s prehranskimi dopolnili v ozadju...
Ustanovitelj je bil del naše firme, si je "sposodil" sistem ENA LINIJA in malo pokradel okoli ter ustanovil svojo firmo.
Obstaja še ena firma, ki je ukradla sistem Manduri, Xyngular, obe delata ilegalno v mednarodnem prometu, v nobeni državi, razen ZDA niso izdelki registrirani,
Oba leaderja sta bila v Manduri in sta naredila isto kot top level position..
Jaz imam v Manduri pod seboj čez 72000 ljudi od marca, zaslužek dobim vsak petek..
več na http://manduraimperial.mandurarep.com
21 Nov 2010 00:54 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu