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Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
13 Okt 2009 19:49 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.01. 2009, 23:25 Prispevkov: 292
Potem je to prenevarno...bi jih sprobal samo z osebnimi dokumenti pri teh firmah se ne bi igral.
Upam, da se motim ampak mi nekaj govori, da bi radi z inštalacijo Liberty reserve procesorja malo napolnili svoj račun! no upam da ostanejo...
Sem pa prišel do nekih info. kjer nekdo govori o tem da lahko dokaže da je naslov te firme samo po box in da je na ta naslov vezanih še vsaj 10 podjetij.
Firma naj bi bla namensko reg. 2003, ni pa potrdil o tem da so dejansko delovali.
Tukaj pa je še en link : http://www.conaval.gob.pa/display.asp?catID=1&novedades_ID=1385
Skratka bi bli za sprobat, če ne bi zahtevali vseh teh papirjev...3 mesece bodo zagotovo še preživeli...tud več...samo je pač malo za razmislit komu vse pošlješ svoje podatke.. |
Pglej glede tega linka smo že debatirali pred časom z vodilnimi in smo jim tudi poslali zahtevo naj nam objasnijo kako je z tem ....tu je odgovor....
Our company is registered in registry of republic Panama and we have licences
of ministry of finance and industry. We have never claimed that we have licency of CNV. We do not need their licence to operate legaly neither it is necessary for our bussines. In no way our bussines is not illegal or missleaded to our investors because of not having that licence! |
"Naše podjetje je registrirano v registru republike Paname in imamo
licence od Ministrstva za finance in industrijo. Nikoli nismo rekli, da
imamo to licenco od CNV. Ne potrebujemo njihove licence da poslujemo
legalno ali bi jo nujno potrebovali za naše poslovanje in v nobenem
primeru naše poslovanje ni sporno ali zavajajoče do investitorjev, ker
nimamo te licence. "
Torej čisto nič spornega ni, in taka podjetja sploh ne potrebujejo
njihove licence za takšno poslovanje. Torej so vsi očitki brezpredmetni,
prav tako ni nobenega razloga za kako paniko itd...
Evo vpis v register
_________________ REGISTRACIJA CCN
13 Okt 2009 20:09 |
Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
13 Okt 2009 21:02 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.01. 2009, 23:25 Prispevkov: 292
20 Okt 2009 11:25 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.01. 2009, 23:25 Prispevkov: 292
We, the management of Vandior Inc, would like to inform you that due to the current worldwide economic situation most of our clients can not afford to attend the conference. Because of that fact we could not fill the projected minimum of 500 attendants. We have no choice but to postpone the annual conference until April, 2010.
The booking for the annual conference is closed and will be re-opened again in March, 2010.
_________________ REGISTRACIJA CCN
14 Nov 2009 16:07 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.01. 2009, 23:25 Prispevkov: 292
VanFunds would like to inquire about your interest in the commodities market. Due to the rising commodities prices, this market has amazing potential.
Would you be interested in investing in a new commodities fund?
Yes, I'm interested. | No, I'm not interested.
I will vote later. |
Bomo videli kaj bodo ponudili...
_________________ REGISTRACIJA CCN
24 Nov 2009 21:34 |
Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
24 Nov 2009 21:56 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.01. 2009, 23:25 Prispevkov: 292
VANFUNDS PRODAN.... http://www.holdingint.com/news.php
Dear xxxxxx yyyyyy,
First of all I would like to personally congratulate and thank you for your interest and support in our company! Please read on to find out about our most important announcements and updates. Every client is obligated to read the following announcement.
Here is a brief summary about the topics in our November newsletter:
- Important Announcement
- Details
- Benefits for the clients
- Drawbacks
- Unresolved issues
- Important Announcement -
It is an honor for me to announce that Vandior Inc. was acquired by Holding Investors and Traders S.A., a worldwide leader in the financial industry. The final agreement for the buyout was reached on the 23rd of November, 2009. The decision to sell Vandior Inc. to this company was made for a number of reasons, the most important of which is better trading results, improved banking infrastructure and faster processing of customer services.
The acquisition means that the company being acquired (Vandior Inc.) will no longer exist as a legal entity and all its assets and liabilities were transferred to the acquiring company (Holding Investors and Traders S.A.). In this case, starting from 30th November, 2009, you are no longer a client of Vandior Inc., but a client of Holding Investors and Traders S.A.
Holding Investors and Traders S.A. will continue to offer all the services and products offered by Vandior Inc. and even more.
- Details –
Web Sites
Holding Investors and Traders S.A. has its own web site (http://www.holdingint.com) and is developing a new and better online platform for the clients. Therefore, the old web site (vanfunds.com) will no longer be available. The domain name, vanfunds.com, will redirect to the web site of Holding Investors and Traders S.A., where the new online platform will be available as soon as it’s ready. For more information on the new platform, please contact Holding Investors and Traders S.A. directly.
Client Accounts
All client accounts will be transferred to the new platform of Holding Investors and Traders S.A. Clients will have full access to their accounts when new platform is available on the web site of Holding Investors and Traders S.A.
The transfer of clients’ accounts will also include available funds in account balances, all active investments, all referrals of all levels, payment information, verification documents and the full account transactions history.
All investments that are about to expire will be extended until the new platform of Holding Investors and Traders S.A. is ready so you don’t lose interest. This is the official statement of the president of Holding Investors and Traders S.A.
Support and Communication
The support staff of Vandior Inc. will not continue to work for Holding Investors and Traders S.A. and thus will no longer provide support to clients. Holding Investors and Traders S.A. has support staff that will manage account related requests once their new platform is available.
For any kind of communication, please refer to the web site of Holding Investors and Traders S.A. from now on.
All withdrawal requests up to the 30th of November, 2009, were paid. Please refer to your Bank, Debit Card or Liberty Reserve accounts for confirmation.
- Benefits for the clients -
The acquisition of Vandior Inc. by Holding Investors and Traders S.A. will result in the following benefits for the clients:
* New and improved banking infrastructure – Holding Investors and Traders S.A. has very stable and reliable banking partners such as Goldman Sachs, Merill Lynch, Baclays, HSBC and more. These banking partners will ensure the fast and secure process of your payments to and from Holding Investors and Traders S.A.
* Additional interest bonus – The board of directors of Holding Investors and Traders S.A. has promised to add an additional interest bonus of 3.5% to the monthly interest of every investment, because of the fact that clients will not have access to their accounts until the new platform is ready.
* Monthly financial statements – The transparent policy of Holding Investors and Traders S.A. has always been one of their best qualities and as part of that, all clients will have access to monthly financial statements regarding their investments. This is an official statement of the board of directors of Holding Investors and Traders S.A.
* New commodities fund – As requested by Holding Investors and Traders S.A., Vandior Inc. has recently run a poll asking all clients whether or not they want to invest in a new commodities fund. The results show that 86% of the clients are interested in investing in such fund and the management of Holding Investors and Traders S.A. will offer it. Holding Investors and Traders S.A. has extensive experience in trading commodities and are the ideal company to invest with.
- Drawbacks –
The acquisition of Vandior Inc. by Holding Investors and Traders S.A. will result in the following drawbacks for the clients:
* Temporary limited access – Until the new platform of Holding Investors and Traders S.A. is ready, all clients will have no access to their accounts.
* Debit Cards Limitation – Since Vandior Inc. no longer exists as a legal entity, Vandior Inc. Prepaid Cards are going to work only until the end of 2009. Please withdraw all your funds from your card as soon as possible!
* Referral Commissions – Referring family members will not be allowed at Holding Investors and Traders S.A.
- Unresolved issues –
All unresolved issues with clients that are current will be taken care of by Holding Investors and Traders S.A. as follows:
* Delayed bank transfers – all bank transfers that are sent by clients but not received yet will be looked for by Holding Investors and Traders S.A. The clients, who’s transfers are sent properly and received in the company bank accounts will receive compensation for the missed time.
* Transfers to Technocash Pty – All clients who sent transfers to Technocash Pty and the Bank of New Zealand will receive compensation once the funds are restored and credited to the account of Holding Investors and Traders S.A. The compensation will equal to 5% of the amount for every lost month since the sending of the bank transfer.
-Personal Message -
I would like to personally thank you for your loyalty, trust and endless support to the company! It was a real pleasure to serve you and the company for all those years! The greatest moments to me while working for this company were seeing that our efforts really mattered and that we helped investors worldwide to achieve what not many others could.
Christian Widmer
Vandior, Inc.
To ensure receipt of our emails, please add no-reply@vanfunds.com to your address book. Thank you!
This email may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this email by mistake), please notify the sender immediately and destroy this email. Any unauthorised copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this email is strictly prohibited.
Copyright � 2009 Vandior Inc - VanFunds.com. All rights reserved.
Goldman Sachs, Merill Lynch, Baclays, HSBC to so firme ki so v rangu tega Holding Investors and Tranders S.A.-a
About us
Founded in 1976, Holding Investors and Tranders S.A. (Holdingint) is a market leader in the inter-dealer brokering of MAK financial products. With offices in the world's major financial centers, the Company covers global foreign exchange, commodity, equity, freight, precious metals, property and other markets. Holdingint's extensive client base includes banks and financial institutions, energy companies and utilities, insurance companies, paper producers and printers, shipping and chartering firms, newspaper and media groups, and leading consumer products companies.
Holdingint is headquartered in Hong Kong and employs over 100 experienced financial professionals. Holdingint has 17 partner banks worldwide to ensure a high quality banking infrastructure. The Holding currently owns three hedge funds , two based on the Cayman Islands and one in British Virgin Islands, a Forex asset management company and a commodities inter-broker. The Holding has annual turnover of up to 700 million.
Holdingint is committed to meeting the highest standards in integrity, security and privacy. We strictly comply with all applicable online regulations including KYC (Know Your Customer), BSA (Bank Secrecy Act), OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering).
_________________ REGISTRACIJA CCN
30 Nov 2009 20:38 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.01. 2009, 23:25 Prispevkov: 292
01 Dec 2009 12:51 |
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