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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
AAN - naslednji e-bay z delitvijo dobička med NAS..... |
Po dolgem času.....nekaj oprijemljivega in realnega, več napišem v kratkem.
Tisti ki z englišem nimate problemov si oglejte moj refferal link in se priklopte, seveda če je interes:
Morate priznati, res inovativen poslovni sistem.
Nazadnje urejal/a Boris 18 Apr 2009 11:03; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
09 Mar 2009 00:17 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Zanimanje je takšno da server ne sfolga vseh obiskov na spletni strani, zato opozorilo ko kliknete link.
09 Mar 2009 20:05 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Nazadnje urejal/a Boris 23 Jun 2009 10:00; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
15 Mar 2009 16:13 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
15 Mar 2009 18:13 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Ja res je malo pretiran ampak se dogaja, če si pogledaš filmček
na spletni strani je ravno unikatna pisarniška miza en tak podoben primer.
Poštenost pa bodo še dokazovali, internet nima črte med
dobrim in slabim nažalost, ampak ravno zaradi tega so dobre zadeve toliko bolj vredne.
Lep večer želim.
15 Mar 2009 20:40 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Danes se bom udeležil webinar-ja na katerem bosta spregovorila CEO Chris Bell podjetja AAN in Cody-tehnični vodja.
Govora bo o trenutnem stanju podjetja in prihodnosti.
Sveže novice objavim tukaj.
16 Mar 2009 12:32 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 02.10. 2008, 22:12 Prispevkov: 403
Objavi ja, ker koncept je super.. Mislim, da se bom prijavil, ko dobim eno nakazilo..
Nepremičnine |
16 Mar 2009 13:51 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
16 Mar 2009 17:26 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Vidim da si mi pisal na mail...poročaj ko izveš kaj več...in pa vrjetno bom počakal do prvih izplačil. Potem pa razmislil o investiciji...
nevem ali piše kje kako pretvarjajo denar iz alertpay na paypal...glede na to da so paypal ukinli ?
Pa tud mislim, da je potrebno nakazat malenkost več kot 100$ ..za provizijo ki jim jo AP nese...so bla neka vprašanja glede tega, ker so eni nakazali 100$ dobili pa reimo 97 v bilanco... |
Objavi ja, ker koncept je super.. Mislim, da se bom prijavil, ko dobim eno nakazilo.. |
Ok zmenjeno.
Okoli tega bo danes govora, tako da javim kasneje ali jutri zjutraj.
Ja seveda te provizije so vsepovsod tečne, ampak jih je treba
vzet v računico da se ne zgodi to kar se je nekaterim, kar sicer ni problem ampak vseeno.
17 Mar 2009 00:28 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Ok webinar...ja začel se je ob 2h zjutraj in trajal približno 2 uri.
2h prijetnega kramljanja z direktorjem Chris Bell-om in ostalimi.
Meni najpomembnejše informacije so:
- podjetje ima megalomanske cilje v prihodnosti
- vodstvo podjetja je v tem poslu že 20 let/offline
- trenutno se ubadajo z rahlo preobremenjenostjo supporta, ker enostavno niso pričakovali takega navala.
- plačilni procesorji se urejajo, manjši problemi z ujemanjem skript bodo urejeni do konca tega tedna. Transakcije so beležene in ni skrbi za karkoli.
Svetujem, da se še počaka do naslednjega tedna z vplačili.
- sistem določevanja predmetov bo avtomatski(računalniški algoritem)
- podjetje nikoli ne bo dovolilo izgube,npr. da se predmet ne proda oziroma spusti pod ceno, v takem primeru nadomestijo predmet z drugim.
- denar ki je obtičal pr Paypal-u podjetje samo ureja z transakcijami na njihove račune pr STP in AP.
Ok to bi blo na kratko najpomembnejše.
17 Mar 2009 13:22 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Če še kdo dvomi o podjetju in vsem kar je tukaj napisano....lahko brezskrbi kontaktira direktorja podjetja AAN ali bilo katerega člana uprave na Facebook-u.
Tako transparentnega vodstva neke firme preko neta še nisem videl.
...ali na webinarju, potem ko se brez obveznosti prijavite kot refferal partner ali slovensko poslovni partner.
Webinar bo verjetno vsak ponedeljek in se bo tudi snemal.
Kasneje bom verjetno tudi sam organiziral webinarje, ki bodo dejansko kopije angleške verzije.
Ravno zaradi problematike razumevanja ANG jezika.
19 Mar 2009 13:09 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Ravnokar sem govoril z direktorjem Chris Bell-om, ki je dosegljiv tudi preko skype-a.
Zadnje težave z skriptami so rešene oziroma se še testira za morebitne napake.
Misllim da bo naslednji teden že vse popolnoma nared, če ne že prej.
19 Mar 2009 23:34 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Direktno iz ust Chris Bell-a, kljub temu da nakazila še niso prikazana v posameznikovem backoffice-u, je denar v obtoku, se pravi investicije so že aktivne.
Vizualno tega na spletni strani še ni videt zarad tehničnih težav, ki pa so v zaključni fazi urejanja.
Še vedno priporočam, da se počaka dokler ni vse brezhibno urejeno v kar sploh ne dvomim.
21 Mar 2009 22:24 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Tudi danes sm govoril z direktorjem C.B. o trenutnem stanju...jutri bo uradn update in seveda že drugi webinar.Upam da ob bolj primerni uri;) in hkrati vabim vse tiste ki so že postali partnerji.
22 Mar 2009 20:15 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Evo še dobr nism objavil novga update-a pa že imam ODLIČNE NOVICE.
Vsi depoziti in ( zaslužki ŠE NE, se še ustvarjajo) so zdaj prikazani kot je treba.
Vse čestitke podjetju in managementu.

Nazadnje urejal/a Boris 27 Mar 2009 12:30; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
22 Mar 2009 20:54 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
27 Mar 2009 12:26 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Ok situacija je takšna, podjetje je poštimalo vse okoli plačilnih procesorjev tako da se lahko brezskrbi investira.
Upoštevajte STP provizijo.
Avtomatsko dodeljevanje produktov se bo odvilo kmalu.
28 Mar 2009 14:18 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Danes bo zopet webinar na keterem bo podanih veliko novosti in informacij.
Vsi sodelujoči vabljeni, upam da vas ura ne moti, webinar se začne ob 3h zjutraj po našem času, nažalost je težko uskladit vse časovne razmake po svetu.
Se "vidmo".
30 Mar 2009 10:27 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Živ, kratek povzetek zadnjega webinarja v englishu:
Goto http://www.affordableaffiliates.com/webinar/mp3 to listen to the 2 hour recording which will shortly be available.
* STAFF: 1. David Cheyne, former Director of Marketing, now the new VP of AAN. His knowledge in e-commerce and online marketing is tremendous. David worked as a professional buyer, managing the facilities, warehouses, etc for Chris Bell. He has created approximately 30 successful websites of his own, relating to e-commerce and affiliate marketing. David mentioned that he’s a man of action and his primary focus initally is to address membership issues. Amongst other things he will later be training us in the ways of boosting our income through affiliate marketing.
2. James River, the 10th most influential person on Twitter with a reach of 22.5 million people, will be assisting on the technical side to improve the layout of the site and will also be responsible for the design of the inventory items for sale.
3. Laura Cheyne, (David’s wife) accountancy & book-keeping, has also joined the team.
* BLOG: This will be updated by the end of the week and will ensure that the updates are continuous now AAN have increased their staffing levels.
* DEPOSITS: Good news, 99% of deposits are now sorted but there are 303 manual deposits that were not made through the website and still need to be resolved. This created a problem as AAN have to manually try to match the deposits with STP usernames to AAN account numbers where members have not submitted an email to AAN with details of their deposit.
N.B: Cody Halovich, VP of Technical Operations has posted the following message in the forum and also mentioned it on the webinar “You may see your deposit disappear and re-appear, no worries, we’re just trying to find all possible bugs in the system before re-releasing the final code. Please understand we have all original data secure, nothing will go missing, if your deposit hasn’t shown up yet, this will probably fix it. if it doesn’t, then you are one of the people that did a manual payment, not through our web form. we will address that issue a little later. Please do not submit support tickets for your deposits if you see them missing right now, they will be back shortly.”
* INVENTORY TECHNOLOGY: The next priority after resolving the remaining deposits, is to get the inventory assignment automation up and running. Cody was insistent that they will not launch the process until they’ve ironed out all the bugs. The automation system relies on correct deposits and members will be able to see more in the back office soon.
* BUYING & SELLING: This is taking place all the time and even though members cannot see any activity in their account at this stage, your funds started to work for you within hours of you making the deposit. By the time the automated inventory technology is published in members accounts, items may already be showing as sold, but there can be a real diversity of time when items sell. It may be the same day… it may be some weeks… or even longer, for example, if buying from China or the UK, it could take up to 8 weeks to even start processing, due to shipping etc. Other times AAN may have a buyer already waiting for an assignment so we must appreciate that there are many variables to take into consideration. Chris Bell, President/CEO, mentioned he already holds a $5 million inventory.
EMAIL SYSTEM: AAN are to implement an email system that notifies members of the activity that is taking place in their accounts. Members will receive an email when an item is entered in the inventory and also when a sale is made.
LOGIN PROBLEMS: Some people are unable to login. This is due to an offsite mail server, which occasionally fails to send the email with the new password when members use the ‘Forgot Password’ tool on the website. AAN are consolidating their servers in order to fix this and total migration will hopefully be within the next week. If you are experiencing login problems send an email toregister@affordableaffiliates.com
NEW SERVERS: Moving and migrating everything to new dedicated servers in California. It is expected to be a smooth transition and we shouldn’t notice anything, but slight downtime may occur due to DNS propagation around the world.
SUPPORT: Response time is now 24-48 hours.
CHARITIES: Initially, AAN will provide 10 packages each for both groups. There will be 10 Aboriginal elders and 10 families from Autism charities invited as AAN members, to enable them to create sustainable and long-term revenues for themselves, their families, and their communities. Chris Bell said that they deserve privileges too. Don’t lock out the financially strapped. Everyone should have potential for life time profitability and that AAN are not a greedy company, they want everyone to contribute to this to be the largest entrepreneurial endeavor to help others.
MEMBERSHIP: Over 7,000 members in over 130 countries.
LIVE VIDEOS: Following on from the successful video that can be viewed on the members referral page, they will be making further live videos in future, so that members can experience what’s going on in the background related to buying and selling, warehousing, etc.
Chris Bell, President/CEO, asks for the members patience a little longer to allow them to get the framework, technology infrastructure and the right people in place. Where else can you buy into a strong business model where you have no overheads, no bills, no management issues, etc for years to come.
There’s no doubt that the payment processor issues have created longer delays than expected which means we’ve had to wait longer for the inventory assignment automation to be finished and processed, but each week brings us closer to the process launching when we’ll be able to view what’s happening to our investment in real time. I’m confident that we’ll be seeing a lot more unfold during the next couple of weeks that will make us all very excited.
01 Apr 2009 12:55 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
07 Apr 2009 18:40 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu