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Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Startpeeps - socialno omrežje in zaslužek |
en kratek čas je že aktivno ... in nekaj osnovnih o Startpeeps ...
Welcome to Startpeeps, the first social media platform in the world that is dedicated to make the world a better place
by sponsoring projects on the crowdfunding platform Startjoin.com from ad revenue.
Attention: We are currently in BETA so everybody can join at the moment.
Once we launch we'll switch to an invite only model and share our revenue with our members,
so reserve your spot now. Join Here
What is Startpeeps?
Startpeeps is a revolutionary new social media platform that sponsors interesting projects on the crowdfunding site Startjoin.com. Users can post content, make friends, create and follow pages and groups and simply connect with like-minded people. |
Why should i join Startpeeps?
While we're in BETA, we'll use the revenue from the platform to sponsor projects on Startjoin. We are currently raising funds to integrate a complete revenue sharing system that will deposit ad revenue straight into your Startcoin wallet. The sooner you join, the more Startcoins you'll make eventually it's that simple. |
What should i do after joining?
Try to make as many friends as possible! Our algorythm to earn Startcoins on our platform will be determined how many people interact with your content. So simply put, the more friends you have, the more you'll earn when our ad revenue sharing system is integrated. |
In če razmislim... Startpeeps niti ni tako slaba odločitev!
23 Okt 2015 23:14 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Pozabil sem dodati....
- ob sami prijavi pa prejmete na račun $5...
- za vsakega novega člana ki ga povabite in se pridruži prejmete $1...
Torej .... razveselite me s prijavo na Startpeeps
27 Okt 2015 11:59 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Morda še ne veste, da s prijavo na Startpeeps lahko posredno zaslužite za StartRevshare.
Za vsakega člana prejmete $1 in ta dollar lahko koristite za nakup AdPack-ov.
Še zmeraj me lahko razveselite(in tudi sebe) z vašo registracijo
02 Nov 2015 11:50 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
tudi tukaj je nekaj novosti:
-> Startpeeps revshare will launch in about 2-3 weeks!
I talked to our main developer yesterday and she has confirmed that the revsharing system for Startpeeps will be able to launch by the end of this month! So in short how it will work:
- Users will be rewarded for their social activity by various metrics. There will be a login bonus, bonus for likes on your posts etc. Ads will be displayed around your content and we will share part of that ad revenue with you, plus part of the revenue of the other sites in our network!
- Depending on these metrics, we will credit your Startpeeps balance once a day, so every day when you login you will earn more money, that's it.
- You can earn $1 for every referral you bring to Startpeeps and we'll have a 3-tier affiliate program, so you'll earn 10% of what your direct referrals earn and 5% on your second and third downline! So inviting people will boost your earnings a lot!
- Cashouts can be made when your balance reaches $25 through the same processors available on SRS.
That's it, an easy way for you to earn more money and an external revenue share to pay members on SRS by doing what you already do every single day.
Za prijavo uporabi link iz zgornjih postov...
09 Nov 2015 20:09 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
Novosti kar ne zmanjka ...
-> Payza has been added as payment option to add funds to your account or buy ad packs. As i already told i got legal advice and funds located in Europe are not in danger, so if you want to use Payza, now you can! Tested already and works fine.
-> Our special offer has launched too!
As you know we're working on integrating the revshare system for Startpeeps our social platform. The offer is simply an opportunty for us to do the work and bring you referrals which will be tied to your account and earn you money for life! You'll earn $1 per referral (when they cashout at $25) and 10% of what your direct referral earns and 5% on your second and third dowline. Just check out the offer, it's a guaranteed passive income stream!
-> All income generated from this offer will go straight to paying members on SRS
-> The offer is limited to just 1000 spots and we have pre-sold a bunch already, so make sure not to miss out!
To je samo en del... za vpogled ... zakaj se bo splačalo biti del tega...
... in še brezplačno....
12 Nov 2015 01:32 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 03.01. 2015, 17:54 Prispevkov: 193 Kraj: Pomurje |
Nisem prejel 5 dolarjev!
15 Dec 2015 12:52 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 29.12. 2009, 12:40 Prispevkov: 216 Kraj: Celje |
15 Dec 2015 13:44 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 07.02. 2009, 22:24 Prispevkov: 442
Nisem prejel 5 dolarjev! |
treba je "share"-ati link na FBju..potem lahko zbrišeš objavo, ker deli link strani in ne tvoj referral link 
15 Dec 2015 16:58 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2012, 15:46 Prispevkov: 148
Kateri link?
_________________ <a href="https://www.cashads.co/ref/1209"><img src="https://www.cashads.co/img/banners/20151118022808.gif" width="468" height="60"></a>
<a href='https://trafficmonsoon.com/?ref=MarBob' target='_blank'><img src='https://trafficmonsoon.com/data/aptools/468x60.gif' alt='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' title='Share Up To 110 % - 10% Affiliate Program' border='0'></a>
https://BitGold.com/r/saPRke |
16 Dec 2015 12:30 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 07.02. 2009, 22:24 Prispevkov: 442
16 Dec 2015 18:59 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
kako je z temi ADZ Coin-i?
16 Dec 2015 22:14 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 07.02. 2009, 22:24 Prispevkov: 442
17 Dec 2015 18:07 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 07.02. 2009, 22:24 Prispevkov: 442
Hi Everybody,
Hope you had a great time this week during the holidays!
smile emoticon
Well the moment is finally here to introduce the launch of ADZcoin on the first exchange Yobit and it's trading already. So this is great news for SRS and Startpeeps members as we have created a major asset that will secure the future of our project. (more about that later)
Here you can find the exchange: https://yobit.net/?bonus=xKVGX (ref link, sign up here as every bit helps
wink emoticon
Trading can be done in the ADZ page, and you first need to fund your Bitcoin wallet. You can see that ADZ is currently selling for about 2-5 cents here: http://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/adzcoin/ but it fluctuates a lot which is common with cryptocurrencies.
So in short to trade:
-> Fund your yobit Bitcoin wallet
-> Go to the ADZ page and check the "sell" orders (prices are listed in Bitcoin)
-> Click the amount of ADZ available and "buy" and your Bitcoins will be traded for ADZ
-> For selling the same applies but in the other column.
smile emoticon
As i said, ADZ can be bought in large amounts for a couple of pennies which is an absolute steal. In fact, everything below $1 is an absolute steal as our coin has so much potential it's crazy...
So how will this help SRS members i hear you wonder. Well, here's an overview of solutions and measures:
-> Securing SRS's future
As some have already suggested, setting a reserve funds is something that will help secure SRS's future. So we'll be setting aside 5 million coins as a reserve funds for SRS cashouts. Anybody who read the report about Startpeeps and making the coin useful in our network understands that the only way for this coin is up, so 5 million coins is more than enough for SRS members to feel secure.
smile emoticon
Read the report here if you haven't done so yet: https://startpeeps.com/report.pdf
-> No more begging and name calling
The important measure is that the admins and staff of SRS and Startpeeps need to be treated with respect. You wouldn't believe how people behave for a couple of dollars pending in their account. Clearly they don't have a long-term vision, don't respect the hard work we put in and they can simply go elsewhere. So the rule is very simple:
No more begging for cashouts, stalking any admin, member or SRS staff or your SRS and Startpeeps account will be suspended and your initial deposit minus paid cashouts will be sent back to you and we wish you all the best making quick bucks elsewhere (you'll need it).
smile emoticon
-> So before asking and losing your account and not making a dime on SRS, let me make it very clear that everybody will keep on earning on SRS and get paid in due time. I think by now that should be clear as Startpeeps is exploding, the ADZcoins gain value and we're working on several other projects simultniously. PLUS, without the beggars and complainers, we'll have a lot more time as our staff will be able to actually help grow our business, not needing to deal with people trying to destroy our business. While we build up this business, we'll do as many cashouts as possible.
-> Earn more using Startpeeps, trading ADZcoin and help the community!
As you know now, negativity will bring our project down, so we need to illiminate that and weed out the people looking for a quick buck which we will do efficiently starting today. That being said, we're alsolooking to build a solid community of people helping each other, and what's a better way to help each other than to make extra money in the process?
smile emoticon
So what you can do is:
- Start using Startpeeps on a daily basis to earn free ADZcoins.
- Invite your friends and family, show them the Startpeeps report and earn affiliate commissions in the process (it's free)
- Spread positivity about Startpeeps and ADZcoin, as perception is a main aspect of determing coin value, so every bit of positivity helps a bunch.
smile emoticon
- Buy ADZcoin NOW and stash them some months to cash out big! Seriously you're able to buy ADZ for some pennies at the moment which is absolutely crazy. If you want to learn about a solid investment, this is about as solid as it gets.
smile emoticon
So i think everything is pretty clear now, if needed we'll add more measures as our only goal is to build a long-term sustainable business, and nobody can hold us back from achieving this. If it's needed to go on a mass banning spree, so be it... I think it's pretty clear SRS is not a regular revshare site, so we just want to work with people who understand what we are doing and support us. I don't thnk that's too much to ask right as you'll be the one earnin a solid passive incme.
smile emoticon
Have a nice day and all the best,
27 Dec 2015 12:17 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
eno kratko sporočilo od Jens-a
HI Everybody,
Here is ADZcoin mentioned again in Cointelegraph:
>>> http://cointelegraph.com/news/breaking-eu-cookie-laws-advertising-and-adblock-war-continues
we can only imagine what will happen with ADZcoin once all our infrastructure is up to date. Now we are finishing the Firefox and other browser compatibility of the extension and for mobile we have plans to build our own browser with standard Startpeeps apps integrated!
So let's spready the news and inform people about this huge opportunity to be a pioneer of a concept so revolutionary. Make sure to share this page everywhere:
>>> http://adzcoindesk.com/adzcoin-project
All the best and good luck stacking more ADZ!
... naj raste...
Sicer pa je sedaj ugodni čas za nakup ADZ Coin-a
Prijavi se na StartPeeps in prejemaj dnevno ADZ
jih enostavno kupi na YoBit strani
30 Apr 2016 22:04 |