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Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 13.09. 2014, 13:15 Prispevkov: 8
enlargerOK |
Program je lansiran v začetku julija 2015, tako da je dokaj nov
Program bom opisal kar po angleško, ker se mi ne da prevajati.(prilagam temeljni prevod v slovenski jezik)
V gavnem je to hyip cycler, ni matrica.
Svoj denar obrnete v 20 dneh:
Enlarger ok je investicijski projekt, katerega glavna dejavnost je trgovanje s kriptovalutami
Čeprav je tako trgovanje tvegano, je rizik minimiziran s tem da se tečaj profita spotoma zvišuje po
tem algoritmu
1 dan 1% profita na vložek
2dan 2% profita na vložek
19 dan 19% profita na vložek
torej v dvajsetih dneh je to 190% profit
S tem ko se minimizira rizik, se tudi izboljšajo rezultati s primerljivimi programi.
Uprabniški vmesnik je zelo enostaven za uporabo.
original opis v ang. jeziku:
"EnlargerOK.com is an investment project whose main activity is trading
in the cryptocurrency market. Although trading in the cryptocurrency is
rather risky, we smooth out the risk ratio by gradually increasing your
profit ratio. As a result, our investment plan has the form of interest
payments that increase daily over the period of 19 days: 1% + 2% + ... +
19% = 190% (the interest is paid every day over the period of 19 days).
In this way, we minimize the risk and, thereby, deliver better results
than other similar projects. In addition, we have designed a unique and
fully autonomous system, in which all interest payments are generated
automatically every day and credited without a request for withdrawal.
Our unique interface was created to be as understandable, user-friendly
and functional as possible. At each step, you will see the pop-up tips
that will keep you from getting confused and help to navigate through
the system. Just try to make a minimum deposit and you will understand
how user-friendly the interface is.
We have a wide range of security measures to protect your account. Our
website is protected against DDoS attacks, all transferred data are
SSL-encrypted and we use a strong script. Our website is located on a
dedicated server with a firewall installed on it."
simple instructions:
Join with me/ vpis:
=============== [https://platinum-fund.com/r/b746ec]https://enlargerok.com/?r=ea12[/url] ===================
Želim obilo uspeha, tudi sam sem vložil +20$
Lep pozdrav
18 Avg 2015 07:57 |
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