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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
eVo, evolucija YouTube-a, MySpace-a in online gaminga... |
FREE registracija, enostavna prijava, brez obveznosti........za posel LETA ali celo DESETLETJA.....
Eden od možnih dohodkov je organiziranje turnirjev v skill games za denarne nagrade....provizije....ogromen potencial.
7 virov dohodka na razpolago.....
Do 14.Julija imaste možnost prijave v pre-lounch fazi in da zgradite čimvečjo mrežo uporabnikov....večji network, večja možnost zaslužka.
Samo z posredovanjem informacije v čim večjem obsegu.
NI mlm in ne matrica al karkoli...projekt je novost na netu!

_________________ <a target='_blank' href='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/opportunity.php?ref=4129'><img src='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/img/banner/AAN-392X72.png' width='392' height='72'></a>
Stran: www.mojprofit.info
Blog: http://mojprofitblog.blogspot.com/
Themco co-op: http://www.themco-co-op.com/?ref=MojProfit |
24 Jun 2007 23:19 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
24 Jun 2007 23:20 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
26 Jun 2007 15:19 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Še nekaj za vse ki še niste registrirani....tole je video posnetek marketing vodje projekta e-play ki intervjuja dva najuspešnejša poslovna partnerja.Poslovni partner je vsakdo ki uspešno gradi mrežo novih uporabnikov.
Imela sta to čast da sta lahko pokukala v ozadje projekta in bila sta seveda navdušena totalno...:

_________________ <a target='_blank' href='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/opportunity.php?ref=4129'><img src='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/img/banner/AAN-392X72.png' width='392' height='72'></a>
Stran: www.mojprofit.info
Blog: http://mojprofitblog.blogspot.com/
Themco co-op: http://www.themco-co-op.com/?ref=MojProfit |
29 Jun 2007 23:19 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
Še nekaj za vse ki še niste registrirani....tole je video posnetek marketing vodje projekta e-play ki intervjuja dva najuspešnejša poslovna partnerja.Poslovni partner je vsakdo ki uspešno gradi mrežo novih uporabnikov.
Imela sta to čast da sta lahko pokukala v ozadje projekta in bila sta seveda navdušena totalno...:
Zgornji video presega rekorde....je peti najbolj gledan video na YouTube.
eVo se širi kot "virus". 
_________________ <a target='_blank' href='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/opportunity.php?ref=4129'><img src='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/img/banner/AAN-392X72.png' width='392' height='72'></a>
Stran: www.mojprofit.info
Blog: http://mojprofitblog.blogspot.com/
Themco co-op: http://www.themco-co-op.com/?ref=MojProfit |
01 Jul 2007 15:54 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
A feeling of destiny is in the highly charged air as we enter the final few days before "e-day".
Watch the LAST-EVER "evolution" broadcast before pre-launch, an interview with Co-Founders Len Fitzgerald and Tom Brodie:
Hear Tom discuss the genesis of project e-play, what inspired this new business, and why it has created such a shockwave, even before its pre-launch!
Len discusses the ethos behind the business and the top-notch international customer support it provides, then re-caps the overwhelming momentum that has been building up over the past three and a half weeks.
The Co-Founders express their admiration for those who have already far exceeded their expectations.
The next broadcast you see will be the new brand...
...Hope to see you at its launch in Cheltenham on Sunday!
eVo Support Team
_________________ <a target='_blank' href='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/opportunity.php?ref=4129'><img src='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/img/banner/AAN-392X72.png' width='392' height='72'></a>
Stran: www.mojprofit.info
Blog: http://mojprofitblog.blogspot.com/
Themco co-op: http://www.themco-co-op.com/?ref=MojProfit |
12 Jul 2007 17:20 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
12 Jul 2007 18:18 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
14 Jul 2007 13:52 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
There are less than 48 hours before evolution day, when the new brand behind project e-play will be revealed.
What will happen to your eVo web site over the next few days?
Your eVo site will close for pre-registration at 00:00:00 (GMT), 14th July 2007. That is, 12am (midnight) Saturday night/Sunday morning, UK time.
The site will stay offline until 12:00:00 (GMT), 16th July 2007. That is, 12pm (noon) Monday, UK time.
At this time on Monday, your new e-play branded business-building web site will be available and ready for you to continue building your team. All existing links to your previous web site will continue to work, and will automatically re-direct people to your new e-play branded site.
All of your team members that have pre-registered on your eVo site will be automatically transferred to your new e-play branded site.
eVo has ALREADY surpassed expectations and been a phenomenal success. Well done! Make sure you use these last 24 hours to continue pre-registering as many people on your eVo site as you possibly can.
Here we go!
eVo Support Team
_________________ <a target='_blank' href='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/opportunity.php?ref=4129'><img src='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/img/banner/AAN-392X72.png' width='392' height='72'></a>
Stran: www.mojprofit.info
Blog: http://mojprofitblog.blogspot.com/
Themco co-op: http://www.themco-co-op.com/?ref=MojProfit |
14 Jul 2007 20:45 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 15.10. 2006, 12:09 Prispevkov: 246
How do you make money with uVme?
We have created a powerful, unique business with which you can earn money in several different ways. As you build your team of players, you can also create a team of Associates to boost your earnings even more. You can earn:
* Game Revenue – each time a game is played, you get paid
* Fast Start Bonus – for each personally sponsored Associate who becomes "active"
* Instant Pay – you get paid instantly
* Power Pool Revenue Share – 8% of company turnover shared out with you
* 100% Matching Bonus – gives you a matching income from every one of your personally sponsored "active" Associates
* Group Generation Bonus – 3%-5% commission on seven "generations", with dynamic compression
* Infinity Bonus – up to 3% commission on even deeper levels

_________________ <a target='_blank' href='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/opportunity.php?ref=4129'><img src='https://www.affordableaffiliates.com/img/banner/AAN-392X72.png' width='392' height='72'></a>
Stran: www.mojprofit.info
Blog: http://mojprofitblog.blogspot.com/
Themco co-op: http://www.themco-co-op.com/?ref=MojProfit |
31 Jul 2007 22:17 |