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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 25.05. 2012, 10:55 Prispevkov: 418
PerfectAdSolution |
Program je štartal danes in mi je zelo všeč sistem, ker je malo zakompliciran in ima veliko podrobnosti
Na grobo - gre se za rev share za dostop do katerega rabite kupite vsaj en matrix pack za 9$ in 3$ upgrade fee/mesec. Del zaslužkov
od rev shara gre v matrix balance, kar pomaga matrico premikati naprej (in obratno).
Rev sharei(share stane 6$, kupite lahko max 50/dan) prinesejo 150% ROI v 40 dneh ( v začetnih dneh služijo 6%/dan, kasneje 2%/dan).
In večji ROI ima določen član, večji delež mu gre v repurchase balance.
Paket matrik je razdeljen na 3 company forced matrice, 2 od teh se na določen čas resetirajo do določenega levela, tretja, Time Matrix pa
se popolnoma zbriše vsakih 80 ur, kar pomeni, da imamo člani vsakih 80 ur možnost novega začetka in priti do dobrih pozicij v tej matrici.
Če se mislite pridružiti, predlagam naslednjo taktiko:
- Vložite vsaj 18$(3$ upgrade, 9$ nujno matrico kupit, 6$ rev share)
- Ko pride čas reseta time matrice kupite dodatne matrix pakete čimhitreje ob resetu, da prejmete dobre pozicije
- Drugače kupujte le rev share ker imajo zelo lep donos(pa še del zaslužkov boste nujno morali porabiti za nakup matric)
Admin mi zaenkrat deluej zelo v redu, saj je konkretno zadevo pretestiral(launch je bil že 2x prestavljen) ter je zelo aktiven na MMG ter preko supporta. Imel je čez že dva dokaj uspešna revshare/matrix programa, vendar se trenutno njunih imen iz glave ne spomnim.
Glede na to, da bo kar nekaj ljudi promoviralo zadevo mislim, da lahko dosežemo precej solidne rezultate. Podpira SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money, Payeer and EgoPay, minimum za izplačilo pa je 10$.
Prosim, če se pridružite preko mojega linka:
Podrobnosti programa še spodaj v angleščini, če vam kaj ni jasno vprašajte!
PerfectAdSolution consists of 2 separate modules, each of them having its own way to make you earn money.
Those 2 modules are Perfect RevShare and Perfect Cycler.
To be able to purchase RevShare/Cycler packages, member has to pay monthly membership fee of $3, paid 100% to the sponsor
There is a special account in the system designed to help both P.RevShare and the P.Cycler.
Name of that account is RSH and it will be addressed further as such. Commissions from different parts of the system go into its Matrix balance.
Whenever there is $9 on its Matrix balance, RSH buys a Perfect Cycler Package, helping members to cycle faster.
And a part of whatever RSH earns in the P.Cycler is transferred once a day to the P.RevShare's pool.
Perfect RevShare ($6)
P.RevShare package matures at 150%.
Referral commission: 8%, 2%
Revenue is shared every 6 hours (4 times a day)
ROP = Return on Purchase (how much have your RevShare Package already earned of its price)
up to 1.50% per run (6% a day) when your ROP is between 0% - 59.99% on a RevShare Package
up to 1.00% per run (4% a day) when your ROP is between 60% - 119.99% on a RevShare Package
up to 0.50% per run (2% a day) when your ROP is between 120% - 150% on a RevShare Package
Long story short, new RevShare packages earn faster than the old ones.
How are RevShare payments split before they hit your balance
Member’s ROI is calculated in a following way: withdrawals / (deposits+referral commission)
When your ROI is under 200%, you will get 80% of your RevShare payment into the Cash balance and 20% into Matrix Balance
When your ROI is between 200% and 300%, you will get 70% of your RevShare payment into the Cash balance, 25% into Matrix Balance and 5% into E-Wallet
When your ROI is between 300% and 400%, you will get 60% of your RevShare payment into the Cash balance, 30% into Matrix Balance and 10% into E-Wallet
When your ROI is between 400% and 500%, you will get 40% of your RevShare payment into the Cash balance, 45% into Matrix Balance and 15% into E-Wallet
When your ROI is more than 500%, you will get 20% of your RevShare payment into the Cash balance, 60% into Matrix Balance and 20% into E-Wallet
In order to receive RevShare payments/be able to withdraw, members have to surf 10 sites each day.
Members can also purchase a Surf Vacation:
1 day - $0.30
7 days - $1.50
30 days - $5.00
Money gathered in that way, will go into RSH's Matrix balance.
For the members who are not interested in learning how Perfect Cycler works, we have prepared a auto-purchase of Perfect Cycler positions, whenever you have gathered $9 in your Matrix Balance.
Perfect Cycler ($9) - You get placed in BoardMatrix, TimeMatrix and CyclerMatrix with a purchase of that package.
BoardMatrix - Company Forced
This module is composed of 6 levels of 3x1 NIL Boards.
Everyone starts at Level 1, you can advance to the next level by either cycling out or by using an alternative way, by buying an entry to the higher Level when your position was restarted.
--- Follow your sponsor
Every 3rd position purchased by your referral fills up a spot in your matrix.
If you happen not to have a position in a given level, then it will be placed under your sponsor. (and so on)
--- Earnings
BoardMatrix - Level 1 - $3
On complete:
Entry to BoardMatrix - Level 2
$2.50 -> you earn
$0.25 goes to the sponsor
$0.25 goes to the RSH's Matrix balance.
BoardMatrix - Level 2 - $6
On complete:
Entry to BoardMatrix - Level 3
$5.00 -> you earn
$0.50 goes to the sponsor
$0.50 goes to the RSH's Matrix balance.
BoardMatrix - Level 3 - $12
On complete:
Entry to BoardMatrix - Level 1
Entry to BoardMatrix - Level 4
$7.00 -> you earn
$1.00 goes to the sponsor
$1.00 goes to the RSH's Matrix balance.
BoardMatrix - Level 4 - $24
On complete:
Entry to BoardMatrix - Level 5
$20.00 -> you earn
$2.00 goes to the sponsor
$2.00 goes to the RSH's Matrix balance.
BoardMatrix - Level 5 - $48
On complete:
Entry to BoardMatrix - Level 6
$36.00 -> you earn
$4.00 goes to the sponsor
$4.00 goes to the RSH's Matrix balance.
BoardMatrix - Level 6 - $100
On complete:
$180.00 -> you earn
$15.00 goes to the sponsor
$15.00 goes to the RSH's Matrix balance.
10x Perfect Cycler Package
--- Restart
When restart is turned on, positions do NOT cycle in a regular way.
Purchased positions are NOT added at the end of the line, they are only filling currently existing ones.
Existing positions turn into 2x1, and when they fill, they give every person placed in there 2 options:
- to receive a partial cashback
- to purchase a position in higher level with a discount in amount of the previously mentioned cashback
John has a position on Level 1 and is first in line, next 2 positions(Mary, Bob) to enter the matrix are placed under him.
Now all 3 positions are restarted and John, Mary and Bob are given a choice to either receive $1.50, or to buy a position on Level 2 for $6.00 - $1.50=$4.50.
Boards of each level are restarted separately. Only Levels 1-3 are subject to the Restart at the moment.
Main purpose of the restart is to make boards cycle faster and thereby to make you more money.
What do you gain thanks to this solution:
- positions are cycling very fast
- opportunity to advance to the next level
- significant increase in cycling speed of higher level boards, thanks to restarted positions which could enter those levels
- significant increase in cycling speed thanks to large dynamic of Level 1 boards
Levels 4-6 are not subject to Restarts at this time, they can fully benefit from the increased dynamic of lower level boards - you always earn.
Restarts are constantly improving the dynamic of cycling.
--- Push my position
Members, for a fee, have an option to bring their position closer to the front of the line, thus they can cycle out faster. Each Level has different "Push Packages", their prices are set based on the current situation in a given Level.
TimeMatrix - Company Forced
This is a 3x6 Company Forced Matrix which runs for a period of 80 hours and then gets completely reset.
For every member in your matrix you get $0.40.
You get $0.10 for every referral entering the matrix.
Matrix earnings are not paid instantly, they are accumulated and released gradually along auto re-entries.
There are also repurchase rules attached to it.
There are different rules applied to purchased positions than to re-entries.
Basic idea is that you get a bit of money and a re-entry.
The more you earn the more re-entries you get.
More details coming soon as we are revamping our previous rules.
I can only tell you that there are LOTS of re-entries.
CyclerMatrix - Company Forced
It's a 3x1 Matrix.
When your position cycles, you get $2.50 and 2 delayed re-entries.
Matching bonus for the sponsor is $0.25 and also $0.25 is added to RSH's Matrix balance.
--- Delayed re-entries
System waits for the time when amount of queued positions (from 2 levels up) + those which are placed on the current level is equal to the total amount of spots that can be placed on this level.
Example: There are 9 spots on level 3. Level 1 creates a total of 2 queued positions. When the 7th spot on level 3 fills, queued positions are being placed, effectively completing the level.
Members can sell their queued re-entries for $1/each. After doing so, RSH becomes an owner that position.
That's not all... When a certain level is completed (to be determined by the Admin Team), matrix gets reset, and every PLACED (not queued) position gets $1.50.
All earnings from matrices are subject to the 25% repurchase rule.
Keep in mind that even if you do not succeed, you won't lose everything.
- CyclerMatrix - 50% cashback for uncycled positions
- BoardMatrix - 50% cashback for uncycled positions
- TimeMatrix - due to the nature of the matrix there's no cashback, however you get the opportunity to earn a few times a week
Accepted payment processors: STP, PM, EgoPay, Payeer
That would be about it about our unique program.
Since there are so many twists and turns in here, we have decided to conduct an Open Beta, allowing members to test the system with virtual money.
It's also a perfect opportunity for us to iron out any bugs that may arise.
As an additional incentive, those who will withdraw the most virtual dollars, we have prepared cash prizes.
1st place will get $500
2nd and 3rd will get $200
while places 4 to 13 will get $100
Currently we're in the registration only phase until around May 30th, when the Beta testing beings.
Beta will run for a course of approximately 10-14 days.
After that we will have an actual launch with involving real money.
_________________ PaidVerts cashback - prejmite 100% RCB na prvi nakup, ter 50% za vse nadaljne nakupe in klike |
10 Jul 2014 21:03 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 25.05. 2012, 10:55 Prispevkov: 418
Zadeva zelo lepo teče. Izplačil je bilo že kar nekaj, sam bom verjetno vsaj en teden 100% reinvestiral.
Fokusirati se je treba na rev share, matrice so zame le kot en bonus. Kadarkoli bo restart bom kupil eno matrico, drugače pa gre vse v rev share.
Ti izplačujejo 6%dnevo(4x po 1.5%) prvih 10 dni , potem 15 dni 4% dnevno in zadnjih 15 dni po 2% dnevno.
Kar je pri teh programih ponavadi problem je da zgodnji člani na veliko reinvestirajo in potem recimo po mesecu ali dveh požrejo večino denarja. No tu, to skoraj ne bi smel biti problem zaradi ROI pravil - večji ROI imaš, več gre v matrix repurchase balance in manj si lahko takoj izplačaš. Tako, da dlje bo program lavfal hitreje se bodi tudi matrice začele premikat.
Tako da praktično ni nobene razlike, kdaj se programu pridružiš. Edina razlika je v cycler/board matrix (katere bodo tudi restartane občasno), vendar kot sem rekel meni so te matrice le en bonus. Priporočam ![Happy](images/smiles/trans1.gif)
_________________ PaidVerts cashback - prejmite 100% RCB na prvi nakup, ter 50% za vse nadaljne nakupe in klike |
14 Jul 2014 09:36 |
![](templates/AcidTechTiger/images/spacer.gif) |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 25.05. 2012, 10:55 Prispevkov: 418
Hmm sem čisto pozabil na tole temo. V glavenem program teče super. Sam sem že v profitu, bom pa tekom tedna vložil še vsaj ~50$ da si zbijem ROI in tako zagotovim, da mi sharei še naprej izplačujejo 80% v cash balance, in ker mislim, da z lahkoto drži še kakšen mesec.
Zadeva je res lepo pogruntana, teli restarti so super zadeva, saj dajo vsem možnost priti tudi v matrice "zgodaj". Le počakaj na restart(vsaj 1 na teden) in kupiš matrico. Vendar, matrice kupujte le kadar se vam nabere dovolj denarja v matrix balance (del zaslužkov od shareov gre v matrix balance).
Fokusirajte se na share, matrico je zame le kot bonus.
Program sicer počasi raste vendar je v tem tudi čar, saj je tako bolj stabilen. Kot sem rekel mislim, da z lahkoto zdrži še lep čas, tako da še ni prepozno za pridružit. Admin je aktiven na MMG in redno sprejema predloge za razne izboljšave.
Izplača so do sedaj vedno bila instantna.
_________________ PaidVerts cashback - prejmite 100% RCB na prvi nakup, ter 50% za vse nadaljne nakupe in klike |
27 Avg 2014 10:00 |
![](templates/AcidTechTiger/images/spacer.gif) |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 25.05. 2012, 10:55 Prispevkov: 418
Kratek update iz moje strani:
Just an update on this program. In the next few days there should be a restart happening, where your old shares will be converted to shares earnings 2%/daily until the rest of your ROI is returned. Additionally there will be a new membership type, along with changed share packages and 2 new types of matrix packages.
I'll be adding an extra deposit when the restart happens as the program has worked great so far(also instant payments), and I love participating in the matrix restarts. Haven't played in one of these for over a year and I'm loving it so far. If you decide to join be aware that this is no MTV and can turn scam/end paying at any time regardless of it's performance and stability so far.
But the admin has voted in the MTV monitor a few times in the monitor and just added the biggest vote today so that's a bit of extra reassurance.
_________________ PaidVerts cashback - prejmite 100% RCB na prvi nakup, ter 50% za vse nadaljne nakupe in klike |
01 Sep 2014 20:42 |
![](templates/AcidTechTiger/images/spacer.gif) |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 25.05. 2012, 10:55 Prispevkov: 418
Danes so se sharei restartali, kar v bistvu pomeni, da bodo ta stari sharei počasneje zaslužili obljubljenih 150%.
Sedaj sta tudi dva tipa članstva (3 in 10$/mesec) ter nov tip delnic za 10$ članstvo, ki služi 2x hitreje kot tiste,
ki jih lahko kupite z 3$ članstvom. Sicer te delnice stanje 25$/kos vendar se jih splača dosti bolj kupiti.
Sam sem že upgradal in kuil še 2 ta veliki delnice.
Vsi imate tudi možnost zahtevati zastonj 10$ share(sicer vam gre potem bilanca 10$ v minus).
_________________ PaidVerts cashback - prejmite 100% RCB na prvi nakup, ter 50% za vse nadaljne nakupe in klike |
03 Sep 2014 17:38 |
![](templates/AcidTechTiger/images/spacer.gif) |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 25.05. 2012, 10:55 Prispevkov: 418
Stran še vedn odela kot se šika. Sem še nekaj shareov kupil preden sem si spet začel izplačevati. Izplačila so še vedno instanta:
![](templates/AcidTechTiger/images/quote_header.gif) |
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Greetings from SolidTrust Pay.
You have successfully received money from a registered SolidTrust Pay member! Please be sure to keep this email as your receipt.
From STPay member: PerfectAdIncome (admin@PerfectAdIncome.com)
Transaction Number: 30002####
Amount: $10.95
Currency: USD
Note (if provided): Withdrawal from PerfectAdSolution
Transaction Fees: $0.41
_________________ PaidVerts cashback - prejmite 100% RCB na prvi nakup, ter 50% za vse nadaljne nakupe in klike |
24 Sep 2014 20:24 |
![](templates/AcidTechTiger/images/spacer.gif) |
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