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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Ipuservices.com - novi coingeneration |
Je sicer v prelunchu, stran še ne dela čisto do 15.8, štratalo pa naj bi 15.9., sistem je približno isti, le, da že sedaj lahko s PayPal -om kupiš membership ali pa rfereale, priporočam zbiranje ref. do začetka, potem bomo pa videli, če bomo vsaj četrtino toliko kot iz CG potegnil brez vložka, bo dosti! Sicer pa gre takole:
Marketing / Earning
Standard Account Regional Account Division Account
Download/Run Processor $ .01- $ 2.00 Daily $ .01- $ 2.00 Daily $ .01- $ 2.00 Daily
Downline - Layer 1 1% 5% 10%
Downline - Layer 2 0% 1% 5%
Downline - Layer 3 0% 0% 1%
Refer A Division Account $ 1 $ 10 $ 50
Refer A Regional Account $ 1 $ 5 $ 25
Buy/Sell Referrals no YES YES
Advertising Compensation no 25% 25%
FREE WebPage no no YES
LLC Income - Ownership |
Upgrade/Purchase Referrals
Division Account Manager $ 150 order
Region Account Manager $ 75 order
Referrals $ 1 order |
Pa še link (dobite ga po mailu, ker stran še ne dela):
_________________ Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani
Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami
Poceni in zanimivo
Zastonj stvari |
05 Avg 2013 18:20 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
16 Avg 2013 08:00 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Tole zna biti še zelo zanimivo:
Thank you for being a member of Idle Processor Utilization Services, LLC!!
An update email, if you will -
Website is LIVE! A few minor adjustments are needed, but website is currently up at www.ipuservices.com.
HTTPS has been removed - We felt is was a great way to show the security of our site. However, it also kept many from being able to visit, so HTTPS/SSL was abandoned.
LOGIN is ACTIVE - you may now log in to your account from our home page. Full reporting is available.
PAYOUTS - We are pleased to see so many taking advantage of the current earnings possibilities, even before we have released the software. We are happy to say we have made THOUSANDS of dollars worth of payouts, and are happy to continue doing so. We can only imagine what will be done when we go live! Log In to your account to see what you have earned!
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD - Will be available on or before 9/1 - in BETA now.
Financials will be available on the website on or before 8/20/2013
We have had members earn over $24,000 so far, and we have not even started yet - amazing. Congratulations are in order for the following users;
John E - IPU0190 - Earned $1150 in his second payout (he earned $1500+ in his first payout!)
Chris B - IPU01947 - Earnings of over $1000 this last week
Plus many that have made a few hundred dollars, just from referrals.
Let's all keep it up - we want to reach 100,000 members with 1000 Division Accounts, and we have had a fantastic start!
Support Desk (Primary)
Idle Processor Utilization Services |
_________________ Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani
Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami
Poceni in zanimivo
Zastonj stvari |
17 Avg 2013 11:17 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 16.05. 2011, 15:42 Prispevkov: 42
je že kdo dobil izplačano?
02 Nov 2013 19:45 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
03 Nov 2013 15:13 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
18 Nov 2013 17:31 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 13.01. 2012, 12:07 Prispevkov: 106
Upam, da bo šlo do izplačila - ki je pri 50 dolarjih. Po vseh teh mejlih in dooolgem čakanju za štart, bi skorajda lahko! 
_________________ Slovenske ankete <a href="http://www.marketagent.com/f.asp?RefUID=290430">tu</a> in <a href="http://surveys.valicon.net/CAWI/jazvem_recruite?Data=referrer%7c2D13C8A64F9D8BAA0D3D538B5F858914">tu</a>
http://zasluzinainternetu.blogspot.si/ |
18 Nov 2013 18:56 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 05.02. 2011, 02:10 Prispevkov: 33
Kakšo je kaj stanju tukaj? Je kdo že dobil izplačilo? Danes sem dosegel minimum izplačila, vendar mi piše, da bo možno izplačati 20. marca ali prej...
23 Feb 2014 13:31 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 13.01. 2012, 12:07 Prispevkov: 106
Jaz imam 30 dolarjev, gre kar počasi. Upam, da bo kaj.
Po hitrem guglanju ne kaže nič dobrega.
Ima kdo drug kaj več informacij?
_________________ Slovenske ankete <a href="http://www.marketagent.com/f.asp?RefUID=290430">tu</a> in <a href="http://surveys.valicon.net/CAWI/jazvem_recruite?Data=referrer%7c2D13C8A64F9D8BAA0D3D538B5F858914">tu</a>
http://zasluzinainternetu.blogspot.si/ |
23 Feb 2014 13:42 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
03 Mar 2014 09:25 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.11. 2010, 20:03 Prispevkov: 175
22 Mar 2014 14:22 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 13.01. 2012, 12:07 Prispevkov: 106
Haha, kakšne finte. Meni je manjkalo cca. 10 dolarjev do izplačila, ampak sem včeraj zbrisal program, imam občutek da ne bo kaj.
_________________ Slovenske ankete <a href="http://www.marketagent.com/f.asp?RefUID=290430">tu</a> in <a href="http://surveys.valicon.net/CAWI/jazvem_recruite?Data=referrer%7c2D13C8A64F9D8BAA0D3D538B5F858914">tu</a>
http://zasluzinainternetu.blogspot.si/ |
22 Mar 2014 15:18 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.11. 2010, 20:03 Prispevkov: 175
IPU.. |
To je pa današnje obvestilo od plačilnega procesorja,
na katerega naj bi si nakazali denar iz IPU-ja...
Our Company, Anony-Pay has been in business since November of 2011.
Throughout that period of time, we have assisted literally hundreds of corporations and individuals with their financial affairs, being from simple payment exchange to funds transfers to investments. We have never suffered a negative earnings period in our existence.
In all of our prospective work, we perform due-diligence to assure a mutually acceptable relationship between parties. In January, we were contacted by Idle Processor Utilization Services to perform such an examination to determine if our firms could work together, namely, to have Anony-Pay act as a payment gateway for the services that Idle Processor Services, Inc, provides.
We will not go into any specifics at this point as to the financial reasons, but Anony-Pay has decided NOT to provide services to Idle Processor Utilization Services. There should be no speculation as to why, other than to know that Anony-Pay has decided with finality that it was not in our best interest to do so. Add to this the fact that we were advised seven days ago of a Merger between Idle Processor Services and a similar company, and we were simply unable to commit to this venture.
We do not necessarily feel it is our position to inform you of these circumstances, but it was made clear to us that no other parties involved planned on informing you, the client. We felt it our moral obligation to send this missive.
There will be no further comment regarding this issue from our office. Any questions should be directed to Idle Processor Utilization Services at support@ipuservices.com. Emails sent to Anony-Pay in this regard will be ignored.
We wish you all the best in the future.
23 Mar 2014 08:27 |