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Get traffic for your site!

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Get traffic for your site!
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Pridružen/-a: 11.10. 2012, 21:46
Prispevkov: 97

Prispevek Get traffic for your site! Odgovori s citatom
Ad Viralizer is a really exceptionally powerful program! It creates an endless, non-stop flow of interested prospects to the websites of our members. You will get an enormous number of visits to your website - guaranteed!

There is just a simple and easy, but extremely important requirement, and there is absolutely no way of avoiding it. You have to enroll some advertisers personally, or the whole system will not even start working!

To see why referring new advertisers is a must, let's have a look at the system.

The moment there are some people referred by you, they form your "first level", as we call it (these advertisers will have your ad in the position #2 on their pages) and, as long as at least some of them promote and refer new members, your ad and your page will be presented to more and more prospects.

Keep in mind that your ad will always remain in the #1 ad position on your own Ad Viralizer page. And your ad will always remain in the #2 ad position on the pages of everyone who've signed up directly under you. And in the #3 position of the Ad Viralizer pages of everyone who signed up below referred by you. And so forth, until your ad gets in the position #6.

Every new advertiser posting the ad has to click on all six links and spend at least 15 seconds on each page - including yours! Your ad will be present on all pages of all Ad Viraliser advertisers on five levels, going through all six positions. As a result you will have an amazing amount of FREE traffic.

Evo sm kr koperala iz njihove mi zdi kr posrečeno..Happy če kdo hoče:

Pa lep večer še naprej..Happy

17 Jan 2013 23:45 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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