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Pridružen/-a: 18.07. 2006, 17:27
Prispevkov: 1004

Prispevek QUOTAS-postalsurvey Odgovori s citatom
Če še kdo ne ve za to zadevo in je iz zahtevanih področij Slovenije in ima željo sodelovat prosim, če pri prijavi navede mojo številko 18624,na zastavljeno vprašanje “How did you hear about us?”
Mene plačujejo redno že dve leti in pol ni velik se pa da mal razveselit otroke-sam sem plačan z mercator boni pa vseeno za lučke in lizike je pa!Laughing
On behalf of Pošta Slovenije and within our new postal survey Quotas is still looking for Slovenian survey panellists acting as a receiver and sender of test mail

- Using their BUSINESS postal address in the postal code area Ljubljana town
- Using their PRIVAT postal address in the postal code area Murska Sobota town (9000) and Nova Gorica town (5000).

The panellist tasks would be:

* The panellist will receive about 6 test letters per week from co-panellists. The test mail will be sent to the privat OR business/working place address.
* The panellist will send about 5-8 test letters per week to co-panellists.
In case of panellists using their business address, the letters need to be send along with the business mail of the company.
* Quotas will provide the letters ready to send (stamped and addressed).
* The panellists need to enter all dates of posting and receipt on our website.

Additionally, two specifications would be required for the registration with the business address:

* The daily company mail must be delivered to a company mail box with a street address
(PO Box addresses unfortunately cannot be considered)
* The daily mail must be forwarded to the panellist and collected in a personal “in box”
(since we are planning to furnish the personal post box with a technical device for transponder readings)

For their activity they will receive a monthly reward of 20 EURO.

If you know somebody who would like to join our survey, living or working in the requested postal code areas, please ask him to register at (survey code “Posi”) or to contact us at . If a new person you recruited will be included in our survey you will also receive a bonus of 15 Euro. In this case, please ask them to enter your user number next to the question “How did you hear about us?”
18624 on our registration web page.

Thank you very much in advance!
Your Quotas Team

29 Okt 2008 19:17 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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