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Crypt Trade - od 4% do 6% tedensko

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Crypt Trade - od 4% do 6% tedensko
Avtor Sporočilo
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 17.07. 2010, 16:38
Prispevkov: 17

Prispevek Crypt Trade - od 4% do 6% tedensko Odgovori s citatom
Malo informacij:

CRYP TRADE CAPITAL team is a well-organized group of successful top managers, ready to share their experience with you!
Technical engineers and analysts of our company developed a unique and more importantly comfortable platform for cryptocurrency trading and they keep improving it!


1. Unique, modern, win-win trading strategies, developed directly by the traders of the company!

2.Continuously running innovative tools for automatic trading, which make profits on investors’ accounts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year.

3.Employees of the company know everything about the cryptocurrency market, and instead of the empty words, they confirm their knowledge with successful transactions.

4.The company provides each new investor with an opportunity to receive the maximum of useful information in the context of cryptocurrency exchange house and market development.


Today, company’s investors have an excellent opportunity to use long-term investment portfolios with different risk/reward profiles, from the most conservative ones to portfolios with a higher level of profitability, allowing the company's clients to diversify the asset risks. In addition to this, the company has developed special marketing solutions, enabling everyone who wants to become a partner to have access to the individual promotion program!

THREE TYPES OF INVESTMENTS - Deposit for 1 year. Charges 7 days a week. To withdraw money 15 and 30th of each month.

-0,59% per day, 17,7% per month, 215,35% per year
-investment of $1000 - $5,9 daily profit, $2153 total return

-0,79% per day, 23,7% per month, 288,35% per year
-investment of $6000 - $47,4 daily profit, $17301 total return

-0,99% per day, 29,7% per month, 361,35% per year
-investment of $12000 - $118,8 daily profit, $43362 total return

To so samo primeri in ti donosi so samo informativne narave in niso garantirani, vendar po mojih izkušnjah kar držijo Happy

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