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Profex Investments

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Profex Investments
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Pridružen/-a: 02.05. 2012, 07:37
Prispevkov: 67

Prispevek Profex Investments Odgovori s citatom
Tole stran sem našel danes vendar ne vem točno kam bi jo dal med investicije ali hyip.
Skratka obljubljajo lepe denarce......pozna kdo ?

A simplified overview of how it all works
(Note: the figures and calculations involved in this plan are more complex than illustrated below)

Upon completion of the program (50,000 accounts achieved or in april, 2013) each member will have a pension plan set up for them by our team of experts with a face value of $250,000 (this is the contract maturity value when the member reaches age 75).

A mortgage is then raised on each policy through our investment bank for 60% of the face value, a sum of $150,000.

The mortgage is used to pay for the $60,000 premium amount on the policy and give the member their $70,000 lump sum 'Reverse Pension' payout.

The pension policies are then sold to another bank for a discounted sum of around $160,000. This money pays off the mortgage raised plus any interest or charges accrued.

The end results being:
Members receive a $70,000 payout for their $90 enrolment charge.

The pension company sells 50,000 new policies.

The first Bank sells 50,000 mortgages, has 50,000 new potential customers for other products, and returns a fast $10,000 profit on each policy.

The second Bank buys 50,000 pension policies worth $250,000 for $160,000 each, realizing a long term profit of $90,000 on every policy.

Profex Investments and our financial experts receive several thousand dollars for each policy.
06 Jul 2012 14:23 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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