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Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
cash4adz -- www.cash4adz.com |
I am not the admin
I wish to introduce you to... Cash4Adz
Cash4Adz is a unique revenue share system UNLIKE ANY OTHER with external revenue sources
We generate money from many different income sources which have very high returns then share the return with you! For the past 7 months our team of 8 people (plus myself) have been researching the best investments out there. What we have discovered is truely amazing.
We've been making a LOT of money, but then a few months back we wanted to take it to the next level, this is when we came across 'revenue sharing' so we immediately got to work developing the site and a strategy to go with it. All the while we were doing this, we were still making crazy returns on our investments.
You keep mentioning these external revenue sources, but what are they?
- They change all the time but they include forex, arbitage betting (zero risk), ad resells, penny auctions (very high returns), lottery syndicates (NEW. Very exciting results, after much testing we've added it to our safe list because it's very reliable), and many many many more.
Who are your team?
- I am the Admin and my name is Ashley Hill. Reasons we won't share all the names which you will understand but the key people in my team are Paul, Lisa and K.L. These are our longest serving experts and make all the major decisions, if you send in a support ticket or are posting on the MMG forum it's likely you will speak to one of these at some point.
The BEST and MOST UNIQUE way to make FAST cash!
We are currently the ONLY site that allows you to LEGALLY make SUPER FAST CASH and receive it INSTANTLY!
NO REFERRING needed to make money!
But we do offer a generous 10% minimum referral fee if you want to get your friends in on the action!
We have discovered and have been meticulously working day and night to discover the absolute BEST methods of turning $10 into $10000's!
This is NOT a get rich quick scheme!
WE make the money for you, all the money that comes in is put through our team of EXPERTS who use intricate methods to DECUPLE (times 10) users cash! This means you can DOUBLE and TRIPLE your money OVER AND OVER while we carry on putting your cash through our team OVER AND OVER...
...Making us INFINTELY sustainable!
What's more... we tell you WHERE your money is going! And so long as you are active on the site, there is NO LIMIT to how much you can earn! With most profit share sites, admins exploit 'profit share' by making the site rely solely on new purchases. Well not us! The profit we make from our external sources are shared with you, which means even if there are ZERO purchases from the site, you'll still make money!
How much can I make?
- Daily you will make anything from $0 to $8 per position. The average is around $2.12 per day per position but it's likely not all your positions will earn every day and some might earn more than others. We GUARANTEE you will be credited to your Cash4Adz account with AT LEAST $1 per position every 3 days (excluding holidays/weekends) but that's just to protect you, you will earn a lot more than that. You can cashout up to 200% of your total investment but this is due to change to a fairer system soon!
The more spots you buy the more you'll earn PER POSITION.
You don't have to do ANYTHING. No surfing or signing up to programs, just sit back and watch your balance grow!
Positions are ONLY $24 EACH! Plus $5 sponsor, admin and alertpay fees.
We are NOT like ANY other site. There is ZERO risk and HUGE returns. Check out the F.A.Q page to find out what makes us different!
sign up link:
V glavnem stvar je enaka kot pri munny madness. Isti izgled strani, enako se sluzi, priblizno 2,14$ na dan, le da pozicija stane pol manj in ni omejitve pri stevilu pozicij.
Dam vam lahko kak cashback, ce se prijavite pod mano. Za cashback me prosim kontaktirajte.
18 Jul 2011 20:38 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
You've got cash!
Cash4adz.com (alertpay@cash4adz.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
Date: July 19, 2011 5:01:46 PM
Amount Sent: $12.00 USD
Sender Name: Cash4adz.com
Sender Email: alertpay@cash4adz.com
Reference Number: C1A69-CF5DD-7F010
Message: Your instant payment from Cash4Adz! Please post Payment Proofs and REFER!
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.
evoga izplacilo instantno.
tudi cashback vracam.
19 Jul 2011 23:13 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
jaz bom kupil 10 pozicij tule, pa kar bo pa bo.
2x po 5!
admin sodeluje na mmg forumu.
Ce admin ne bo pobegnil z denarjem je to lepa priloznost za zasluzek.
Prejemajo tudi placila s kreditnimi karticami preko AP.
pa se povedal je da bo prvi cikel dosti vecji tako da se bo verjetno lepo vrnilo prvic, potem pa 2.14 na pozicijo.
cashback se vedno vracam.
EDIT: zadeva štarta v četrtek
20 Jul 2011 00:09 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2011, 01:14 Prispevkov: 138 Kraj: Koper |
21 Jul 2011 00:36 |
Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2010, 11:39 Prispevkov: 314
23 Jul 2011 11:43 |
Administrator foruma
Pridružen/-a: 19.08. 2010, 11:39 Prispevkov: 314
24 Jul 2011 22:43 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
cez vikende ta program ne cikla.
24 Jul 2011 23:11 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2011, 01:14 Prispevkov: 138 Kraj: Koper |
Včeraj smo cikali po 2.98$ po poziciji. Dviguje pa se enkrat na 5 delovnih dni instantno, drugače pa če se komu mudi lahko tudi zaprosi preko supporta pa mu nakažejo ročno v roku 24 ur .
_________________ JSS-Tripler plačuje 2% dnevno / 150% ROI |
26 Jul 2011 21:15 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 09.01. 2011, 01:14 Prispevkov: 138 Kraj: Koper |
28 Jul 2011 19:41 |