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Do 300 klikov na dan!
Avtor Sporočilo
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 12.07. 2007, 21:57
Prispevkov: 499
Kraj: prlekija

Prispevek Do 300 klikov na dan! Odgovori s citatom
Dela (klikanja) kot ga še najbrž ni bilo. Kako je z izplačilom pa še ne vem Wink
<a href=""><img src=""></a>
02 Jun 2010 05:12 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 16.04. 2009, 19:43
Prispevkov: 482

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
klasika Sad :

Raje preberi TOS pri takih straneh:

4. Clickingbank Payments
4.1 All payments are made via AlertPay or Paypal and no other payment method is being used at this time.

4.2 You must manually request for payment to be processed. You must accumulate at least $20 before payment will be issued.

4.3 Payouts are based on the income that the site makes each month. Account earnings are not actual earnings, they are simply a basis to decide what you've earned, depending upon what the site makes. Once a payout request is made, it will be recalculated based on the current value of a dollar at the time of that payout. All payouts start on the 10th and take roughly two weeks for all payments to be made. Members will not paid early, it takes time to calculate everyones earnings. The payout rate per click will probably be less then 1 cent per click and it changes each month.

4.4 1/2 of the site earnings go to standard members and 1/2 of the sites earnings go to upgraded members.

4.5 Standard Members calculation of earnings:

(site monthly profit x .5) / (total payment request from standard members) = payout factor

Your payment request is then multiplied by the payout factor to get your payment.

Standard Members should only expect to earn 1 to 2 % of their earning.

4.6 Upgraded Members calculation of earnings:

(site monthly profit x .5) / (total payment request from upgraded members) = payout factor

Your payment request is then multiplied by the payout factor to get your payment.

4.7 All members payment request during a month will be combined into one payment.

4.8 If your payment is less than .75, your payment request will be denied and your earnings
will be returned to your account. If you payment is .75 to $1.00, then you will receive the min.
payment of $1.00.

4.9 Members from China MUST upgrade in order to receive a cash payment. We will check not
only the country you fill in on the registration form; but, also your IP address.

4.10 Payments go out the month AFTER the payment request is submitted. For example, if placed in Aug. it will be paid in Sept.

02 Jun 2010 18:00 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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