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Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
Dailypayer - www.dailypayer.com |
We Pay YOU For Advertising With DailyPayer!
Innovative Daily Perpetual Income Generator
Advertising That Pays You Daily - Double YOUR MONEY!
YOU Get PAID over and over with DailyPayer
Who we are and what we do
DailyPayer, through our own team of coders and programmers, created our very own customised Innovative Income Distribution System and it is automated to Equally Share And Distribute Income to all our members in a fair AND sustaining process. It is based on an innovative computation of algorithm and is created with input of great minds from our team, made up of experienced marketers, programmers, business owners and advertisers. We have one of the greatest platform for advertisers to advertise and earn AND get rewarded for doing that!
We do not only deliver a platform of rich resource of good advertising but also a great platform for earning extra income for our members for now and long into the future. With our very own team of programmers and experienced team members, we have already designed many programs and will continue to create MORE to add to the revenue stream AND advertising channels. We are here for our members for a long time and YOU as our members, you will have the added advantage to know of new programs we will be adding and potentially has the early chance to get into new programs before their release to the general public. This is certainly a member’s great privilege!
DailyPayer Attractive AND Innovative Perpetual Income Distribution System
To participate in DailyPayer Income Distribution System, a member needs to purchase at least one DP Ad Pack at a cost of only $15 each. Currently, you can buy a minimum of ONE(1) DP Ad Pack and up to a maximum of TEN (10) DP Ad Packs. When we launch, we will increase the maximum to ONE HUNDRED (100) Ad Packs. We will increase this to higher amount as we go along.
One DP Ad Pack of $15 will get you into our prestigious membership program which entitles YOU to ONE (1) DPA Unit of $10/unit and ONE (1) DPB Unit of $5/unit. You will also get 2,000 advertising credits where you can use for text and banner advertising to our global audience.
DPA Unit - each DPA unit will pay you a return of up to 200% on the unit cost of $10. You will get a share of earnings of UP TO 2.5% per day for UP TO 150 days.
No Sponsoring Is Required to Earn.
DPB Unit - each DPB unit will pay you a return of up to 200% of the unit cost of $5. You will get a share of earnings based on our innovative perpetual income distribution system until your DPB Unit expires upon receiving a 200% return on the unit cost of $5.
No Sponsoring Is Required to Earn.
Thus each DP Ad Pack of $15 will potentially rewards you with a 200% return of up to $30.
Imagine if you have 10 DP Ad Packs, these will return you a total of up to $300.
Imagine if you have 100 DP Ad Packs, these will return you a total of up to $3000 and so on.
DailyPayer Rewarding Affiliate Sharing Program
DailyPayer has also in place a very rewarding Affiliate Sharing Program. Our members get rewarded well for sharing DailyPayer with others with affiliate bonus as follows:
For One DP Ad Pack Purchase
Affiliate Bonus % equivalent in $
Level 1 8 1.2
Level 2 2 0.3
Level 3 2 0.3
Level 4 2 0.3
Level 5 2 0.3
Imagine IF over time you sponsor 10 members and each of them sponsors another 10 and then they sponsor another 10, all the way to Level 5 - there is a potential of $33,342* you can earn with JUST the purchase of One (1) DP Ad Pack alone by the referrals in your organisation! *See More Affiliate Bonus Rewards computation and explanation in DETAILS page.
Why DailyPayer is totally different from what you see out there now
DailyPayer is our very own custom made program incorporating the ideas from our team of experienced programmers, marketers, business owners and advertisers. We have seen so many programs out there stall/slow down on the very first days itself as their compensation plan is not made to last but only seek to reward those members who join early and/or having too excessive returns that it is not realistic nor sustainable. DailyPayer seeks to reward and compensate ALL OUR MEMBERS in equitable manner and for long-term with our Innovative Perpetual Income Distribution System.
What DailyPayer IS NOT
DailyPayer is not a straight line program OR another general revenue sharing program where only the early entrants will make all the money. DailyPayer is not another program where we just toss things upside down, inside out, and reward those who got in last or randomly as this is basically just another gimmick with no purpose of sustaining a long term program at all. DailyPayer is not another program to hype you with a massive returns of earnings of non-sustainable high percentage WITHOUT any other income stream.
What DailyPayer IS
DailyPayer has a very reasonable and realistic return and each DP Ad Pack earns a maximum of up to 200% or up to $30 and expire. DailyPayer employs an acceptable repurchase requirement of only 25% and NOT an excessive high % as high % only seek to lock up members money inside a program. What DailyPayer believes is, what our members earn are theirs to decide what to do and we only seek a realistic repurchase to ensure loyalty and continuity of their prestigious membership with DailyPayer.
DailyPayer rewards our members with an affiliate reward program of up to 5 levels ( a total of up to 16% of affiliate bonuses) on purchase of every DP Ad Pack. DailyPayer is made up of a team of professionals and we have plans and directions to enhance on DailyPayer streams of income with our current ongoing projects and will continuously add on more new projects into the long term future.
V glavnem, da bo lazje za razumet:
1 pack ki ga kupis, stane 15$ in se razdeli za 2 razlicni smeri:
1) $10 gre v DPA
S tem zasluzis "do 2.5% na dan do 150 dni"
2) $5 pa gre v DPB
dobis do 200% na revenue share
glede na vse skup, mi stran vlece na podobno kot dailypayu. Iz prve recem da so isti! pri dailypayu izplacujejo vredu, dobis placano dokaj hitro, le tam je bil problem, da je slo 10$ v 2%, 10$ pa v matriko. matrika pa je zgledala cisto enako kot pri jss. le da ni sla pozicija not k referalu ampak tistemu ki se je prej prijavil.
Zagnalo se bo:
Launching Date Wednesday July 20, 2011, 8:00 am
zdaj se pa zbira referale. pa mislim da tudi placas ze lahko. grem preverit.
Referal commision:
Level 1 8 1.2
Level 2 2 0.3
Level 3 2 0.3
Level 4 2 0.3
Level 5 2 0.3
klub vsemu jaz se za enkrat ne bom vlagal, bom pocakal 1 dan, da vidim, kako bo naprej.
16 Jul 2011 19:42 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
nic, danes kupim 1 pozicijo, pa bom porocal kaj in kaj bo.
17 Jul 2011 14:11 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
23 Jul 2011 16:34 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
2 $0.6726
Revnue Share for Share id # 357
2011-07-23 12:00:02 FIP6220 Rebate Credit
3 $0.2500
ROI @ 2.50% For Plan DP Ad Pack - Advertising Package 1
2011-07-22 15:27:50 LKY9054 Rebate Credit
4 $0.6940
Revnue Share for Share id # 357
2011-07-22 12:00:02 OXH4227 Rebate Credit
5 $0.2500
ROI @ 2.50% For Plan DP Ad Pack - Advertising Package 1
2011-07-21 15:27:45 UGW8446 Rebate Credit
6 $0.7347
Revnue Share for Share id # 357
2011-07-21 12:00:03 IOT1239 Rebate Credit
7 $0.2500
ROI @ 2.50% For Plan DP Ad Pack - Advertising Package 1
2011-07-20 15:27:44 OYB5588 Rebate Credit
8 $0.8259
Revnue Share for Share id # 357
2011-07-20 12:00:03 BME5443 Rebate Credit
9 $0.2500
ROI @ 2.50% For Plan DP Ad Pack - Advertising Package 1
2011-07-19 15:27:41 QNP4062 Rebate Credit
10 $0.7266
Revnue Share for Share id # 357
2011-07-19 12:00:03 CLZ7906 Rebate Credit
to je nekaj prvih dni.
Zdaj sem dal nakazat ven nekaj cez 5$. Posorcam, ko dobim.
23 Jul 2011 22:53 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
za kakih 5 ur je prislo:
You've got cash!
Daily Payer Inc (dailypayer@gmail.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
Date: July 23, 2011 9:25:43 PM
Amount Sent: $4.28 USD
Sender Name: Daily Payer Inc
Sender Email: dailypayer@gmail.com
Reference Number:
Message: Cashout I.D # 256
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.
24 Jul 2011 09:13 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
You've got cash!
Daily Payer Inc (dailypayer@gmail.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
Date: July 30, 2011 1:34:20 PM
Amount Sent: $3.97 USD
Sender Name: Daily Payer Inc
Sender Email: dailypayer@gmail.com
Reference Number: 4385E-6D670-D3B07
Message: Cashout I.D # 836
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.
malo ze staro ampak sem pozabil prilepit.
Stran tece super. sem prav presenecen. Danes sem se odlocil kupit 5 packov.(75$)
tule pa so rezultati zadnjih dni:
Day of sunday 31 july
Positions values of day purchased : 36360
Total members of day : 1833
Day of Monday 01 ,August
Positions values of day purchased : 38680 +2320
Positions purchased of day: +232
Total members of day :1872 +39
Day of Tuesday 02 ,August
Positions values of day purchased : 40750 +2100
Positions purchased of day :+210
Total members of day: 1922 +50
Day of Wednesday 03 ,August
Positions values of day purchased : 42360 +1610
Positions purchased of day :+161
Total members of day: 1969+47
Day of Thursday 04 ,August
Positions values of day purchased : 44490 +2130
Positions purchased of day :+213
Total members of day :2008+39
05 Avg 2011 18:22 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
izplacilo nekje v 1 uri.
You've got cash!
Daily Payer Inc (dailypayer@gmail.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
Date: August 06, 2011 4:01:55 PM
Amount Sent: $5.09 USD
Sender Name: Daily Payer Inc
Sender Email: dailypayer@gmail.com
Reference Number:
Message: Cashout I.D # 1477
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.
06 Avg 2011 22:04 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
You've got cash!
Daily Payer Inc (dailypayer@gmail.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
Date: August 08, 2011 2:55:20 PM
Amount Sent: $5.36 USD
Sender Name: Daily Payer Inc
Sender Email: dailypayer@gmail.com
Reference Number:
Message: Cashout I.D # 1712
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.
v 45 minutah.
08 Avg 2011 21:28 |
Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
Daily Payer Inc (dailypayer@gmail.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details
Date: August 10, 2011 10:35:51 PM
Amount Sent: $5.17 USD
Sender Name: Daily Payer Inc
Sender Email: dailypayer@gmail.com
Reference Number:
Message: Cashout I.D # 1939
11 Avg 2011 11:15 |
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