Avtor |
Sporočilo |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Krazymoneymaker |
Odpira se nova stran admina sta ista kakor pri WSCju znana člana mmg foruma.
We will open our Lines when we get between 750 to 1500 members.
You will get a early notice about the launch date and time.
We are rewarding our members, with a huge 15% referral commission!
We start with 2 Levels, $8 and $30.
Before you can buy in the higher lines, you Must buy at least 1 in the $8 Line!!
There is no auto reinvesting when you cycle, that's only building up huge lines,
and we don't want that!
These Lines should appeal to the majority's pockets..
Our intention with this site, is that you can Start at low Level and build your way up.
How much you want to invest is up to you, but all is limited to Max 10 spots pr Line.
So you can never have more than 10 Active spots during the first 2 hr.
This with the 140% fast cycling speed, will make this program a real fast earner.
Depending on how many members who join and invest, we plan to open 2 lines
a little higher than the latest lines. Every 7 or 14 days on Wednesday.
This way its a fair chance for all to build there way up, so they can afford the new lines.
Admin will invest a portion of the income into the older lines.
We will start all lines with 2 Admin spots, who will go directly into buying into the older lines!!
We will activate new purchases at different times a day, and its activated manually to secure the system.
I hope you like this concept, as I believe it will be a killer in this industry.
Kind Regards
Kent |
Hitri prevod:
- Stran se bo zagna ko bo prijavljenih 750 do 1000 uporabnikov
- Imela bo 2 liniji 8$ ter 30$
- vsaka linja se bo odciklala do 140%
- Vsak bo moral kupit vsaj 1 pozicijo 8$ liniji preden bo šel višje
- Ni auto reinvesticije ko se cikla
- brez 50/50 pravil
- Omejitev nakupa je 10 pozicij na linijo
LINK: http://www.krazymoneymaker.com/?cajnik
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
12 Okt 2011 21:57 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Novo sproročilo admina:
Hi all members.
Just a quick note as some are wondering when we will open, krazymoneymaker.com
Ask your sponsor if they are in and get there link to join.
We will open the program as soon as we get 1000 members or before that.
We will let you know a day before we open the lines.
You can promote with the New banners we got made for us.
Just log in and go to the Banner section and you will see all these great banners.
We will use most of the profit in this to keep the % in WSC.
Also, when we pay you, we kindly ask you to take a few minutes to go and post that you where paid on the forums.
Good luck, and thanks for your time.
Kent |
Trenutno je na stran registrirano: 231 memberju.
Kot spremljam se registrira cca 30 memberju na dan.
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
14 Okt 2011 13:50 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Nove informacije:
I just wanted you to know that we are now counting 299 members.
** IF AP have got there CC up and running as normal! **
** We will open the program Wednesday 26th. **
( I think we will open that date no mather what!!)
** You will get a early notice about the launch date and time.
Note: This our system is a' fully automated system who activate your spots
right after you have paid for them!!
No waiting for activating and admins who cheat in the lines!!
(like in may other similar programs)
The 140% cy cling mode will cause a really Fast cycling.
We have a mandatory rule that you need to b uy in the $8 before you buy in the higher lines.
You must at all times have one active $8 spot.
This is whats make the cycling even faster, and the members can start with the low lines and build there way up.
There was a similar program to this a few year ago, who did it really good.
There was tens of thousands of members and a LOT of cycling.
I don't recall the name, but that's not important at all, as we are trying to make our own success program here.
1. There are not many rules here besides that:
2. You need to have one active in the $8 line at all time.
3. Absolutely NO SPAMMING!!
4. 10$ minimum WD limit.
5. Instant adding to the lines when you purchase.
6. Max 10 spots pr account for the First hour.
7. Also there is No forced reinvesting in the lines.
8. Admin buy in the lower lines from some of the profit!
I absolutely feel that this can be a huge success over time, and we are awarding you with a 15% referral com mission.
Its not possible to set this script to give different refcom %, or we would have had a two tired system.
(I will check this out a little future, and if possible i will add this, then it will be 10% first level. 5% second level)
But that is NOT confirmed yet
Well that's all for now, thanks for your time.
Go check out all these Great looking banners we got made,, and use them wherever you can.
There is a Lot of money to be made here.
Take care.
Kent |
A namerava kdo it not ?
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
20 Okt 2011 08:30 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Danes bi se moral odpret so preložili za 1 teden skrbi jih AP ker folk ne more prek njega vplacevat zaradi APjevih težav. Vwč info:
Hi all.
I talked to Johnny, and we decided to open next Wednesday 2th November. (Next Wednesday)
Since we also have LR & STP (who you get verified fast on and can use CC on)
We see no problem with this.
Also, there are plenty of time to send AP a money order vie US Post office, or make an exchange with someone or an exchanger.
I use this Exchanger who is secure to use: pif43.com/link/xcorg
Other ways to fund AP or get a Amex Pre Paid card you can find here:
There should be plenty of cash anyway on most of our members account, so i don't think this will be any problem at all.
Well the decision is Taken, so now you have one week to grab the last referrals and get 15% on there purchases!!
What time will be Best to open the lines??
We need to find a middle thing here against the timezones.
So please give us your time it suits you, and we will decide a time from that.
Help us decide it here: moneymakergroup.com/Krazy-Money-Maker-Krazy-t388426.html&st=105&start=105
Good luck.
We hope there will be some massive cycling and money made!!
And this will also help WSC!!!
Kent & Johnny |
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
26 Okt 2011 06:35 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Še eno sporočilo od Adminov!
Trenutno članov: 521
Dodan je bil LR
Čas do odprtja 30min!
<a href="http://www.krazymoneymaker.com?cajnik"><img src="http://www.krazymoneymaker.com/members/images/banner3.gif" alt="Click Here For Fast Cash!!"></a>
Hi there system
I just wanted to remind you that its not so many hours til we open!!!!!
Go grab your referral links, and trow out some of the nice banners we have made for your success.
To secure Fast cycling. we have done this!!
**We have changed so that you can buy max 3 spots the First 30 minutes.
**Then we raise it to max 10, and after one hr max 200.
15% Ref Com!!! 140% Cycling.
The banners have a good CTR so use them well, as they lead to a lot of sign ups to those who promoting them.
Like the site says, Krazy Money Maker,, we want to see some Fast cycling here, therefor we have almost non Admin fee on the current lines!!!
This is to make a ultra fast cyling for those who participating, and believe me, that if you are there right when we open, the chance of cycling is really good!!
There is a 10 spot max for the first 30 minutes, then the cap will be lifted to max 200 (think that should be enough for most
Remember that you Must have an active spot in the $8 line at all time to participate in the higher line.
This $8 line is our "feeder"
The intention is that you can start at "your" level and build your way up. that's why we have 2 lines with a little higher amount. there is always some
who want to play it a little higher, but the rules apply to all... remember to buy in the $8 line first!!
The $30 line will open 1 hour after the $8 line, and you can use the money earned in the $8 line to repurchase there (and you also save fee on AP-LR)
Unfortunately we where not able to integrate STP, as the script provider dos not want to support them.
And we on the other hand want things to go on auto, so when you buy a spot or more, they will go active immediately.
This we couldn't get with STP, and therefore we decided to Skip it for now.
Remember that this system is setup so You the Member shall earn money, not the Admin/s, we Only take a small portion to cover the fees and server costs.
Also we buy the 2 first spots in all lines, and probably some more After most have bought there spots.
We will use the profit for 2 things:
1. Feed the $8 line.
2. Feed WSC
The program was sett up as a feeder to WSC, but at the same time this is a self standing site, running its own life.
We believe in honesty, and will Never bend this ethic rule we have, and trust you with the same.
That's why we always say upfront what this is, and not pimp it up to something its not (like most others do).
Thanks for your Trust in us and we appreciate your time and effort to make this another great site!
Soooo.. go grab your codes and get them out right now, so we can boost this site with some more members before launch!
The Timer is on the front side, so pay attention, as it will be opened on the second it hits the time!!
Be there!!!
Kent And Johnny |
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
02 Nov 2011 21:34 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Evo kupil 3 pozicije v isti minuti po odprtu št. pozicije 238,239,240 se hitro prodaja 
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
02 Nov 2011 22:03 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 17.05. 2010, 21:13 Prispevkov: 253
Pozicije sciklane evo proof
Sem kupil še 2 
_________________ Kripto svet!  |
03 Nov 2011 20:41 |
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