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Global Gain

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Global Gain
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Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07
Prispevkov: 1266
Kraj: MB

Prispevek Global Gain Odgovori s citatom
Tega sem dodal ker se mi zdi zanimiv in na monitorjih je označen, da plačuje...
ter na sceni je že 94 dni.

Naj podam njihovo predstavitev...

Investment Program

1. Minimum spend is $10.
2. We work on Business days. Profits will be send to your account on Business Days (Monday - Friday).
3. Compounding is not available.
4. You can make deposit directly from your account balance.
5. We accept Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money and Alert Pay.
6. Principal is included in your profits,so the principal is irrevocable and can't return at the end of the period.
7. You can withdraw your earning at any time.
8. Period of the plans is 30 Business days (this means 42 calendar days)
9. 3% Referral commission.

Imajo tri plane

Zasluži 5.0% dnevno
(Earn 5-05 Daily)
- period: 30 dni
- Minimum $10
- Maksimum: $3,000
- Total Return: 150%

Zasluži 5.5% dnevno
(Earn 5.5% Daily)
- period: 30 dni
- Minimum $3,001
- Maksimum: $6,000
- Total Return: 165%

Zasluži 6.0% dnevno
(Earn 6.0% Daily)
- period: 30 dni
- Minimum $6,001
- Maksimum: $60,000
- Total Return: 165%

All of our plans are based on sharing our profits with our investors. The bigger your investment is, the bigger is your profit share. Each deposit transaction has its own active period and its own profit that will be added to your balance every business/calendar day (depends on your plan term).

Referral System
We also offer 3% of referral commission to who refer someone to our program. this help investors to earn more money in their accounts and invest more for more income. It's always important to have confidence in your investment company, and to feel you can rely on us for help and guidance in all of your financial affairs. I hope that you will enjoy our program!

V kolikor vidite tukaj tudi možnost za nekaj dodatnih cekinčkov bom vesel vsakega, ki bo uporabil ta baner za prijavo.

03 Maj 2011 12:18 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Obišči avtorjevo spletno stran MSN Messenger - naslov
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