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Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 09.06. 2009, 01:11 Prispevkov: 3
PeopleString |
PeopleString ‘Where You Own the Web’. It is the new wave in relationship and social communities; it has the Creativity, Culture, Expressive Forums and places to meet new people and network; but now it combines all that with giving you a share in the revenues that are created by the users of the website.
The ‘other’ social sites keep all of the money for themselves and never give any to their users. They are making millions off of your actions and keeping it all. PeopleString shares the revenues that are generated by its members. This is unique for online social communities. Who other than PeopleString gives its members back 70% of the revenues?
Here are a few simple steps to get started!
1. Sign up for FREE!
2. Set PeopleString as your home page and do alll your internet surfing threw it to earn cash
3. Complete a quick survey and earn money for completing it! (MailBox-Cashbox)
4. Refer friends to join for free (receive $0.50 per signed up referral)
5. Use PeopleString as your portal to google, facebook, gmail, myspace, twitter etc.
6. Receive address verification postcard in the mail with survey code, and input survey code into your MailBox-Cashbox.
7. Start receiving Marketing Mail, and get paid for allowing that mail to come to your house...IT'S MAIL THAT YOU'RE GETTING ANYWAYS!!!
8. Receive a % of the income of people who you refer, 6 levels deep.
9. Promote Promote Promote!!! Everyone you know is doing this anyways, they're just not getting paid for it. Advertising revenue is being redirected to us as members.
To sem pred kratkim odkril. Zadeva zgleda zaenkrat v redu. Tudi opisi na internetu ne pričajo, da bi bila zadeva scam.
Pri načinu izplačevanja sta možnosti PayPal in U.S. Check. Predvsem me zanima kako ta check v praksi zgleda, če je kdo že imel izkušnje s tem. Hvala.
09 Jun 2009 09:56 |
Novi Član
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2010, 11:53 Prispevkov: 2
Stran deluje in tudi izplačuje |

_________________ apelaapela |
15 Jan 2011 22:54 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
16 Jan 2011 00:24 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.11. 2010, 20:03 Prispevkov: 175
Da se potrudi in napisi v slovenščini zakaj se gre! Drugače bo treba brisat. |
V nekaj besedah,gre za socialno mrežo,ki 70% svojih prihodkov razdeli med člane..
vpis je brezplačen ,nekajkrat dnevno je potrebno poklikat določene stvari,se poigrat z nekaj igricami,
bit vsega pa je da si nabereš referale in si plačan od njihove aktivnosti do 6-te globine..
Prvo izplačilo je možno pri 25$ in po 90-tih dneh (to je potrebno doseči)..
izplačilo je možno tudi na AP..
Še enkrat vse je brezplačno,in res izplačujejo..
če je kdo zinteresiran,naj me kontaktira za podrobnosti..
16 Jan 2011 00:39 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
16 Jan 2011 01:10 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 21.11. 2010, 20:03 Prispevkov: 175
Sej razumem..
ampak so "pravila " takšna, da če je že slo. forum bi se naj v grobem program predstavil v slo. jeziku!
Ker vsak pa ne obvlada ang.! |
moj namen ni bil prevajanje,ampak opis.. 
16 Jan 2011 02:03 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu