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Web Tester

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Web Tester
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Pridružen/-a: 12.07. 2007, 21:57
Prispevkov: 499
Kraj: prlekija

Prispevek Web Tester Odgovori s citatom
Web Tester
je bržkone zanimiva zadeva za tiste, ki si radi ogledujejo ter ocenjujejo spletne strani. Mogoče bo kdo vedel povedati o tem kaj več, v glavnem pa sem razumel, da plačujejo za testiranje spletnih strani in kratko mnenje o le teh...

FINALLY... This is the business you have waited for so long:
It is completely free, you earn through EVERYBODY who registers after you, even if you do not sponsor people; you must not sell or buy anything. Guaranteed!
The faster you register, the more can be your potential income, even if you do nothing else than register for free...
How does it work? - It's simple!
A market research company from the USA is searching for internet users all over the world, who get paid for testing websites and giving a short opinion. You also can earn up to 1,000 US$ per month working 1 to 10 hours weekly.
Even if the job as a website tester is not for you, you can earn two passive incomes month after month:
1. Team Provision for all the members that you have sponsored directly or indirectly.
2. Group Provision for all members which have registered in the system after your own registration!
So be fast, this is crucial, while you read these lines, new members register all over the world. There is absolutely no commitment involved with your registration and your data will NEVER be exposed to third parties!
By the way, did we mention that participation will ALWAYS be free of charge?

Trenutno je na strani kar precejšnja gužva, saj se vsakih nekaj sekund nekdo registrira na novo Wink
Web Tester
13 Jun 2010 21:42 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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