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Each time you start a new topic or reply here at FreeHostForum you earn points-FHF$ (FreeHostForum Dollars) or F$. This forum is for sales,auctions,offers, etc. using F$ currency.

Per Thread-2 FHF$
Per Reply -1 FHF$
Per referral-5 FHF$

Each thread = 1 FHF$ and reply = 0.5 FHF$ in general discussions.
Each thread = 1 FHF$ and reply = 0.5 FHF$ in domain appraisal forum.
Each thread and reply = 0 FHF$ in feedbacks and advertising forum.

The Store is a place where you can buy certain options to customize things in the forum like getting your name in italics, getting a title, making a favored thread "stickied". You may use points or FHF$ to buy some features as follows:

You need to sell services to gain FHF$. Begging for points is not allowed.

You may cash in by selling us F$ at 0.01 rate via paypal at any time. Min. 300 FHF$. You can also buy FHF$ from us at 0.025 rate via paypal at any time. Min. 300 FHF$.
28 Jun 2008 15:00
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