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17. Julij, štartajo .me domene

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17. Julij, štartajo .me domene
Avtor Sporočilo
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12
Prispevkov: 3507

Prispevek 17. Julij, štartajo .me domene Odgovori s citatom
Če ima kdo interes in zakupi kakšno pametno domeno, jo kasneje lahko prav dobro proda:

Because .ME is about YOU! .ME has incredible potential for Internet users world-wide. Think about it, with a .ME domain, the Internet will, quite simply, be all about YOU. For the first time in Internet history, domain names are essentially personal.

.ME is expected to be utilized as both a personalized Web address and as a catchy business marketing tool around the world, initially in English followed by localized and standards compliant International Domain Names in, for example, Spanish, Italian, and Montenegrin.

.ME domains, with their universal appeal, are expected to be in high demand. So some “premium” names – including verb-oriented domains, such as “Contact.ME,” “Drive.ME” or “Fly.ME,” – will be held back for auction after Open Registration. We will have more information available on premium auctions in the months to come.

To learn about the rollout, including the schedule, Sunrise eligibility, and the Land Rush, please read our Rollout FAQ

The registry welcomes new registrars. To learn how to become a registrar, please click here

Več informacij

Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani

Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami

Poceni in zanimivo

Zastonj stvari
15 Jul 2008 07:34 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo Pošlji E-sporočilo
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