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topclickingshares -

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topclickingshares -
Avtor Sporočilo
Iskalec zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 21.06. 2008, 02:52
Prispevkov: 77

Prispevek topclickingshares - Odgovori s citatom
Now revenue share program, ponujajo kar nekaj opcij služenja

1.Revenue Sharing system

Our platform gives you the opportunity to earn every time someone purchases a share and one of our advertisement packages.

When you start today and purchase a share for only $1.50 USD each, you will earn a part of 75% of all our sales split to all our other shares holders.

The good thing is that even when we don't make any sales, your shares will continue to earn 2% daily until it reaches the maturity, which is 150% . That's where the Second way to earn takes place....

2.Daily Fixed Income On Shares

If you have experienced any revenue sharing system before, then you know how exited is to watch your money grow every time you reload your commissions page, but also, how frustrated is when nobody is purchasing shares and you see your money stuck there.

Now the frustration is OVER! Even when no purchases are made, you still earn!

When the shareable amount is below $1, then we pay you pay 2% daily on your shares until it reaches the maximum of earnings which is 150%. That means FASTER MATURITY on your shares!!

If your shares matures in the first day of the purchase, awesome! but if not, you will not see your money stuck in there! you will still earn! How amazing is this ha? Peace of mind....

3.Get Paid To Click

Here you go one way to make an extra FREE money!

You can increase your earnings by visiting websites. The famous PTCis also here!

Everyday you will have ads available to click. Your job is click on the Ad and wait the until the time is over. Your account will be credited right way with the specific amount of money offered by the advertiser! Start clicking! It's free!

You can always withdraw your money or simply purchase shares on our system to earn even more!

4.Referral Commissions

Telling your friends and family to join us, is another way of making an extra money.

ToClicking pays you up to 12% from all the purchases
your downline makes. Either from the purchases of
shares or Ad packages, you earn not only from your direct
referrals, but also from the ones they refer up to 5 levels.

1 Level: 5% 2 Level: 3% 3 Level: 2%
4 Level: 1% 5 Level: 1%

Payment Accepted : STP | EgoPay | OkPay | PexPay | Payeer
Minimum withdrawal : $1 ( one dollar )

20 Maj 2014 16:08 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 27.09. 2013, 10:16
Prispevkov: 21

Prispevek Odgovori s citatom
Stvar deluje Very Happy Very Happy

Pridružil sem se ob zagonu z vloškom $15, do danes sem že izplačal $20.

Izplačila Confused so ročna, ampak redna od 24-48h. ker sem trenutno na dobičku in
so mi delnice v vrednosti $18 že dosegle 150%, ponovno vlagam dobiček v nakup
novih delnic. Aktivnih imam trenutno za $16,5.

Embarassed Embarassed

Link za prijavo v Paidverts
30 Maj 2014 09:46 Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo
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