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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 24.05. 2014, 10:58 Prispevkov: 263
Zato pa je tudi cena tako padla, itak pa jo je sam začel zbijat ko je spet dal v prodajo svoje delnice....
15 Jun 2015 06:38 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
15 Jun 2015 18:14 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
tukaj je izgleda vse bolj ali manj zaključeno... ali kak?
Kar se delnic tiče ... tudi ne vem če bodo kdaj še rastle... sicer je bilo nazadnje še kakšno upanje, ko so se pozvzpele na 0,0244 a izgleda da je bil to še samo zadnji izdihljaj
Tudi s kliki se stoji bolj kot ne na mestu...
10 Jul 2015 12:00 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 29.12. 2009, 12:40 Prispevkov: 216 Kraj: Celje |
Konec še ni. Je pa tako kot je Jo napovedal kake pol leta nazaj da bo PaidVerts postal klasična PTC stran, MTV pa stran za večje investicije in tudi večje zaslužke.
No PV je res postal to, kjer lahko zaslužiš par centov na dan. MTV pa je daleč od tega da bi tam lahko kaj služil, delnice stojijo med 1 do 2 centa. Plani se samo podaljšujejo. Dividend ni več.
Edino kar še mene drži na tem je to da še vedno redno izplačujejo. Pač zaslužim par dolarjev mesečno in to je to.
Kakšnih večjih izboljšav pa z novim vodstvom ne pričakujem, bo kar približno na istem ostalo.
_________________ http://serginho1977.wix.com/earn-money-online |
10 Jul 2015 20:40 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 07.02. 2009, 22:24 Prispevkov: 442
Hello everyone!
I hope you got like 15 minutes because this is a huge post..
It isn't a neat update and forgive some spelling etc.. But it's very long and I just want to get the message out.
As you know i've been travelling through eastern europe the past week.
I went to visit our programming offices in both Poland and Slovenia.
There were multiple reasons to do so:
-I want to work on the current structure of our team.
-Some people were skeptic about the existence of the offices.
-Introducing myself and bonding with the programmers.
-Brainstorming about our future products and explain them the current situation of MTV.
A little extra info about changing the structure of the team.
The past few weeks i've been talking to someone that I would like to hire as our new development manager.
He's interested in taking the role, so after that I had to check if the current programmers would agree on the idea.
Everyone supports the idea of hiring the new development manager and right now i'm talking to Carlos about the possibilities and improvements this would bring us.
-Building MTV as cost-efficient as possible
-Having someone to oversee the development of our website that actually has insight/knowledge of the code.
-Reducing various costs like server costs etc.
-Maintain deadlines
If Carlos agrees that would definitely boost our development,communication,structure and overheads.
Meeting with the programmers:
The meeting with the programmers gave me a good vision of the current situation.
All of our current programmers are capable and hard-working (More then they get credit for)
Our programmers are very professional and know what needs to be done and how to get there.
Also they're open to changes, external input and supervision.
I'm very positive about my meeting with all of them.
Some of the predictions they gave me about the future progress:
The Polish office is currently building a tic tac toe-multiplayer game.
The core of that game will be the basic for every multiplayer game we'll have in the future, so they need to make sure to build it right.
Once they pumped out tic tac toe they can deliver us a multiplayer game every few weeks/month. Those are the games that make mtv money without any risk of losing money and it opens us up to a new market of gamers!
Furthermore they're building us a bitcoin and a Perfect money-casino.
Reasons why we're building those:
1.) You can promote it as a casino
2.) People don't actually need to register on it to play (these kinds are getting popular on bitcoin for example)
3.) No direct connection with MTV - can get us new payment processors (Like neteller)
4.) Legality/licensing might be much easier as it won't be mixed up with mtv
5.) Separate servers/database - if games cause some problems the other websites won't go down/won't be affected
6.) We can later add playthrough bonuses etc., on mtv it'd be much more complex
We got another guy building us a bitcoin exchanger, if he doesn't deliver the Polish guys can build us one as well.
Also they've got a paidverts mobile app in process, this will open us up to a whole new market (The mobile market)
We'll be making more apps in the future but we're still not really sure how to progress in that market. In time we will.
They're also gonna rebuild all the games that were made by previous programmers as they cause too much errors, especially since we transfered our website over to AWS.
The slovenian office is currently working on some simple scratchcard-games to expand the number of games we got to offer with the upcoming casino's.
The cool thing is that they will have shared jackpots!
Also they will deliver us a very fun game within 2 weeks from now.. Super slots!
Super slots is a very complex slotmachine that has cool sounds, 4 different bonus-games, 4 progressive jackpots and a bonus point-system.
The normal reels have got like a 8-10% house-edge, but the real prices are in the bonus-games..(They can really overpay, but the normal reels will make up for the house edge)
Slosumo will give you the exact stats once we deploy the game.
Furthermore they will build us more and more complex slots in the future (Based on the core code of the super slots)with all kinds of sticky bonusses, bonus games, upgrades etc.. Whatever you can think of!
You can also expect 3D-games and skill games(Single player with high-scores) in the future!!
So many cool projects upcoming and these aren't even the biggest updates.. smile
Bitcoin related projects:
We really want to venture into bitcoin related projects, we believe they can bring us a great amount of stabil income and it opens us up to an entire new market.
Bitcoin is the future, or so we believe.. You got a limited amount of bitcoins that can be mined, more and more people are using the currency and the technology is amazing.
You can build all kind of businesses on bitcoin technology.
The main power of bitcoin technology is that it's decentralized technology, it can't be taken down as it runs on millions of devices.
This will totally protect us from hackers, ddos-attacks etc.
And another beautiful thing is.. We could build a new Facebook,whatsapp etc etc that actually respects and protects your privacy!
Now that's something most of us have already lost by using facebook, smartphones etc.. We might be making it possible again to get a hold of your privacy!
As many of you have noticed already, we enabled paypal for ad purchases again! grin
I did notice some concerns amongst the crowd, but let me explain you what's different from before.
Paidverts is registered under Linstow LP now and has nothing to do with Carlos anymore.
There are no ties with MTV at all, MTV is registered under another business.
Linstow LP is a business that handles the legality and employment of Paidverts.
I'm not fully up to date about this yet, which is why I need to go to Carlos to get all of the info (More about that later in this update)
We're also gonna build a copy of Paidverts with a lower ROI, that doesn't need any money from MTV (We can also accept Paypal and a few other pp's over there)and will be self-sustainable, more about that later.
I've announced it before, but we got creditcards in the pipeline.
After years of struggling and closed doors, we finally succeeded.
There's only a bit of paperwork that needs to be done, some information of our employees to be collected and we're done.
The creditcards will have a 6-7% deposit/cashout-fee (We need to add 0.5-1% on top of that for revenues) at first and will decrease a bit over a longer period of time.
One of the downsides is that they allow themselves to take up to 2 weeks to do cashouts, on top of our 1 week rule.
Cashouts with creditcards will take up to 3 weeks.
The creditcards open us up to a lot of possibilities like combined wallets, payment processors and even the creation of bank accounts! (More about that later)
Currently we're improving on Paidverts.
There's no debt being added, the campaigns are being delivered in time (After we slightly changed our policy), we lifted up the deposit limits, more people are buying ad packs, the ad issues are becoming bigger and we got Paypal re-enabled.
Soon we're starting to buy up shares again/invest in the FTQ and also we can improve the value per ad (As we won't have the big bulk of impressions to deliver)
We're temporarily giving you 50 chances on our click grid/day.
This will decrease once we get through these large amounts of impressions.
Paidverts will be great again! smile
We'll invest 7k in the ftq before the end of the week so the shareholders will have a minimal issue of dividends next monday.
Right now our games are making good profits, we had a 13k revenue-day yesterday and we're facing another good result today.
Limiting cashouts:
We've temporarily reduced our STP and Bitcoin-cashout limits as we can't keep up with transfering our funds to those accounts.
Right now they're at $3000/week.
The new platform:
Slowly but surely we're gonna work towards our new platform.
Which will be a platform on which you can "sell"' your ideas, which we'll buy and you can still own a % of the profit.
I told the programmers to completely rewrite MTV's code from scratch and build the new platform on top of that new code.
As currently there are way too many bugs, unnecessary code, old code,code clogging up our servers(causing extra costs)
The new platform will also have a far better forum compared to the current one.
More info later on.. It will take a while to build and it won't be a good idea to explain everything in a single news-update.
Measures against market manipulation:
We're still thinking about different ways to prevent market manipulation, as a big shareholder can simply drop the price down a lot and buy back from the smaller shareholders that panic by the sudden drop.
So far some sort of time-lock seems the best option/least number of negative effects.
This would make sure that people can't just put their shares for sale in a big block and immediately remove.
It would stay on the market for at least a few hours.
Or if you decide to remove it sooner, you pay a little fee.
That's the best idea we got so far.
Ref-com on deposits above $100:
Can be any day now when one of the polish programmers has the time to start building it.
It awards 0.5% ref-com to the upline if the referral deposits at least $100 (This offer is only valid when adding to a balance, not for ad pack purchases)
The 0.5% ref-com will deduct from the cashier revenues.
Trip to Spain:
Next week (probably) I will leave to Spain to work/get up to date of the current legality issues with Carlos.
I'll stay there for a longer period of time (At least a month) to try and make some serious progress.
I'll also try to get some pictures of the office and Carlos there.. I believe that will give another boost of trust! wink
Last but certainly not least an explanation of our upcoming project, Paidverts Targeted Ads.
So.. Targeted Ads..
I'm very very excited about what we came up with..
Initially we were planning to build some internal system that would give you slightly better advertising.
You would be able to choose an age/sex/country/traffic value and that would be it.
But we totally changed our idea and we decided to do this one HUGE!
We're gonna turn Paidverts in an "Advertising agency".
This won't change anything for the clickers or people buying ad packs, but to actual advertisers this is gonna be a huge difference.
We're gonna build a system that enables advertisers to display their ads everywhere in the world, as cost-efficient as possible, as targeted as you want.
We're gonna have at least 50 different filtering options, very precise geo-targeting and very competitive prices.
We'll be showing our advertising everywhere in the world on all kinds of websites, not just on Paidverts.
For example:
You want to sell a second hand car.
It's a car that's an old-timer, costs 50k and is typically a mens car.
You do not want to show your ads on a website that sells furniture or a website that has blogs about cooking.
You want to find people that are interested in old-timers, got some money (You focus on the wealthier countries) and you want to focus on men.
We'll build a system that's so precise that we can offer you all that and cheaper then the advertising Google offers.
Yes, that's right.. We're gonna try to compete to companies like Google, Yahoo and other big advertisers.
As all of you can understand, this is gonna be a huge and longterm project.
First we'll build an internal system that we'll be constantly tweaking to get something we like, and after that we're gonna build and make our first version of an external version.
I can't put an ETA on this project, but you need to think of at least a few years.. This is a billion dollar idea and we got something the other companies don't have:
Free marketing of our product through our crowd. This will give us an edge to offer competitive prices.
The possibilities are huge with such a project, and if we nail it you're all gonna be filthy rich when you're a shareholder!
23 Jul 2015 09:05 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 05.01. 2012, 11:57 Prispevkov: 344
To da se vrača PayPal je vsekakor ena boljših novic v zadnjem času. 
_________________ *
* * *  |
23 Jul 2015 10:17 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 29.12. 2009, 12:40 Prispevkov: 216 Kraj: Celje |
23 Jul 2015 10:40 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 24.05. 2014, 10:58 Prispevkov: 263
PayPal je trenutno le deloma nazaj, drugače pa si ves čas ko so bile težave iz plačevali tako kot je potrebno...
23 Jul 2015 12:33 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 05.01. 2012, 11:57 Prispevkov: 344
Delnice pa še kar ne bodo šle gor.... |
Saj ni treba, da tečaj raste. Meni je dovolj vsaj 5% dnevno nihanje tečaja. Prodaš, ko vidiš da začne tečaj rahlo padati in kupuješ v začetni fazi rasti. Jaz na ta način zaslužim več kot s klikanjem oglasov na PaidVertsu.
Če imaš pravo strategijo in nisi požrešen, se da lepo zaslužiti tudi z igrama 9 out of 10 in Coin Flip Game.
_________________ *
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24 Jul 2015 11:23 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
@Hidojnat in kakšno je število delnic s katerimi manipoliraš v teh nihanjih?
Po moje neko malo število ne pride v poštev ker so potem stroški večji...
Imaš prav, da z kliki pa zadnje čase ni ravno nekega zaslužka ... vse kar je ... je veliko število klikov
bo potrebno ubrati drugačno tehniko
27 Jul 2015 19:06 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
Res je tale zadeva ratala obup! To leti tud na Andraža! Včeraj sem imel nastavljeno na 0.5c in sem poklikal kakih 230 oglasov! Danes sem imel dopoldne opravke in sem ob 5h zjutraj poklikal 25 oglasov, nastavil filter na 2c in jih imam sedaj spet čez 80..............ne verjamem da bo kateri nov član klikal 200 oglasov za 0.0005c, ker v bistvu tukaj, je klikanje ki se šteje 1c, vredno 0.0025c, ko odšeteješ vse fee, da ne govorim o vseh vsakodnevnih bombah, če bi bili oglasi vsaj razporejeni vsakodnevno ob istem času, tako je pa "zanalašč narejeno" , da dosti ljudi ne more poklikat tega in je na izgubi. O dolgoročnih planih na ta račun pač lahko govorijo...... Samo upam, da ko bomo norci vse poklikal, da ne bo spet en swap!? 
_________________ Namanj 100$ mesečno brez internetne strani
Zaslužite z slovenskimi anketami
Poceni in zanimivo
Zastonj stvari |
28 Jul 2015 17:24 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 07.02. 2009, 22:24 Prispevkov: 442
1 cent = 0.0095$ btw sicer pa daš filter višje pa je..če se ti ne da klikat teh nižjih..
28 Jul 2015 20:00 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 09.07. 2006, 12:12 Prispevkov: 3507
29 Jul 2015 16:08 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 24.05. 2014, 10:58 Prispevkov: 263
no drugače pa redno izplačujejo tako kot je treba tu zaenkrat ni težav 
29 Jul 2015 18:44 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 05.01. 2012, 11:57 Prispevkov: 344
@Hidojnat in kakšno je število delnic s katerimi manipoliraš v teh nihanjih?
Po moje neko malo število ne pride v poštev ker so potem stroški večji...
Imaš prav, da z kliki pa zadnje čase ni ravno nekega zaslužka ... vse kar je ... je veliko število klikov
bo potrebno ubrati drugačno tehniko
Lp |
Vsak dan trgujem s 7000 do 12000 delnicami, tako da dnevno dobim vsaj 150 novih delnic. To je vsaj 4500 delnic na mesec. Na ta način mi je nekajkrat uspelo pridobiti tudi več kot 1000 delnic dnevno. Seveda pa se mi je kdaj naredilo, da sem moral delnice dejansko prodati za izgubo, ker sem zajahal medveda.
Danes so na MTV že drugi teden zapored izplačali dividende, tako da stvari gredo na bolje.
_________________ *
* * *  |
03 Avg 2015 18:23 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 08.02. 2012, 17:08 Prispevkov: 16
začel sem delati na paidverts, pa me nekaj zanima Zakaj izginjajo BAPi? in pa še to.. moram imeti dovolj BAPov da se mi pojavi opcija "shares" da lahko na MTV vložim da pridobim tistih 186% ali 250% ?
_________________ raacman  |
04 Avg 2015 15:39 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
danes na PV od vsega najbolj hitro dela ... Close window ...
15 Avg 2015 22:37 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 22.04. 2012, 14:00 Prispevkov: 53 Kraj: Hoče - MB |
30 Avg 2015 15:51 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
tudi pri meni jih ni ...
30 Avg 2015 21:08 |
Iskalec zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 22.04. 2012, 14:00 Prispevkov: 53 Kraj: Hoče - MB |
31 Avg 2015 07:57 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu