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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
Wenyard/NASGO |
10 Feb 2014 21:18 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
Ponujam Vam zelo dobro priložnost za dober zaslužek.
Wenyard premaga vse druge posle, ki ste jih kadarkoli spoznali.
Izplačila v realnem času
Privlači največje voditelje
Izredno enostaven, kar omogoča članom hiter začetek in hiter zaslužek
Najboljši in največji bonusi, nagrade in promocije
Posel, ki ga lahko delate praktično kjerkoli – doma, v službi, v avtu, na vlaku, ...
Spletna platforma z najboljšim programjem, ki deluje v realnem času
Najboljši kompenzacijski načrt v industriji
Zdaj je pravi čas, da se pridružite.
Zato ker so uradno štartali 13.1.2014 in zdaj še bodo dodajali nova podjetja. Zato je to zdaj izjemna priložnost, ko še delnice rastejo ker potem se bodo dogajala nihanja tako kot na pravi borzi!
Izjemna promocija do 12.2.2014 (takšne promocije ne bo več):
za Broker paket za 95€ dobite 100€ v delnicah
za Pro Broker paket 295€ dobite za 375€ v delnicah in
za Executive Broker paket za 795€ dobite za 2400€ v delnicah.
Če pa kdo želi pa lahko dobi tudi Slovensko prezentacijo!
10 Feb 2014 21:19 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
10 Feb 2014 21:19 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
10 Feb 2014 21:20 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
10 Feb 2014 21:20 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
Zanimiv bonus je Oneliner Bonus
10 Feb 2014 22:22 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
Pridružil ob 20:07 in ob 21.40 dosegel pri bonusu Oneliner Bonus 1 stopnjo.
To pomeni, da se je v roku malo več kot 1 ure prijavilo 250 novih ljudi!
10 Feb 2014 22:51 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
Pa če potrdite svojo telefonsko številko dobite 50€ katere vložite v delnice in je izkupiček večji
10 Feb 2014 22:54 |
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Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 30.08. 2006, 16:21 Prispevkov: 3746
10 Feb 2014 23:30 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
Riziko je res.
So pa uradno zagnali stvar 13.1.2014
10 Feb 2014 23:53 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
11 Feb 2014 12:43 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
bajker25 je rekel da je že nasičen
Jaz pa menim, da ni ker pri bonusu Oneliner Bonus 1300 ljudi, ki so se na novo registrirali. To pomeni, da še ljudje se vedno pridružujejo in se bodo!
11 Feb 2014 13:10 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
11 Feb 2014 21:05 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
En dan pridružen in imam v Oneliner Bonus 2779 ljudi pod sabo![/url]
11 Feb 2014 23:56 |
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Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
sem že v tem programu en čas, in sem kupil kar nekaj delnic, ko so ble še čisto poceni. Sponzor mi je kupil včlanitev. Čeprav so izplačila že možna, dokaza ni nikjer nobenega, problem je da pobirajo edino bank transfer, towah in kreditne kartice, kar mi sploh ni všeč.
Glede na to, ko vidim koliko ljudi se registrira, bi rekel da jih šopa random generator, ki samo meče ljudi not. (tudi glede na imena ki jih izbira)
moje osebno mnenje je, da je vseskupaj nateg, čeprav nekdo bo sigurno zaslužil. tak donos, kakršen je, je možen samo če se toliko ljudi registrira, kolikor se. (v kar jaz malo dvomim)
ajde, tam za 50 za reskirat je, ker če se ne bo sfižilo, se potegne iz teh 50 desetkrat več.
to je ze up nekje od novembra, prelaunch se je zacel 13 januarja, 13 feb. bo pa launch in takrat se bo dalo se z WFO-ji kupiti nove delnice.
12 Feb 2014 03:33 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
Če bi malo pogledal bi videl da je polno video na temo wenyard.
Vsak pa se sam odloči ali verjame mojim besedam. Pa jaz bi bil tudi srečen če bi mi sponzor kupil članstvo!
Tak, da sami se vsi ostali odločite komu verjamete.
Pa z tega forum še nimam nobenega člana jih pa imam kar nekaj iz drugih držav!
12 Feb 2014 08:01 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
12 Feb 2014 16:51 |
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Čuvaj Zaklada
Pridružen/-a: 10.05. 2011, 11:45 Prispevkov: 600
danes se odpre nasgo trgovanje za WFOje.. bomo videli kako se bo izteklo.
12 Feb 2014 17:19 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
About the Phase1 period
Dear Wenyard member,
We have been through a fantastic launch phase 1 of our unique NASGO stock market game.
The launch was a perfect test for our new IT platform and server park. The load on the servers in the minutes and hours after the launch was enormous and we experienced a problem free launch.
Some members have chosen to sell their NASGO shares cheaper than the price level we saw before the trading opened. That is their choice and it opens up opportunities for the buyers who then have a higher upside on their purchases.
Sustainability is key
As we now move forwards with phase 1, the company will focus on making responsible rules and game management. There is one word that is more important to the management than anything else: SUSTAINABILITY.
To make sure we get a sustainable company, we will focus on the elements that needs to be in place. The company will have a close focus on compliance, on members presentation of the opportunity and the other important issues that we know will be important factors for success.
"Some members have chosen to sell their NASGO shares cheaper than the price level we saw before the trading opened. That is their choice and it opens up opportunities for the buyers who then have a higher upside on their purchases."
Building the best financial games platform in the world
Phase 1 is going to last 3 months from the commencing of the Nasgo trading. During this time, the management will focus in the first stage on all the new members and those who are new to the game to make sure they get the best possible experience.
The pioneers who has built a portfolio of shares during the pre-launch and soft-launch periods will be eased into the game by opening for trading of their shares in increments. As the games matures, the implementation of these shares into the game will increase.
It is of upmost importance that the pioneer members act in the same way as new members and actively contribute to the trading, and thus bringing value to the game.
Some of the prelaunch and soft launch members may think that the management is too careful during this stage, but the focus of the management is solely to ensure a sustainable company for everyone.
We want to thank all the thousands of members who have joined already. We welcome the thousands who have joined after the NASGO trading was opened. We welcome the hundreds of thousands who yet have not joined this new game. Together we will make Wenyard the best financial games platform in the world!
As a network leader you can't both make a lot of money in Wenyard and then sell a lot of shares in NASGO. Let the average members play the NASGO game and make some good money in the game. Then they will promote this to their friends and then the network leaders make even more money in Wenyard.
15 Feb 2014 18:09 |
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Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 23.11. 2013, 18:14 Prispevkov: 144
Breaking News 16.2.2014:
Edoro and Alliance Horizon - Auto purchaces tonight
Tonight, at 23:00 CET, all members who owns WFO’s will get the full WFO value transferred to their Mandatory Account, in order to be auto-purchased in the two NASGO companies that are up for listing - Edoro (50%) and Alliance Horizon (50%) - at a price of €0.15.
All WFO’s earned after today will be placed in equal parts in the other 6 upcoming companies. These companies will be listed on NASGO during the 6 coming months.
16 Feb 2014 22:28 |
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