Avtor |
Sporočilo |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Extra Income - SCAM! |
EXTRA INCOME LTD is a financial investment company. We understand what our investors want today and needs tomorrow. After serious analyzes of investment markets, we decided to make a special program. We decided to start investing money in IT industry, which is fast-growing and high-profitable, so it is impossible for us, to be a bankrupt. We didn't invent something completely new on market, we are just using current market situation.
Basic Plan
120% After 5 Days
Medium Plan
145% After 10 Days
Premium Plan
170% After 15 Days
Sprejema: PM, LR, AP, STP
Nazadnje urejal/a krasek 26 Apr 2011 11:37; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
17 Feb 2011 17:42 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Plačilo v sekundi...
Date: February 21, 2011 4:49:29 PM
Amount Sent: $1.00 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com
21 Feb 2011 23:53 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Še od drugega "Deposit-a"
Date: February 24, 2011 7:24:30 AM
Amount Sent: $1.60 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com
24 Feb 2011 19:23 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Zopet mimo, izplačilo v sekundi...
Date: February 26, 2011 4:50:50 PM
Amount Sent: $1.00 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com
26 Feb 2011 23:51 |
Mladi Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 06.02. 2011, 11:03 Prispevkov: 42
Zopet mimo, izplačilo v sekundi...
Date: February 26, 2011 4:50:50 PM
Amount Sent: $1.00 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com |
_________________ Keep Walking... |
27 Feb 2011 12:09 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Date: March 03, 2011 6:10:00 PM
Amount Sent: $1.50 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com
SAm še nisem čez 100 ROI, to pa predvsem zato ker vlagam v kratke roke in malo...
04 Mar 2011 01:34 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Date: March 06, 2011 8:10:48 AM
Amount Sent: $1.52 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com
10 reinvestiral, teh 1,5 pa dvignil...
06 Mar 2011 15:25 |
Upokojeni Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 29.07. 2006, 10:07 Prispevkov: 1266 Kraj: MB |
SAm še nisem čez 100 ROI, to pa predvsem zato ker vlagam v kratke roke in malo... |
in kaj bi bilo če bi šel čez 100?
če vložiš $5 v kolikem času si lahko nakažeš in koliko?
08 Mar 2011 10:22 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Nič nebi bilo... Samo dlje traja če vlagaš po malo pa za 5 dni... Sicer sm pa že preko 100%, tako da super 
08 Mar 2011 13:09 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Date: March 09, 2011 1:20:16 AM
Amount Sent: $6.00 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com
Instant kot vedno...
09 Mar 2011 10:03 |
Čuvaj Zaklada

Pridružen/-a: 15.01. 2007, 20:32 Prispevkov: 568
Ej k teb tu vsak dan pršteva na balanco $...Zatu ker sm jst vložu 200$, pa mam na računu 0$ po 2 dneh ?
09 Mar 2011 14:18 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Ne ne sešteva balance vsak dan, le po koncu...
Tukaj zopet instant:
Date: March 11, 2011 10:10:56 AM
Amount Sent: $12.00 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com
11 Mar 2011 17:12 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Date: March 12, 2011 4:54:42 PM
Amount Sent: $32.70 USD
Sender Name: Extra Income
Sender Email: adm.exincome@gmail.com
Reference Number: ***
Message: Withdraw to krasek from www.exincome.com
Reinvested 15$
13 Mar 2011 00:11 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 16.01. 2008, 23:47 Prispevkov: 807 Kraj: Pesnica@MB |
Izplačilo je bilo instant!

_________________ "Life's too short to throw it all away" |
16 Mar 2011 22:29 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 14.07. 2008, 20:28 Prispevkov: 349
Sem vložil notri 5€ pa me zanima neki. A ti to po petih dneh nakazejo na AP al vsak dan 
17 Mar 2011 01:15 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Sem vložil notri 5€ pa me zanima neki. A ti to po petih dneh nakazejo na AP al vsak dan  |
po 5 dneh si moreš sam nakazat...
17 Mar 2011 11:12 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 16.01. 2008, 23:47 Prispevkov: 807 Kraj: Pesnica@MB |
moje drugo instant izplačilo

_________________ "Life's too short to throw it all away" |
27 Mar 2011 19:42 |
Administrator foruma

Pridružen/-a: 16.01. 2008, 23:47 Prispevkov: 807 Kraj: Pesnica@MB |
tretji instant, po treh tednih sem prišla na 0, zdaj še samo plus

_________________ "Life's too short to throw it all away" |
01 Apr 2011 23:36 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov
Pridružen/-a: 03.04. 2010, 15:39 Prispevkov: 121
Upam, da bo vzdržal čim dlje. Namreč sam vlagam malo a sem že skoraj na +!Vlagam 5$ ali 10$ več pa ne upam saj nikoli ne veš kdaj stran propade!
Iz malega zraste veliko!
03 Apr 2011 10:30 |
Izkušeni Iskalec Zakladov

Pridružen/-a: 02.06. 2010, 10:05 Prispevkov: 316
Dear Members,
It has been exactly 120 days now, or 4 months, since we have begun our online journey. That is really an amazing feat to have achieved, especially in this industry. ExtraIncome has been growing strongly, and at a very swift pace all these time, and we have proved ourselves to be the best in this industry. No other program has ever come close to us, and they never can, because ExtraIncome is different, and so are we special. Our members have been a huge support for us, all along the way, and you are the reason why we have reached this exact position where we are at now. I have no words to express my happiness and excitement.
During the past 4 months of journey, ExtraIncome has proved itself to be the most trustworthy and risk free online investment opportunity. Many programs have come and gone during the past 4 months, and we are well aware that many of you have lost in those programs. But ExtraIncome is still here, and we will always be here for our members. That is what makes us different, and so special. When other program work to make money for themselves, we here work to make money for our members. That is what exactly our name implies – we are you extra income earner. We are doing our level best in providing quality service for our members, and we have proved it all throughout the journey.
The growth of ExtraIncome has been stupendous all along. ExtraIncome has managed to conquer the hearts of 11,600 online investors. Yes! Our membership database has grown to 11,300 members, and as I write this, the count is increasing at a rapid pace. Daily member registrations have soared to 300 to 400, which is even increasing day by day. Deposits are sky-rocketing. The Alexa traffic rank of ExtraIncome has reached 13,761, and it will not take us long to be ranked among the top 10,000 websites around the world. Please take a look at our Alexa stats here,[ http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/exincome.com#trafficstats ], and witness the mind-boggling growth of the great ExtraIncome. Those stats just proves how strong we are, and how much more stronger we are growing every single day.
The fame and reputation of ExtraIncome is rising day by day. Most of you already know that ExtraIncome is the top and most preferred program in this industry. Our members have been investing and re-investing all the time, because they know that there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of at ExtraIncome. Our highly sophisticated instant withdrawal system allows members to withdraw their earnings instantly. Yes, that is right! You get paid within a matter of a millisecond after you submit your withdrawal request. Sounds brilliant, isn’t it? Well then, come experience the feeling to get paid instantly, if you have not yet.
But we are not going to stop it just there. We have a lot of plans to develop our program to meet the highest possible needs of our members, because our members are whom we work for. You are our employers, and we are your employee. It is your necessities that we strive to put into effect. We will be increasing our advertising campaign in the coming days, and we will also be implementing the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) feature for our website, to step up the safety of the transactions being made, to a higher level.
We have many more developments coming in our way, like a Live Chat, different language integrations, and many others, and all those will be done gradually. Together, we will re-write the history of high yield investment programs. When the other programs become a history, we will still be here, and our members will still be earnings a lot of money from us.
We are going to be your extra income earner for all your life throughout, because we are not going anywhere anytime. We are paying thousands of dollars every single day, and we intend to be in business for many years providing the same quality service for our members. As we have said before, visit us after 3 months; visit us after 6 months; or give us a visit after 1 year; we will still be here serving our members to the best of our abilities.
We invite all those members who have not joined our official forum (http://www.board.exincome.com) yet, to join our offical forum, and be a part of the huge ExtraIncome community. Witness with your own eyes the huge payments we are paying out every day in the Payment Proofs section. You can see amazing payment proofs of over $3500 in our official forum. Moreover, you can meet new members, make new friends, get your doubts cleared in the least possible time, post your payment proofs, introduce yourself to the family of ExtraIncome, and do much more. All our members and moderators are of great help to each other, and that is exactly the reason for the huge success of ExtraIncome.
The management of ExtraIncome wishes all its members, a prosperous money making stay with us. Make your dreams come true with the extraordinary ExtraIncome. |
06 Apr 2011 12:47 |
Ne, ne moreš dodajati novih tem v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš odgovarjati na teme v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš urejati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne, ne moreš brisati svojih prispevkov v tem forumu Ne ne moreš glasovati v anketi v tem forumu